The Unseen Connections Between John Marston and Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption

The Unseen Connections Between John Marston and Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption

Discover the uncanny parallels between the tumultuous lives of Red Dead Redemption's John Marston and Arthur Morgan From their harrowing experiences to their iconic legacies, these two characters share more than just a few canon events in the game's universe

John Marston and Arthur Morgan's stories in the Red Dead Redemption series share striking similarities. These two protagonists navigate the treacherous terrain of the wild west, fighting for survival against both the law and rival gangs. Despite their criminal pasts, the games' strong writing has crafted both men into intriguing and sympathetic characters. As players delve deeper into the stories of both characters, they'll uncover similar moments in their lives. Even on subsequent playthroughs, there are always new character moments and interactions to discover at camp, as well as insights into Arthur and John's thoughts and feelings through their journals. However, it's ultimately the main storylines of the games that reveal the most important details about these two complex characters.

Red Dead Redemption's John and Arthur's Lives Have Many Eerie Similarities

The Unseen Connections Between John Marston and Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption

Both John and Arthur share a common backstory element of joining the Van der Linde gang at a young age after losing their parents and surviving on the streets through petty crime. Dutch and Hosea became father figures to them, resulting in their unwavering loyalty to the gang. Despite the gang's tragic end, Dutch's influence on John and Arthur cannot be denied. Additionally, both men attempted to start families, with Arthur intending to be there for his son and John experiencing married life and fatherhood. While their experiences were different, they both had their own struggles in attempting to have a family. However, Arthur's greatest regret was never getting the chance to be a family man after his lover and son were killed by robbers.

Arthur and John's lives came to a poignant parallel at their respective ends. Arthur, after his final showdown with Micah, meets his demise in Red Dead Redemption 2, his fate determined by the player's decisions. Similarly, John's life ends in the first game's finale, surrounded by lawmen and with no hope for escape. In the end, both men perish while trying to save their loved ones. Arthur sacrifices himself to ensure the safety of the Marston family, while John fights to protect his wife and son. Despite their lifelong criminal pursuits, both men ultimately demonstrate their nobility by giving their lives for those closest to them. As two of the main protagonists in Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur and John's stories exemplify the game's tragic narrative.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.