The Walking Dead Destinies’ Second Season: The Ultimate Game-Changing Decision

The Walking Dead Destinies’ Second Season: The Ultimate Game-Changing Decision

The Walking Dead Destinies' second season should introduce a compelling mystery for players to unravel, drawing on their knowledge of the iconic AMC show By allowing players to investigate the barn early on, the game can offer a unique and immersive experience


The Walking Dead Destinies allows fans to rewrite the show by making key decisions.

Prior knowledge of The Walking Dead franchise will enhance fans' experience of The Walking Dead Destinies, allowing them to envision various scenarios and events. The game should provide players with the freedom to explore and inspect the locked barn early on, enabling them to make choices that deviate from the original storyline. These choices have the potential to alter the outcome of the game.

The Walking Dead was at its peak when it had a limited group of characters consisting of Shane, Dale, Glenn's group in Atlanta, and the Greene family at the farm. This was a simpler time, between seasons one and two, when Rick and everyone else were just starting to comprehend the extent of the apocalypse, and the world was not yet as expansive. The main threat to the group was Shane, along with the constant danger of encountering hordes of undead. However, the characters faced numerous decisions that will hopefully be intriguing to explore in The Walking Dead Destinies.

In The Walking Dead Destinies, fans have the opportunity to essentially rewrite the show, although it remains unclear how much control they will actually have over the decisions. Each season contains significant turning points that must be addressed through player choices in order to create a satisfying and comprehensive experience. The player assumes the role of Rick, viewing the world from an over-the-shoulder perspective. One such decision in The Walking Dead Destinies is the choice to spare Shane's life. Additionally, GameMill must offer players the freedom to make another pivotal decision from the show's second season.

The Walking Dead Destinies is Both Helped and Hindered by Fans’ Knowledge of the Show

The Walking Dead Destinies’ Second Season: The Ultimate Game-Changing Decision

Given that players of The Walking Dead Destinies are likely already fans of the show, they will come into the game with ideas for scenarios and events they would like to see changed. This is the core concept of The Walking Dead Destinies, as the game would not be feasible for a show without a devoted fanbase or the ability to imagine alternative paths for its characters.

Some fans may wish to rewrite the gory fate of Glenn and Abraham at the hands of Negan, for example, but The Walking Dead Destinies focuses solely on seasons one through four and does not encompass that storyline. However, these initial four seasons provide plenty of material for fans to consider and potentially rewrite, and this is where The Walking Dead Destinies aims to incorporate unpredictability.

The Walking Dead Destinies Should Let Players Inspect the Barn Early

Players should have the option to rescue Merle from the rooftop before the rest of the group leaves him behind, or alternatively, they should be able to remain in the CDC and accept Jenner's predetermined fate. Similarly, fans who were avidly watching The Walking Dead during its original airing may have had inquiries about Herschel's farm during season two, and it is hoped that they will be able to independently seek out answers within Destinies.

The Walking Dead Destinies’ Second Season: The Ultimate Game-Changing Decision

In season two of the show, the locked barn at the Greene family farm is deliberately concealed as Rick and his group strive to make themselves at home, going against Herschel's desires. Wherever Rick and his company venture, chaos follows, and it is only after a gradual unraveling of the barn's enigma that mayhem ensues.

Characters gradually discover that the Greenes are keeping walkers restrained in their barn. This revelation comes to a climax when Shane becomes aware of it and leads the group in wiping out all the undead inhabitants. This event sheds light on what happened to Sophia and prompts Herschel to adopt a more realistic outlook on walkers. The locked barn poses a mysterious question that captures interest, as its purpose is revealed much later.

However, in the interactive game Destinies, it would be great if players had the freedom to choose to immediately go to the barn and expose the Greenes. Alternatively, fans who align with Herschel's perspective could decide not to open the barn at all, creating a significant deviation from Shane's intentions. The outcome of such choices will greatly impact the overall experience of The Walking Dead Destinies.

The Walking Dead Destinies is set to release on November 14 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.