The television series Swagger, which debuted on Apple TV+ in 2021, centers around a prestigious youth basketball club. It highlights the journey of Jace Carson, portrayed by Isaiah Hill, and delves into the intricacies of the basketball world, including the dynamics between teammates, players, and coaches, as well as the impact of external factors on the court. Following an influx of positive feedback, the show was renewed for a second season in June 2022.
Premiering a year later, Swagger season 2 is scheduled to conclude in August 2023 after airing eight episodes. The series continues to explore Jace's basketball career development and the challenges he faces in reaching the professional level, despite his evident talent. Though the show also features other significant characters, devoted fans acknowledge Jace, along with his coach, Ike Edwards (known as Icon), as the true stars. However, like numerous sports-themed productions, some ponder whether Swagger is inspired by a true story.
Swagger Is Inspired By NBA Star Kevin Durant's Upbringing
Swagger is indeed loosely based on a true story, inspired by NBA player Kevin Durant. Durant, who currently plays for the Phoenix Suns, was the inspiration behind the Apple TV+ show and also served as an executive producer. His professional basketball journey began when he was selected as the second overall pick by the Seattle SuperSonics in 2007, before they became the Oklahoma City Thunder in 2008. Despite having played only one year of college basketball, Durant's career skyrocketed, earning him numerous awards, Olympic medals, and championship victories. Widely recognized as one of the greatest NBA players of all time.
Similar to how the CW's All American portrays Spencer Paysinger's story, Swagger takes inspiration from Durant's early basketball days and presents them through fictional characters. While the show draws from Durant's upbringing, the characters in the story are entirely fictional. However, it is evident that the character of Jace is based on Durant's teenage self.
How Swagger's Jace Carson Compares To Kevin Durant's True Story
Jace in Swagger follows a similar path as a young Kevin Durant, who was also aspiring to become a professional basketball player. As an executive producer on the Apple TV+ series, Durant was able to share his own experiences with the writers, who then crafted Jace's fictional story. They drew inspiration from Durant's upbringing in the DMV (D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) and incorporated elements such as the treatment of prodigious athletes, the pressures faced by young athletes, and the experience of being a Black teenager in America.
Apart from their shared struggles and passion for basketball, Jace and Durant both have remarkably supportive mothers. As Durant fans are aware, he has a strong bond with his mother, Wanda. She single-handedly raised him after his father left the family when Durant was an infant, and Wanda has always been a pillar of support for his NBA dreams. Similarly, in Swagger, Jace and his mother, Jenna, also have a close relationship, with Jenna playing a significant role in shaping Jace's basketball career.