The Wheel of Time Unveils Season 3's Newest Villain: Exclusive Insights on the Enigmatic Forsaken
The Wheel of Time Season 3 introduces a new member of the Forsaken, Moghedien, who poses a grave threat to the Dragon Reborn Unveiling her origin, goals, and power level, this article explores the implications of her debut for the show's storyline
Warning: Spoilers for The Wheel of Time season 3
In The Wheel of Time season 3, Moghedien emerges as the primary antagonist. A member of the Forsaken, she possesses unparalleled prowess in manipulating and navigating the World of Dreams. Although her power level may be relatively lower compared to her counterparts, her exceptional expertise in Tel'aran'rhiod grants her a significant advantage in confrontations. She is notably formidable within the realm of dreams.
Moghedien's introduction in season 2 sets the stage for the havoc she will wreak in season 3, as she plots to manipulate the Dragon Reborn and gain control over him using the Domination Band. This makes her a formidable opponent for the main characters. The final scene in The Wheel of Time season 2 highlights the impending threat that Rand and his companions will confront when the series resumes. While they have faced numerous adversaries, Ishamael has been their greatest challenge throughout both seasons. However, it appears that the show will take a different direction following the events of season 2.
Moghedien’s Origin & Goals In The Wheel Of Time Explained
: Mistakenly believed to be the Dark One in the first season, Ishamael played a central role in the protagonists' challenges throughout the entire series. By manipulating individuals like Liandrin and Padan Fain, Ishamael strategically orchestrated the confrontation at Falme, aiming to win the support of the Dragon Reborn. However, his plans ultimately unraveled when Rand made it clear that he would never align himself with the forces of evil. Thanks to Moiraine's timely intervention, Rand succeeded in defeating Ishamael once and for all, even though this clash occurred before his demise as depicted in the books. It appears that Ishamael's death has created an opportunity for the introduction of a new antagonist in the series – Moghedien.During the Age of Legends in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, Moghedien, known as the Spider, was a deceitful Aes Sedai who joined the Shadow. She operated as a spy for the Shadow, infiltrating the forces of Lews Therin, also known as the Dragon. Moghedien accepted immortality from the Dark One and fought on his side as one of the 13 Forsaken during the War of Power in The Wheel of Time. Along with the other Forsaken, Moghedien was imprisoned for millennia until her eventual release within the timeline of the Wheel of Time books.
What Moghedien’s Power Level Is In Wheel Of Time
The character first appeared in The Shadow Rising, the fourth installment of the series. Drawing upon her background as a spy, Moghedien strategically employed disguises to evade direct confrontation with the Dragon Reborn and his allies. Utilizing the World of Dreams further aided her in maintaining a secure distance. Similar to Lanfear, Moghedien frequently visited Tel’aran’rhiod, during which she devised intricate schemes aimed at manipulating the Dragon Reborn while vigilantly monitoring the actions of other members of the Forsaken. Despite her allegiance to the Dark One, Moghedien harbored her own ambitions and remained on constant guard against rivals such as Lanfear and Liandrin, who posed threats to her objectives.
Although positioned as the primary antagonist in season 3 of The Wheel of Time, Moghedien is not a formidable presence in Robert Jordan's world. While she possesses strength in the One Power to be chosen as one of the Dark One's top underlings, it should be noted that her power level falls significantly below that of the Forsaken. The books establish Moghedien as the weakest member among the Forsaken, putting her on a similar level as Nynaeve—an individual stronger than all present-day Aes Sedai but weaker than the top-tier channelers like most of the Forsaken. Taking this into consideration, it is reasonable to expect that Moghedien could defeat someone like Moiraine, but would likely be overpowered by individuals like Rand or Lanfear.
Moghedien's primary Talent compensates for her lack of raw power. As previously mentioned, she displays great proficiency in navigating Tel'aran'rhiod. Being one of the Wheel of Time books' finest Dreamwalkers, Moghedien possesses an extensive understanding of its intricate workings. By manipulating this realm with exceptional skill, she consistently gains the upper hand against her adversaries, even if they surpass her in sheer power within the waking world. The World of Dreams has always been Moghedien's stronghold.
What The Wheel Of Time Show Has Already Revealed About Moghedien
Before her confrontation with the Dragon Reborn, The Wheel of Time has already given us a glimpse into what Moghedien has in store. Prior to Moghedien's introduction, Lanfear had some choice words about the Dark One's other generals. She referred to Graendal as a "vain idiot" and labeled Moghedien as "insane." Lanfear seemed to believe that the Forsaken, with the exception of herself and Ishamael, were incapable and unworthy, which may be why the Dark One hadn't awakened them earlier. However, based on Moghedien's appearance in the season 2 finale, it is evident that this new character is far more formidable than Lanfear had initially suggested. In fact, she is a force to be reckoned with.
Details within her scene suggest a faithful portrayal of the antagonist from the Wheel of Time series. Her exceptional prowess in overpowering Lanfear in the realm of dreams underscores Moghedien's reputation as a master manipulator of Tel'aran'rhiod, surpassing even the formidable Daughter of the Night. It is also noteworthy how Moghedien confronts Lanfear for derogatory remarks, labeling her as "weak" and "cautious." This highlights a parallel between Moghedien and her literary counterpart, showcasing her technical inferiority compared to other Forsaken and her preference for patience and avoiding direct confrontations with foes. These clues imply that Moghedien will rely on Tel'aran'rhiod and covert tactics to advance her schemes.
What Moghedien’s Debut Means For Wheel Of Time Season 3's Story
The show has immediately conveyed the significance of Moghedien's use of Tel'aran'rhiod in The Wheel of Time season 3. It is hinted that Moghedien, like her book counterpart, may have intentions towards the Dragon Reborn as she warns others to stay away from "him". Considering her previous attempt to control him using the Domination Band in the books, it is likely that the show's version of Moghedien will follow a similar path. This strategy aligns with her past actions and tactics, as gaining control over him would offer Moghedien a victory without direct confrontation.
Presumably, Moghedien won't be the only troublemaker, considering that Ishamael also released the other Forsaken. However, based on the tease in The Wheel of Time season 2 finale, it appears that Moghedien will be the immediate threat. In the books, her plans coincided with Nynaeve and Elayne's storyline initially, but it remains to be seen how the show will incorporate her into the narrative. Nevertheless, even without the power of Lanfear or Ishamael, Moghedien is sure to be a formidable adversary for the main characters. If additional Forsaken become involved, their struggles will only become more difficult.