The Unveiling of the Dothraki Arakhs in Game of Thrones
Discover the powerful Dothraki Arakh in Game of Thrones Unleash the advantages of this iconic weapon as the Dothraki cross the Narrow Sea for Daenerys Stream all seasons on Max
Article Key Points
The Dothraki are nomadic warriors from Essos, known for their equestrian skills and the Arakh, a deadly scythe-like weapon.
The Arakh provides horseback warriors with improved wrist maneuverability and ease of handling, although it lacks the ability to penetrate armor. The Dothraki, renowned for their unconventional warfare strategies and utilization of the Arakh, pose a formidable challenge that disciplined armies find difficult to overcome.
He is, without a doubt, a savage, but his prowess as a killer is unparalleled. And you, my dear, will be his esteemed Queen.
The Dothraki Arakh
The Dothraki possess distinct braids that serve as a symbol of their triumphs, and they wield a unique weapon quite unlike the Westerosi knights shown thus far in Game of Thrones. Hailing from Essos, the Dothraki are nomadic warriors who reside in the Dothraki Sea/Great Grass Sea, located at the heart of the continent. This vast landscape consists of a combination of steppes and plains, serving as the backdrop for the Dothraki's constant movement in massive Khalasars, or hordes. In their pursuit of slaves, these nomadic warriors spend the majority of their time riding on horseback. Renowned for their exceptional equestrian skills and the skillful use of their curved blades, known as Arakhs, the Dothraki have acquired a reputation in warfare that is unparalleled.
In Game of Thrones, the Arakh is a sickle-like weapon with a semicircular blade. It is favored by the equestrian warriors of the Dothraki, who often engage in raids where decapitation plays a crucial role. Alongside curved bows and whips, the Arakh holds the status of being their preferred weapon, their standard armament. Approximately two and a half feet in length, the Arakh blade is accompanied by a similarly sized thick handle.
All seasons of Game of Thrones can be streamed on Max.
The crescent moon shape, along with its curvature and length, serves as clear indicators of its lethal nature, especially when utilized during a charge. The Arakh stands categorized as a unique hybrid of a sword and a scythe, embodying the essence of both. Despite this, Ser Jorah Mormont, the disgraced Westerosi knight who briefly wielded his ancestral sword, the Longclaw, maintains in the Game of Thrones lore that the Arakh leans more towards the characteristics of a scythe. As such, it has become an integral part of Daenerys Targaryen's entourage since its inception.
Their blades are more scythe than sword... the better to cull the infantry ranks without breaking stride.
The Advantages Of The Arakh
While the Arakh cannot pierce through armor, it provides the wielder with greater flexibility in wrist movements. In the Game of Thrones episode titled "Lord Snow," Ser Jorah explains to Rakharo that the Arakh is particularly advantageous in Dothraki warfare. Mounted warriors will find it more efficient to slay their enemies with a curved blade rather than a straight sword.
The curved blade is a preferable choice for a man riding a horse, as it offers enhanced maneuverability. It serves as an effective weapon for a Dothrakan warrior. However, when facing an opponent armored in full plate, the Arakh proves ineffective against the steel. This is where the broadsword holds the upper hand, as it is designed specifically for penetrating plate armor. Hearing this, Rakharo counters by stating that the Dothraki warriors do not wear armor and rely on their speed to overcome larger opponents.
The Dothraki Cross The Narrow Sea For Daenerys
In Game of Thrones, the Dothraki venture across the Narrow Sea on behalf of Daenerys, employing unconventional warfare tactics compared to the Westerosi. Even the mightiest armies and their skilled commanders are no match for the Dothraki horde, who charge into battle with fierce cries wielding their Arakhs and bows. This is exemplified in the Battle of the Goldroad, where Daenerys, angered by the loss of her powerful Westerosi ally, the Tyrells, and dissatisfied with Tyrion Lannister's strategies, takes command and leads the Dothraki warriors in a surprise attack against the combined Lannister-Tarly forces returning from the Sack of Highgarden. This battle echoes the words of the late King Robert Baratheon from Season 1, Episode 5 "The Wolf and the Lion":
Should the Targaryen girl persuade her Dothraki husband to invade and the horde crosses the Narrow Sea... We will be powerless to halt their advance.
Robert is deeply concerned about the possibility of the Targaryen siblings, who are vagabonds, arriving in Westeros with a formidable army of savage horsemen. He fears that they will ultimately fail in their objectives.
Imagine if Viserys Targaryen were to arrive with a massive force of 40,000 Dothraki warriors. In response, we take shelter within our castles, a strategically sound decision. It would be foolish to engage the Dothraki in an open battlefield.
Instead of the Beggar King Viserys, Daenerys, his sister, arrives in Westeros long after Robert Baratheon's reign. In Season 7, Episode 1 of Game of Thrones titled "Dragonstone," Daenerys returns to the titular location with a formidable army and three fully-grown dragons. Leading her army are the Dothraki horselords, and their first battle on Westerosi soil is the Goldroad ambush. Overwhelming Jaime and Lord Randyll Tarly's infantry, it becomes evident that the Dothraki kill for pleasure.
Furthermore, the Dothraki fought alongside the Northerners in the Battle of Winterfell and for Daenerys in the Battle of King's Landing. While they displayed honor in the former, they committed numerous atrocious acts in line with Daenerys' instructions in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones is an epic tale set in the fictional land of Westeros, which has been adapted from George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire book series. The story revolves around the power struggles and complex relationships among prominent families like the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, and Targaryens. In addition to the political conflicts, the realm faces the imminent threat of resurging dragons and an undead army marching from beyond the Wall.
First Episode Air Date April 17, 2011Where to watch HBO MaxSpin-offs House of the Dragon
Editor's P/S
As a fan of Game of Thrones, I am excited to see the Dothraki Arakhs in action. The Arakh is a unique and deadly weapon that is perfect for the Dothraki's style of warfare. It is a curved blade that is similar to a scythe, and it is designed to be used on horseback. The Arakh is perfect for the Dothraki because it allows them to quickly and easily kill their enemies. It is also a very versatile weapon that can be used for both close combat and long-range attacks.
I am also interested to see how the Dothraki will use their Arakhs in the upcoming battle against the Lannisters. The Lannisters are a powerful army with a lot of experience, but the Dothraki are a fierce and determined people. I think that the Dothraki will be able to use their Arakhs to defeat the Lannisters and help Daenerys win the Iron Throne.