Top 7 Must-Watch Horror Films on Shudder in November 2023

Top 7 Must-Watch Horror Films on Shudder in November 2023

Discover a chilling selection of horror films on Shudder in November 2023 Unleash your fear with thrilling titles like Anna and the Apocalypse, Birth/Rebirth, I Am Not A Serial Killer, Mastemah, Berberian Sound Studio, The Wretched, and Pontypool

Although October, the glorious month, has concluded, Shudder remains a haven for fervent horror film enthusiasts. Apart from the timeless "non-traditional" Christmas movies like Krampus, Violent Night, and the widely disputed Die Hard that demand a yearly rewatch post-Halloween, Shudder continuously adds a multitude of pure horror films unrelated to the holiday season to its collection. This article aims to assist you in discovering your next haunting experience in the realm of horror cinema!

Anna and the Apocalypse (2017)

Available on: November 1

Director: John McPhail | Runtime: 98 minutes | Sub-Genres: Zombie, Comedy, Musical

Cast: Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming, Sarah Swire, Paul Kaye

Look no further for a Christmas-themed horror movie than Anna and the Apocalypse! Set in Scotland, this film follows a group of teenagers who must battle zombies and sing to save their lives after a zombie outbreak. With an all-star cast including Ella Hunt, Malcolm Cumming, Sarah Swire, and Paul Kaye, this unique blend of musical and zombie comedy delivers a fun and festive viewing experience. If you're in the mood for a lighter post-Halloween film, Anna and the Apocalypse is the perfect choice!

Birth/Rebirth (2023)

Available on: November 10

Director: Laura Moss | Runtime: 98 minutes | Sub-Genres: Psychological Thriller, Sci-Fi

In this Shudder exclusive, inspired by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a modern-day retelling of the chilling story of reincarnation unfolds. Marin Ireland (known for her role in Justified: City Primeval) portrays the character of Dr. Rose Casper, a reclusive hospital pathologist who stumbles upon an unexpected turn of events when the lifeless body of Celie Morales' 5-year-old daughter ends up on her autopsy table. As a single mother and nurse in the hospital's maternity ward, Morales, played by Judy Reyes, becomes suspicious of Casper after her daughter's body mysteriously vanishes from the premises. Trusting her instincts, Morales follows Casper and makes a shocking discovery - her daughter has been successfully reincarnated, but not without complications. With the survival of her daughter at stake, Morales and Casper must rely on each other, forging an unlikely partnership to ensure the young girl's well-being and prevent history from repeating itself.

I Am Not A Serial Killer (2016)

Available on: November 6

Director: Billy O’Brien | Runtime: 103 minutes | Sub-Genres: Supernatural, Psychological

Cast: Christopher Lloyd, Max Records, Laura Fraser, Tim Russell, Karl Geary

Based on the bestselling novel by Dan Wells, I Am Not A Serial Killer is set in a small midwestern town and follows the troubled teenage boy, John Cleaver (Max Records). John, who has been diagnosed as a sociopath with homicidal tendencies, strives to control his impulses through a strict rule system that he discusses with his therapist, Grant (Karl Geary), similar to the code followed by the character Dexter in the show of the same name.

One fateful night, John witnesses his neighbor, Bill Crowley (Christopher Lloyd), brutally killing a traveler. Shockingly, Crowley then proceeds to remove the victim's lungs and replace them with his own, leaving the original lungs to dissolve into an eerie black substance. With his interest piqued by this seemingly harmless elderly neighbor, John's fascination further deepens as he delves into the realms of mythology and mystical folklore. Spanning from Halloween to Christmas, this film offers the perfect transition for November movie enthusiasts.

Mastemah (2022)

Available on: November 6

Director: Didier D. Daarwin | Runtime: 100 minutes | Sub-Genres: Foreign, Possession

Cast: Camille Razat, Olivier Barthélémy, Tibo Vandenborre

Mastemah is a captivating French horror film set in a secluded countryside, featuring stunning visuals that evoke the eerie atmosphere found in movies like The Witch, Lamb, and The Nun. In a similar vein, religion plays a significant role in the terrifying elements of Mastemah. The story revolves around a young psychiatrist named Louise Wilmens (played by Camille Razat) as she delves into the mysterious and inexplicable behaviors of her new patient, Théo (portrayed by Olivier Barthélémy). Although the film and trailer are in French, if subtitles don't deter you, it's a fantastic choice for fans of possession and exorcism-style horror movies.

Berberian Sound Studio (2012)

Available on: November 13

Director: Peter Strickland | Runtime: 94 minutes | Sub-Genres: Drama, Thriller

Starring Toby Jones, Antonio Mancino, Guido Adorni, and Cosimo Fusco, this British psychological horror film offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of special effects and sound editing. Set in Italy, the story revolves around a British sound engineer named Toby Jones, who embarks on a film project at the prestigious Berberian Sound Studio. Initially a routine job, his experience takes a dark and unsettling turn as he discovers that the film's director, played by Cosimo Fusco, is producing an Italian giallo-style horror movie. As he witnesses the actresses being pushed to their limits, reminiscent of allegations made against directors Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick in films like "Psycho" and "The Shining," the protagonist becomes increasingly repulsed by his own involvement in the project and the horrifying outcome it is intended to create.

The Wretched (2019)

Available on: November 13

Directors: The Pierce Brothers | Runtime: 96 minutes | Sub-Genres: Supernatural, Mystery

Cast: John-Paul Howard, Piper Curda, Jamison Jones, Azie Tesfai, Zarah Mahler

After his parents separated and their divorce pending, 17-year-old Ben (John-Paul Howard) moves in with his father, Liam (Jamison Jones). He takes up a job at a local marina owned by his father and forms a friendship with Dillon (Blane Crockarell), the young son of their next-door neighbor Abbie (Zarah Mahler). One night, Ben witnesses a dark humanoid creature lurking around Dillon and Abbie's porch, but it vanishes when a spotlight is switched on. Alarmed for the safety of Dillon, his baby brother, and their mother, Ben decides to investigate the creature and its connection to peculiar markings on the surrounding trees and wooden surfaces. His discoveries reveal that Abbie has been possessed by an age-old forest witch and he must now strive to rescue her sons. Despite his troublesome behavior triggered by his parents' separation, Ben's father ignores his concerns, leaving him to face his heroic mission alone. Without further ado, continue reading.

Pontypool (2008)

Available on: November 20

Director: Bruce McDonald | Runtime: 96 minutes | Sub-Genres: Zombie, Suspense Thriller

Starring Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle, and Georgina Reilly, this Canadian thriller offers a fresh take on infectious zombie viruses. Instead of the usual methods of transmission, such as bites or airborne particles, the cause of infection in this story is something even more perilous. Grant Mazzy, a shock-jock radio host played by Stephen McHattie, finds himself trapped in his recording studio alongside his team. As they listen to reports of riots and extreme violence unfolding in nearby provinces, disturbing facts start to emerge. They discover that certain words in the English language have been contaminated by a rare virus. Simply hearing a specific word or phrase can now infect individuals. Luckily, Grant's assistant is able to interpret a French broadcast, confirming this alarming situation. However, with no knowledge of which words to avoid or which language to speak, Grant must devise a plan to escape his transformed studio, all while maintaining absolute silence.

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Editor's P/S

As a horror movie enthusiast, I am eagerly anticipating the release of the upcoming horror films on Shudder in November 2023. The lineup includes a diverse range of sub-genres, from zombie comedies to psychological thrillers, ensuring that there is something for every horror fan.

One film that I am particularly excited about is Anna and the Apocalypse. This Christmas-themed zombie musical promises to be a unique and entertaining blend of genres. The trailer showcases a group of teenagers battling zombies while singing and dancing, creating a fun and festive atmosphere. The cast, including Ella Hunt and Malcolm Cumming, looks talented, and I am eager to see how they bring the story to life.

Another film that has caught my attention is Birth/Rebirth, a Shudder exclusive inspired by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. This psychological thriller follows a hospital pathologist who stumbles upon a shocking discovery when the lifeless body of a young girl ends up on her autopsy table. The film explores themes of reincarnation and the consequences of tampering with life and death. The cast, led by Marin Ireland and Judy Reyes, looks promising, and I am eager to see how the story unfolds.