The Untold Mayhem: Unleashing the Legendary Quillrats in Diablo 4

The Untold Mayhem: Unleashing the Legendary Quillrats in Diablo 4

A comical encounter with a quillrat sends shockwaves through the gaming community as a skilled Diablo 4 player's flawless run takes an unexpected turn


Hardcore players in Diablo 4 originally faced issues with server disconnects and lag, leading to frustrating deaths that could not be prevented or accounted for.

A Reddit user named trivialzeros achieved level 99 with their hardcore Necromancer after playing for 84 hours, only to meet their demise at the hands of a common Quillrat.

Blizzard has made significant efforts to address and resolve the challenges encountered by players in Diablo 4. This includes addressing server issues and responding to the negative feedback received regarding the first season update.

Even at high levels, a Diablo 4 player's hardcore character is always in danger. This was proven when even the smallest enemies unexpectedly ended a run. Despite receiving praise from critics and players upon its release, Diablo 4 had its fair share of challenges to overcome. Issues with the core aspects of the game, such as the microtransaction store, as well as occasional server problems prevented players from logging in.

Among those who experienced the worst issues were hardcore players during the initial weeks. Since hardcore characters cannot be revived once they die, players had to exercise extreme caution to avoid early termination of their runs. Unfortunately, in the first few weeks of the game, there was an increase in hardcore character deaths due to server disconnects or lag. This was a frustrating experience as players had no way to anticipate or prevent it. While Blizzard worked to resolve these problems, some players may have become overconfident or underestimated their enemies.

Trivialzeros, a user on the Diablo 4 subreddit, recently shared their experience of losing their hardcore Necromancer at level 99. After investing nearly 84 hours into the game, they were defeated by a common Quillrat. They were attempting a Tier 100 nightmare dungeon in order to reach level 100 with their bone spear Necro. Unfortunately, fatigue and forgetting about the potency of the Quillrat's poison led to their downfall. The community on the subreddit had some lighthearted fun with this, speculating on what the Quillrat would boast to its friends about taking down such a high-level character. Trivialzeros engaged in the conversation, sharing details about their character's abilities and gear.

Season 1 in Diablo 4 is currently underway, but it didn't have a great start. The initial launch of a major update alongside the first season received negative feedback from the community. Blizzard quickly responded to this feedback and rolled back several aspects of the update. In an effort to address the concerns raised by the community, Blizzard developers have been engaging with the community through fireside chat streams, discussing their plans to resolve the current issues.

Diablo 4 is now playable on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.