The Untold Chronicles of the Legendary Wolfpack in Star Wars

Discover the legendary Wolfpack, an iconic division of clone troopers in Star Wars Uncover their heroic feats during the Clone Wars, their subsequent missions, and their lasting impact even after the war's end
The Clone Wars era of Star Wars is highly regarded and adored by fans due to its rich characters, conflicts, and lore. Despite its brief three-year duration in the Star Wars universe, the various shows, books, and comics set during this time have effectively filled the era with stories that have resonated with fans. Without a doubt, the clone troopers themselves are the most prominent and expanded-upon characters in the Clone Wars media.
Through the popular show Star Wars: The Clone Wars, fans were able to witness a more intimate and developed side of the clone troopers, along with their distinct personalities. This show transformed certain clone troopers into household names within the Star Wars franchise, without the need for them to appear in the films. Each division of clones even had unique colors and designs to differentiate themselves. Among the most iconic and recognizable of these divisions is the 104th Battalion, also known as the "Wolfpack" in the Star Wars universe. They earned this moniker due to their gray wolf-inspired armor designs and their leader, Clone Commander Wolffe. The Wolfpack played significant roles in key moments of the Clone Wars conflict, often rescuing the heroes and becoming vital to understanding the Grand Army of the Republic.
The Clone Wars
The Grand Army of the Republic had a select number of battalions, and one of them was the Wolfpack, comprising 576 soldiers. After the Battle of Geonosis, just like all the other clones, the 104th Battalion was activated for service and participated in numerous combats during the Clone Wars. Initially, the Wolfpack gained recognition for aiding Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi during a mission on the planet Hisseen. Together with the 212th Battalion, they achieved victory and led the Republic forces.
However, the Wolfpack suffered a major setback when their fleet was attacked during the pursuit of the Separatist ship, the Malevolence. The enemy cruiser, armed with a super weapon, destroyed nearly all of their infantry. At the end, only Jedi Master Plo Koon, Clone Commander Wolffe, and troopers Boost and Sinker survived. Fortunately, they were later rescued by Republic forces. Despite this significant loss, the Wolfpack managed to recover their numbers and regain their strength.
Later Operations
During the remainder of the war, the Wolfpack actively took part in various regular and rescue operations. One such instance occurred when Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi found themselves stranded on the planet Lola Sayu, with crucial information previously possessed by Jedi Master Even Piell. With the guidance of Jedi General Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, and the rest of the Wolfpack Battalion, they successfully bypassed the formidable Separatist blockade and rescued the Jedi in distress.
In another incident, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka were once again in need of assistance after being imprisoned while attempting to liberate slaves on the planet Kadavo. As they had done previously, Plo Koon and the troops of the 104th Battalion spearheaded the operation to free the captured Jedi. Upon disabling the protective shield, they managed to make a safe landing on the planet and provide support to Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano in completing their mission. It goes without saying that the Wolfpack never hesitated to embark on rescue missions whenever the situation demanded it.
End of the War & Legacy
Following the activation of Order 66 by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the clone army, including the Wolfpack, was directed to betray and eliminate their Jedi masters. Despite their previous collaboration with the Jedi, the Wolfpack was no exception to this directive. Among the casualties of the Jedi Purge was Plo Koon. With the establishment of the Galactic Empire by the self-proclaimed Emperor Palpatine, the majority of the remaining Wolfpack clones were converted into soldiers for his new military force.
However, not all hope was lost for what once constituted the Wolfpack. Commander Wolffe, having successfully removed his inhibitor chip, resisted Palpatine's control and the influence of the new Empire. Instead, he chose to live on Seelos alongside other rebellious clones, Captain Rex and clone commando Gregor. Even though the Clone Wars had concluded, Wolffe continued to don his distinctive wolf-inspired armor that he had worn for years.
During the campaign to reclaim Lothal from the Empire in 0BBY, Ezra Bridger and the Ghost crew sought out allies for their cause. Wolffe, alongside Rex and Gregor, joined forces with them. While he couldn't fight alongside his former clone comrades from the Clone Wars, their legacy remained strong in the Star Wars universe. Ultimately, their combined efforts led to the successful liberation of Lothal.