The Watchmen Crossover: A Simpsons Character's Lowest Point Amplified

The Watchmen Crossover: A Simpsons Character's Lowest Point Amplified

Kirk Van Houten's misfortune reaches new depths in a Watchmen crossover artwork, highlighting his ongoing streak of bad luck Is he truly the unluckiest character in The Simpsons?

Article Overview

Artwork combines Kirk Van Houten's low point in The Simpsons with a dark twist inspired by Watchmen, adding a grim and gory element.

Kirk Van Houten is depicted as an unfortunate individual who has encountered multiple adversities such as joblessness, losing custody of his child, and being caught in various unfortunate events. The comic strip humorously emphasizes Kirk's bitter and beleaguered disposition, showcasing his hapless existence while simultaneously subjecting him to dark humor.

The artwork by Max Acosta, shared by Instagram meme account @bortposting, takes Kirk Van Houten's infamous low point in season 8 of The Simpsons and adds a grim Watchmen-inspired twist. Watchmen, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' celebrated 1986 comic book series, offers a dark deconstruction of the superhero genre, where former superheroes come together to uncover a conspiracy surrounding the death of a comrade. Voiced by Hank Azaria, Kirk, the often pitiful father of Milhouse (voiced by Pamela Hayden), first appeared in The Simpsons' season 3 episode titled "Bart's Friend Falls in Love."

Is Kirk Van Houten The Simpsons' Unluckiest Character?

In season 8's "A Milhouse Divided," the scene where Kirk gets fired from the cracker factory is intertwined with Rorscharch's final moments. In this version, Kirk transforms into a vigilante and his boss takes on the role of Doctor Manhattan. Using dialogue from the original episode, Kirk is ultimately let go from the cracker factory in a chilling and more graphic manner.

The Watchmen Crossover: A Simpsons Character's Lowest Point Amplified

Despite the abundance of underachievers in Springfield, Kirk has experienced an excessive amount of difficulties, even post-divorce from Luann (Maggie Roswell). In addition to being jobless and losing custody of Milhouse, he was compelled to relocate to an apartment complex with only a race car bed. Kirk endured a series of unfortunate employment opportunities that impeded his ability to provide. He also faced arrest, was wrongfully accused of kidnapping, and became the unfortunate target of numerous severe injuries in later seasons of The Simpsons.

In The Simpsons season 19, Kirk and Luann eventually reconcile, giving Milhouse the chance to have a complete family. Despite going through a challenging time stranded on a desert island together, they have managed to stay together. However, their relationship still faces difficulties. Despite these issues, it is clear that Kirk has made some personal growth and is trying to reclaim aspects of his previous life.

Kirk Van Houten is a character in The Simpsons who elicits both sympathy and amusement from viewers. Despite facing numerous hardships, he often vents his bitterness onto those around him. The comic mentioned above cleverly combines two contrasting worlds and serves as another darkly humorous way to poke fun at Kirk's misfortunes.

"A Milhouse Divided," "Little Orphan Millie," and other episodes of The Simpsons exploring Kirk's sad life can be found on Disney+.

Source: @bortposting/Instagram

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I find the Watchmen crossover artwork highlighting Kirk Van Houten's misfortune to be quite amusing. The combination of Kirk's ongoing streak of bad luck with the dark and gritty world of Watchmen creates a humorous and thought-provoking juxtaposition. It's clear that the artist, Max Acosta, has a deep understanding of both The Simpsons and Watchmen, and has used this knowledge to create a truly unique and entertaining piece of art.

Overall, I think this artwork is a great example of how pop culture can be used to create new and interesting works of art. It's also a testament to the enduring popularity of both The Simpsons and Watchmen, which continue to inspire and entertain fans around the world. I would love to see more artwork like this in the future, as it's a great way to combine two different worlds and create something truly special.