The Unveiling of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: A Controversial Take on a Beloved Creature

The Unveiling of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: A Controversial Take on a Beloved Creature

Improved designs and fixed day-night cycles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have elevated the gaming experience, but one set of Pokemon forms has faced challenges The quest for Dusk Form Lycanroc demands impeccable timing, leaving players with limited alternative options

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet had a great opportunity to feature Rockruff and its evolution, Lycanroc, with their new open-world design. However, the inclusion of the rare Dusk form and its shiny counterpart adds complexity to completing the Pokedex. Rockruff gained popularity when it was first introduced in Pokemon Sun and Moon, and even received a third form in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. While obtaining the Midday and Midnight forms is relatively easy, finding Lycanroc's Dusk form in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is more challenging. Unlike most Pokemon that appear or evolve during the day or night, Dusk Form Lycanroc's evolution and appearance in the wild happen in between, making it time-sensitive. Despite the benefits of sandwich recipes to increase encounters with Rock-type Pokemon and shiny rates, players still rely on limited time and probability to hunt for shiny Rockruff and Dusk Form Lycanroc.

Finding Dusk Form Lycanroc Requires Perfect Timing

The Unveiling of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: A Controversial Take on a Beloved Creature

Unlike previous Pokemon games, which followed real-time day-night cycles, Scarlet and Violet introduced a fixed day-night cycle, similar to Pokemon Legends: Arceus. As a result, players can easily find and catch both the Midday and Midnight forms of Lycanroc within a 30-minute in-game time frame. However, the Dusk Form Lycanroc can only be found in the evening in Area One's North Province, giving players a mere three minutes to locate it. This becomes even more challenging for those who are shiny hunting.

While the fixed day-night cycle in Scarlet and Violet improves players' access to time-dependent Pokemon and evolutions, the limited window for finding Dusk Form Lycanroc is unusual. The game could have allocated a few minutes from its 33-minute long nights to increase players' chances of encountering Dusk Form Lycanroc. Experienced players might be able to maximize their opportunities, such as with Scarlet and Violet's shiny sandwiches, but casual players may find the unnecessary complexity discouraging. Ultimately, this tarnishes what was initially a clever design choice for the day-night cycle by Game Freak.

Alternative Options For Dusk Form Lycanroc Aren't Much Better

The Unveiling of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: A Controversial Take on a Beloved Creature

To capture each form of Lycanroc, players have two options: finding it in the wild or evolving Rockruff. However, evolving Rockruff into Dusk Form Lycanroc has its challenges. It requires the Rockruff to have the ability Own Tempo, which further decreases the odds for players. Whether through encounters, evolution, or Tera Raids, obtaining Dusk Form Lycanroc remains difficult.

Players are limited to a handful of options in their quest for the rare Dusk Form Lycanroc. Each option presents its own obstacles, from manipulating the odds to racing against time. However, future Pokemon games, such as Legends: Arceus, should not leave Pokemon like Lycanroc behind. Whether by modifying Lycanroc's evolution method or reshaping the day-night cycle, future games can provide a better experience for iconic Pokemon from previous generations.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Nintendo Switch.