The Ahsoka Disney+ TV show is anticipated to feature Rosario Dawson's Ahsoka Tano leading the Ghost crew on a mission to locate their lost comrade, Ezra Bridger. In their quest, they may uncover the significance of a little-known Force ability called "Skywalking." In the finale of Star Wars Rebels, Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger found himself adrift in the vast expanses of space known as the Unknown Regions. He selflessly sacrificed himself by summoning the purrgil, Space Whales of the Star Wars universe, to whisk away Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship into hyperspace. Since then, Ezra has not been seen. However, the Ahsoka Disney+ TV show is expected to address this unresolved plotline from Rebels, wherein Ahsoka Tano made a solemn vow to bring him back.
The challenge lies in the fact that navigating the treacherous Unknown Regions is exceptionally difficult. According to Timothy Zahn's novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, this vast galaxy sector was ravaged by a series of chained supernovas ages ago. These cataclysmic events have left hyperspace in a constant state of uncertainty and unpredictability. This likely explains why Ezra and Thrawn have remained lost for an extended period; venturing through the Unknown Regions is nearly impossible. Interestingly, the key to rescuing Ezra may lie in a little-known Force power that aligns with rumors suggesting Ahsoka will unveil a new addition to the Ghost crew.
Ahsoka Is Expected To Introduce Jacen Syndulla
The Force Power Known As Skywalking Is Key To Navigating The Unknown Regions
The final season of Star Wars Rebels introduced a romance between Hera Syndulla, the leader of the rebels and a skilled pilot, and Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi Knight. Unfortunately, their blossoming relationship took a tragic turn when Kanan was killed by the Empire. However, the epilogue scenes of Star Wars Rebels revealed a surprising revelation about their physical connection, as Hera gave birth to their son named Jacen Syndulla. Despite limited information about Jacen, the dialogues in the epilogue scenes indicated that he possesses the Force. In the upcoming live-action series Ahsoka, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is confirmed to portray Hera, and there are hints that Jacen will also make his official debut. This suggests that Jacen could play a significant role, potentially serving as the key to locating Ezra Bridger in the mysterious Unknown Regions.
Renowned Star Wars author Timothy Zahn, the mastermind behind the creation of the formidable Grand Admiral Thrawn, has dedicated significant effort to unraveling the mysteries of the enigmatic Unknown Regions through his captivating Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy. These captivating tales delve into the unique culture of Thrawn's own people, the enigmatic Chiss, and uncover their extraordinary reliance on the Force to navigate these uncharted territories. Among the Chiss, children possess a rare and extraordinary ability known as "Skywalking," a natural extension of the Jedi and Sith power to deflect incoming blaster bolts. By tapping into the Force, these specially attuned individuals can skillfully sense and anticipate potential navigational hazards, deftly making minute adjustments to safeguard their vessels from being ensnared in treacherous gravitational anomalies that lurk within hyperspace.
Darth Vader, the Chosen One, is the only known adult who has demonstrated the ability of skywalking. Typically, individuals who are sensitive to the Force lose this ability during early adolescence, around the age of 10 to 12. It is believed that Jacen, who was born around nine or ten years before the Ahsoka Disney+ TV show, may still possess this power. There is a possibility that Jacen's Force abilities could be the solution to bringing Ezra back by guiding a ship through the Unknown Regions.
While most viewers have assumed Jacen would be a minor character, he could actually play a vital role in Ahsoka's journey. This unexpected twist would imply that Kanan's legacy played a crucial part in rescuing his former Padawan, Ezra Bridger, from the Unknown Regions. It will be intriguing to see if Lucasfilm explores this narrative approach.