The Untold Behind-the-Scenes Story of Jon and Daenerys' Infamous Sex Scene in Game of Thrones

The Untold Behind-the-Scenes Story of Jon and Daenerys' Infamous Sex Scene in Game of Thrones

Emilia Clarke opens up about the uncomfortable experience filming Jon and Daenerys' intimate scene in Game of Thrones Discover her candid revelations on the challenges of shooting such scenes in this comprehensive article

The sex scene between Jon and Dany in Game of Thrones season 7 was particularly uncomfortable to film due to a specific reason. At the end of season 7, after a build-up of tension, the King of the North and Khaleesi finally have a sexual encounter aboard a ship heading North. This scene becomes especially awkward for viewers as Bran and Sam come to the realization that Jon is actually Aegon Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar, and therefore Dany's nephew. However, Jon and Dany remain unaware of their familial connection.

Emilia Clarke, who plays Dany in Game of Thrones, recently shared a detail about the filming of this intimate scene that added to the awkwardness. During a recent appearance at the TJH Superhero Comic Con & Car Show, Clarke revealed that her brother, Bennett Clarke, was working in the camera department on the same day the scene was filmed. To hear more about what Emilia Clarke said about the scene, you can watch the video below or read the Twitter thread posted by @smoakclarke.

I do recall the day, our intimate scene day, and my sibling was part of the camera crew at that time... Also, he was present on the set for the shoot. He approached [Kit Harington] and said, "Buddy, you need to help me escape from this situation!"

Everything Emilia Clarke Has Said About Game of Thrones' Intimate Scenes

The Untold Behind-the-Scenes Story of Jon and Daenerys' Infamous Sex Scene in Game of Thrones

Having immersed herself in the world of Game of Thrones, Clarke's on-screen journey depicted numerous intimate moments. In her candidness, the British actress opened up about the experience of filming those scenes. Given her young age of 23 and relative obscurity at the time of being cast as Daenerys, she admitted to feeling pressured to partake in nude scenes, particularly during the show's first season. Uncomfortable moments were not uncommon during the filming process. However, as the series progressed, Clarke's involvement in such intimate scenes gradually decreased.

In Game of Thrones season 6, Clarke willingly performed a significant nude scene. The scene portrayed Dany destroying the Temple of the Dosh Khaleen, with all the Khal leaders inside, and later emerging unharmed from the burning structure. Clarke expressed her enthusiasm for the scene, considering it empowering and not gratuitous.

Despite having more control over her intimate scenes in later seasons, Clarke described the sex scene with Jon as uncomfortable due to her close friendship with Kit Harington. The situation felt unnatural and strange for both of them, especially considering the characters' incestuous relationship and the presence of Clarke's brother on set. Despite this, Clarke and Harington remain close friends and continue to participate in press events together.

Source: @smoakclarke/Twitter
