The Walking Dead Finale: Judith's Secret Unveiling Leaves Fans Astonished!

The Walking Dead Finale: Judith's Secret Unveiling Leaves Fans Astonished!

Discovering Judith's secret was a letdown in The Walking Dead's finale, overshadowing the need for more discussion about Rick's fate, leaving fans yearning for a meaningful reunion between Daryl and Rick to make up for the disappointment

What disappointed fans the most about the series finale of The Walking Dead was Judith's revelation to Daryl about her parents and how it lacked the impact that was anticipated. In the final episode, Daryl finally learned the fate of Rick Grimes, but it was Judith's comments, made while she was in a delirious state, about seeing her parents again that raised concerns for Daryl. After months of deceiving him about Michonne's departure, Judith finally confessed that Rick was still alive. This revelation had been slowly building throughout the entire season, but ultimately fell short of expectations and left viewers feeling let down.

Judith's lie and her avoidance of the true reason for Michonne leaving were clear indicators that the show was leading up to a significant reveal. Considering the importance of Rick to Daryl and the extensive effort he had put into searching for him, fans were anticipating a more memorable reaction from Daryl. However, what was ultimately delivered in the scene was underwhelming compared to the setup in season 11. Daryl's reaction to Judith's revelation was only mildly surprised, and his response continued to lack the impact it should have had. Given the buildup, the moment of Daryl discovering the truth should have been a much more significant and emotionally charged moment for both characters.

Daryl Knows Rick Is Alive, So What Happens Now?

The Walking Dead Finale: Judith's Secret Unveiling Leaves Fans Astonished!

The Walking Dead only briefly addressed what Judith told Daryl about her parents, but it is clear that this revelation will have significant consequences. Although the show did not depict it, it is reasonable to assume that characters like Maggie and Carol, who fought alongside Rick for years, would have their own reactions to this information. This revelation would hold particular significance for Daryl, who considered Rick as his brother. While not explicitly confirmed in the episode, it is possible that Daryl's search for Rick resumed once he learned the truth, which could explain why he went exploring after the defeat of the Commonwealth.

Daryl has stated that he will be keeping an eye out for both Rick and Michonne during his current mission. This remark suggests that locating Rick, or at least finding a clue to his whereabouts, is one of Daryl's priorities upon his return. Although Rick's involvement does not have to be the main reason why Daryl goes to France, it does open up the possibility that the show will lead him in the right direction. This could occur if the events unfolding in France are somehow connected to the CRM, the group responsible for Rick's disappearance.

When Rick & Daryl Can Meet Again

The Walking Dead Finale: Judith's Secret Unveiling Leaves Fans Astonished!

With Rick set to have his own spinoff in 2023, the chances of Daryl Dixon crossing paths with him seem highly unlikely. However, considering the significance of their relationship, it would be a missed opportunity if The Walking Dead didn't reunite Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon before the franchise concludes. One potential way for this reunion to happen is if AMC secretly plans another spinoff after Daryl returns from France and Rick reunites with Michonne. There is a possibility that Daryl's time in France and Rick's presence in the United States could be connected in some way.

Additionally, the Daryl Dixon show could introduce a character who brings him full circle to Rick's life. In the comics, Rick had a brother named Jeffrey, who only appeared in one comic book. Due to the new world infested with zombies, Rick was unable to reach him. Jeffrey had already moved to Barcelona, Spain before the apocalypse and was unable to return after learning about Rick's coma at the beginning of it all. In the comics, Jeffrey ultimately died after being bitten. However, given the numerous changes in both the comics and the TV show, it is possible that Daryl could encounter Rick's brother in his show, serving as a reminder of his overall mission.

A Daryl & Rick Reunion Would Make Up For The Finale Disappointment

The Walking Dead Finale: Judith's Secret Unveiling Leaves Fans Astonished!

Possibly, at the conclusion of everything, a grand reunion special may take place. What we do know about Daryl Dixon is that he has no recollection of how he ended up in France. It remains a possibility that he was nearing Rick's whereabouts when the CRM apprehended him and sent him adrift, subsequently leading him to end up in France. Furthermore, there have been rumors circulating that Carol will somehow be involved in his storyline. In terms of the spinoff, Daryl and Michonne are undoubtedly reconnecting, and Fear the Walking Dead indicates that Morgan is also attempting to uncover Rick Grimes' fate.

The Walking Dead concluded its series with a remarkable finale, wherein the protagonists triumphed against all odds and secured their new home. The characters mostly received the resolutions they deserved, and unexpected deviations from the original comics made this moment worth the wait. Nonetheless, some fans were left disappointed by the absence of the main characters who had been there from the show's inception, and their shared final moments. Michonne was searching for Rick, while Daryl was searching for both of them, and Carol chose to remain with Maggie. This led to the creation of spin-off shows, but enthusiasts of the original series yearn for a more unified conclusion for their cherished characters, and a Walking Dead reunion could potentially provide that.