The Walking Dead’s Erik Jensen Battles Stage 4 Cancer Following Survival of Brain Aneurysm

The Walking Dead’s Erik Jensen Battles Stage 4 Cancer Following Survival of Brain Aneurysm

'The Walking Dead' actor Erik Jensen, who triumphed over a brain aneurysm in 2022, now faces a new battle as he bravely fights stage 4 colorectal cancer in season 5

The Walking Dead’s Erik Jensen Battles Stage 4 Cancer Following Survival of Brain Aneurysm

Courtesy of Erik Jensen/Instagram

The Walking Dead star Erik Jensen is fighting for his life after being diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

The actor, aged 53, is battling stage 4 cancer, as stated on a GoFundMe page set up by his wife, Jessica Blank. Stage 4 signifies an advanced stage of the disease, with spread to various parts of his body. This diagnosis comes after Jensen successfully recovered from a brain aneurysm earlier this year.

Jensen is recognized for his role as Dr. Steven Edwards in season 5 of The Walking Dead, and has also appeared in notable productions such as The Equalizer, The Blacklist, and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Although the cancer has reached his liver, his supporters have a hopeful outlook on his future.

"Erik, a young and resilient individual, defies the odds by tirelessly working as a film editor despite undergoing chemotherapy. Moreover, he effortlessly juggles his responsibilities as a director and writer. Encouragingly, Erik's doctors maintain hope that the tumors can be significantly reduced, allowing for two critical surgeries to completely eradicate them. This arduous battle lies ahead for Erik and his devoted family, prompting the urgent need for your support. Married for an impressive 23 years, Jensen and Blank are pictured alongside their 13-year-old daughter, Sadie, on the GoFundMe page."

The couple has frequently collaborated in their career. In 2017, Jensen and his wife jointly directed the film "Almost Home," which was adapted from her novel of the same title. Additionally, two plays they co-wrote, namely "Coal Country" and "The Line," had their debut at The Public Theater in New York City in 2020.

The objective of the GoFundMe account is to raise $300,000 to support various expenses such as battling Jensen's cancer, securing their residence, and ensuring some level of stability for Sadie.

The members of The Walking Dead cast and crew are providing strong support for their fellow colleague.

Scott Gimple, the franchise's chief content officer, shared a link to the fundraiser on Tuesday, October 23, via X (previously known as Twitter). He stated, "One of our own from TWD is in need of support. Erik Jensen, who portrayed Dr. Steven Edwards in Season 5, has recently been diagnosed with cancer. This is a challenging and uncertain time for him and his family. If you would like to show your support, please consider contributing."

Series actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan, known for his role as Negan, shared a heartfelt message on X on October 23rd. He expressed his excitement about finally collaborating with Erik, whom he had heard wonderful things about. Additionally, he emphasized that Erik and his family are in need of assistance, of any kind.

The Walking Dead’s Erik Jensen Battles Stage 4 Cancer Following Survival of Brain Aneurysm

Erik Jensen, known for his role in "The Walking Dead" on YouTube, is in need of support for his recovery. He has a loving family and a lot of important work to contribute to the world. His wife, Jess, is fully committed to taking care of him while also being an artist and a mom. She is doing an outstanding job in coordinating his care team at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Although Erik can overcome this challenge, they cannot do it alone. Any support given would be greatly appreciated.