The BLEACH franchise's immense popularity during its anime run in the 2000s, the continuation of the manga until 2016, and its influence on new-generation manga are all attributes of Tite Kubo's original conception. Despite the absence of news about an adaptation of the climactic final arc, the franchise made a dazzling return to television in October 2022 with BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War. This has generated excitement among fans, who have seen their biggest wishes for the series come true. One such fan is Johnny Yong Bosch, the English voice actor for the protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki. GameRant had the opportunity to learn about Bosch's thoughts on the resurgence of BLEACH, his reprisal of the beloved anime role, and the impact of the series on his life. Alongside Ichigo, Bosch is also known for his roles as Vash the Stampede in Trigun, Giyu Tomioka in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Bam in Tower of God, and many others.
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War is available for streaming on Hulu and Disney+, with new episodes on Saturdays.
Q: What is your opinion on the new look and feel of the Thousand-Year Blood War arc?
"I absolutely adore it! I'm thrilled that it's back and it looks even more impressive and improved than before!"
Q: "The Blade is Me" emerged as one of the pivotal episodes in the series, where Ichigo finally finds harmony within himself. How did you feel while delivering those lines during the recording session?
JYB: I often have to remind myself that this isn't a dream, it's actually happening. This is exactly the kind of storyline I had hoped to explore before the original series ended, so I'm truly savoring this part of the narrative. We're now diving deep into Ichigo's core.
Q: I came across your interview with Honey's Anime in 2018, and your perspective on how roles cling to an actor stayed with me. The sudden conclusion of the original BLEACH anime left you feeling disheartened. What thoughts raced through your mind when you learned about the confirmation of the Thousand-Year Blood War adaptation?
JYB: Initial reaction? Is this actually happening? Next thought, do they actually want me to return? As I mentioned earlier, I'm incredibly thrilled! I adore this anime!
Q: How do you go about distinguishing Ichigo's voice from characters such as Vash, Izaya Orihara, Renton Thurston, or Lelouch?
JYB: Honestly, my approach is quite simple. I focus on understanding the story, the character's origins, their journey, and their conflicts. Collaborating with the director and producers, we fine-tune the tone and voice, allowing the character's essence to shine through.
Q: Which character from the Wandenreich do you admire the most and why?
JYB: Yhwach, because without an ultimate antagonist, you have no tension.
Q: Among all the battles that Ichigo has participated in, including previous story arcs, which one stands out to you as the most unforgettable?
JYB: There are plenty to choose from, but I'll have to go with the showdown against Byakuya, where Hollow Ichigo makes an appearance. "I am...nameless!"
Q: How has playing Ichigo influenced you both as an actor and as an individual?
JYB: Undoubtedly, the most significant influence has been the connection I have built with fans across the globe through BLEACH. There is a sense of responsibility that comes with breathing life into Ichigo. It feels as though the coach has entrusted me with the game, so I strive to give it my all.
I first discovered your talent when you portrayed Renton in Eureka Seven during my younger years (I had no clue it was you!)
My final inquiry is, do you ever find it daunting to ponder the multitude of ways in which you're inspiring individuals, whether it's through your true self or through the characters you portray?
Eureka Seven was an amazing project and working on the character of Renton was both challenging and enjoyable. Though it may seem daunting, as a parent, I have a responsibility to always give my best effort, even in the face of failure. If I stumble, I must quickly rise again or even crawl if necessary. My utmost priority is to protect my children and their aspirations for a better future, much like Ichigo would do for his loved ones. Your support for the show is greatly appreciated! Please stay tuned, as there are exciting things coming up! BAN-KAI!