The Untold Journey: Howie Mandel's Life-Changing Ultimatum that Overcame OCD

The Untold Journey: Howie Mandel's Life-Changing Ultimatum that Overcame OCD

Howie Mandel credits his wife Terry's ultimatum for finally seeking treatment for his OCD, shedding light on the impact of her support on his journey to recovery

The Untold Journey: Howie Mandel's Life-Changing Ultimatum that Overcame OCD

Howie Mandel, Terry Mandel. Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Howie Mandel openly discusses his OCD diagnosis and how his wife Terry Mandel motivated him to seek assistance. In an interview with on October 12, the 67-year-old comedian shared that his compulsions caused him to excessively disinfect items and prohibit his family from touching certain objects. This behavior was distressing for his wife and children. Terry Mandel issued an ultimatum, stating that she and the children could not continue living this way if he didn't seek help. Consequently, the ultimatum prompted Howie to attend therapy, leading to his OCD diagnosis.

Howie admitted that receiving a diagnosis brought him some comfort, but he wasn't prepared to openly discuss his mental health yet. He confessed feeling embarrassed about having this problem, as there is a societal stigma attached to mental health issues. To manage his OCD, he began taking medication and attending therapy sessions, but he still experiences difficulties from time to time. Howie emphasized that the challenge of dealing with obsessive thoughts and the compulsion to fight against them is more prevalent in individuals with OCD compared to those who only have passing strange thoughts.

After receiving his diagnosis, Howie shared that he now has numerous tools and resources available to him. His wife Terry, aged 68, and his three children - Alex, 34, Jackie, 39, and Riley, 31 - are part of his support system. Howie expressed his gratitude for Terry's unwavering support, emphasizing the significance of having people who are there for you. He emphasized the importance of open communication about one's challenges to enable others to assist.

The Untold Journey: Howie Mandel's Life-Changing Ultimatum that Overcame OCD

James Devaney/WireImage

Having initially struggled to discuss his OCD after being diagnosed, Howie is now dedicated to combating the social stigma associated with this prevalent mental health condition.

"They say misery loves company. Although I'm not particularly thrilled that one out of 40 people have OCD, it amplifies the significance of my mission," he conveyed. "I am aware of the immense pain it causes. I don't want others to experience what I've gone through, and many endure even worse. When more people are open and willing to discuss it, the safety net expands for all of us."

This isn't the first instance where Howie has been open about his mental health. Back in March 2022, the actor disclosed that he wasn't diagnosed with OCD and ADHD until adulthood, resulting in difficulties during his upbringing.

"During my upbringing in the 1960s, my symptoms remained nameless, and there was no inclination to seek medical assistance. Consequently, they were referred to as 'Howie Mandel'," Howie shared with ADDitude magazine. "Fortunately, my parents embraced my idiosyncrasies and distinctiveness. I am incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful family who showers me with unwavering love, support, and strength. Nevertheless, navigating the symptoms of my disorders can be challenging at times, even unsettling and bleak."

For those who may be considering suicide, please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.

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Howie Mandel