The Walking Dead Takes Another Dive with Back-to-Back Shark-Jumping Episodes

The Walking Dead Takes Another Dive with Back-to-Back Shark-Jumping Episodes

Fear the Walking Dead: A Repetitive Twist? Charlie's survival raises eyebrows as the show falls into a pattern of death retcons Exploring the aftermath of her survival, this article delves into the implications of her character's resilience, culminating in a shocking ending in Season 8, Episode 8

This article contains spoilers for Fear the Walking Dead season 8.


Content of Fear the Walking Dead season 8, including the return of deceased characters Troy and Charlie, portrays an unrealistic element, leading to doubts about the credibility of such resurrections. The show has a track record of contradicting character deaths, as seen with Madison and Daniel's unexpected comebacks, which can provoke either shock or a dismissive reaction from the audience.

Despite Charlie's previous brush with death from radiation poisoning, she remarkably survives thanks to PADRE's radiotherapy treatment. However, her return is short-lived as she selflessly sacrifices herself in the same episode, rendering her resurrection appear meaningless.

The plot twist in Fear the Walking Dead season 8, episode 7, revealing that Troy had never truly perished in season 3, was mind-blowing. However, as the series employs the same tactic with terminally ill Charlie just one episode later, it begins to make the show seem implausible, especially considering this isn't the first instance of characters being brought back from the dead. The latest episode of Fear the Walking Dead, titled "Iron Tiger," is the eighth in the season. In this installment, Madison and the survivors embark on a quest for fuel, only to encounter yet another unforeseen reunion with Charlie.

Because Fear the Walking Dead is concluding, it is somewhat logical for the show to reintroduce a few of its past characters. Season 8, in particular, has witnessed the return of several characters who should have been deceased long ago. Nevertheless, Fear the Walking Dead has managed to give the appearance of death while not providing concrete proof, thus making these resurrections technically feasible. Whether these resurrections enhance the quality of the show is a separate matter, especially when the series jumps the shark two episodes consecutively.

Walking Dead's Charlie Survival Jumps The Shark (After Troy 1 Episode Prior)

The Walking Dead Takes Another Dive with Back-to-Back Shark-Jumping Episodes

In the eighth episode of Fear the Walking Dead season 8, the character Charlie makes a surprising return. Despite being presumed dead due to radiation poisoning, her reappearance comes as a relief. However, it is quite unbelievable that she managed to survive. This disbelief is further amplified by the fact that the previous episode, episode 7 of season 8, resurrected another deceased character named Troy. In essence, Fear the Walking Dead brought back two characters who were clearly deceased, consecutively in the following episodes. Frankly, it is questionable whether either of them should have survived, regardless of their significance to the conclusion of Fear the Walking Dead season 8.

Fear The Walking Dead's Long History Of Death Retcons Explained

Troy's survival was implausible given the inevitable circumstances of his death. Although his final moments were not depicted on the show, he endured a severe blow to the head, a highly fatal injury that often leads to other lethal complications. Charlie faced a similar fate. By the end of season 7, she had succumbed to radiation poisoning. In season 8, Daniel divulges that Charlie's health deteriorated significantly during their last encounter, and considering the seven-year gap between the seasons, it is highly unlikely that someone who fell ill seven years ago would still be alive in the present day. Thus, both Troy and Charlie's returns to Fear the Walking Dead defy realism.

The Walking Dead Takes Another Dive with Back-to-Back Shark-Jumping Episodes

Truthfully, Fear the Walking Dead has a tendency to backtrack on character deaths. The series often keeps the possibility of their return open. One notable example of this is Madison. She guided Fear the Walking Dead from the first season to the fourth, only to perish at the hands of a horde of walkers on fire. However, astonishingly enough, Madison resurfaced in the seventh season, miraculously alive. By some means, she managed to evade both the zombies and the blazing inferno, allowing her to reclaim her role as the show's main protagonist. Although it did benefit the series, Madison's resurrection in Fear the Walking Dead wasn't the most plausible turn of events.

Another instance involves Daniel. During season 3, Daniel experiences a mental breakdown, causing him to ignite the basement where he is present. The series concludes with Daniel surrounded by the engulfing flames, seemingly trapped with no possibility of escape. Throughout season 4, his demise is presumed. However, surprisingly, in season 5, Daniel reappears mostly unharmed and prepared for further battles. The reasoning behind Fear the Walking Dead's tendency to tease such character fatalities, particularly over multiple seasons, remains uncertain. Yet, it is a daring undertaking that occasionally astonishes viewers while at other times eliciting a roll of the eyes.

How Charlie Didn't Die After Fear The Walking Dead Season 7's Ending

The Walking Dead Takes Another Dive with Back-to-Back Shark-Jumping Episodes

Despite the fact that Charlie's previous appearance on Fear the Walking Dead depicted her on the verge of death from radiation poisoning, she miraculously survived. As revealed in Fear the Walking Dead season 8, episode 8, PADRE was able to cure Charlie. Specifically, she underwent Bluejay's radiotherapy treatment under PADRE's care. Due to the uncertainty surrounding the success of these treatments, Charlie was not sent to the island with the other children. Instead, PADRE assigned her to another role. However, the treatments proved to be remarkably effective, enabling Charlie to defy her previous death sentence and live for the following seven years.

What Charlie Has Been Doing Since Surviving FTWD Season 7

The Walking Dead Takes Another Dive with Back-to-Back Shark-Jumping Episodes

Since PADRE refused to include her among the other children on the island, Charlie was assigned a different role. This ultimately led to her working alongside Luciana in the production of fuel for PADRE. When Charlie makes her debut in season 8, she is operating as a tanker truck driver and living under the pseudonym Iron Tiger. In addition to her occupation, Charlie has spent the past seven years engulfed in sorrow. She confesses that the act of killing Nick left her overwhelmed with guilt and motivated her to become a better individual. Despite being aware of PADRE's manipulation, she does her utmost to atone for her actions.

FTWD Season 8, Episode 8's Ending Makes Charlie's Survival Worse

The Walking Dead Takes Another Dive with Back-to-Back Shark-Jumping Episodes

Charlie's survival in Fear the Walking Dead ultimately proves to be a devastating turn of events. Despite miraculously escaping death, her return in season 8, episode 8 abruptly comes to an end as she meets her demise. Once captured by Troy, Charlie learns that Madison has forgiven her and is willing to disclose the location of PADRE in exchange for Charlie's safety. However, Charlie refuses this sacrifice and decides to sacrifice herself for Madison instead. Breaking free from Troy's restraints, she takes her own life.

The fact that Charlie dies in the same episode she reappears renders her revival somewhat pointless. While it effectively explores the theme of second chances, it feels futile to bring back a character who was on the brink of death only to have her die again for real. The emotional turmoil portrayed throughout the episode appears to be in vain. Nevertheless, Charlie serves as the second instance in season 8 of Fear the Walking Dead where deceased characters are brought back for a greater, and undoubtedly perilous, purpose.

Editor's P/S

As a passionate fan of "Fear the Walking Dead", I have mixed feelings about the recent back-to-back shark-jumping episodes. On the one hand, I appreciate the show's willingness to take risks and surprise its audience. The return of deceased characters like Troy and Charlie is certainly unexpected and令人兴奋的. On the other hand, I worry that the show is starting to rely too heavily on this particular plot device.

Resurrecting characters who were previously killed off can be a cheap and easy way to generate shock value, but it can also undermine the stakes of the show and make it difficult to invest in the characters' journeys. I would rather see the show focus on developing its existing characters and exploring new storylines than constantly bringing back old ones.

That said, I am still hopeful that "Fear the Walking Dead" can turn things around. The show has a lot of potential, and I believe that the writers are capable of crafting compelling stories that don't rely on shock value. I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for the show, and I hope that it can regain its footing and deliver the kind of storytelling that fans deserve.