The Unconventional Story of Rick and Morty's New Stars

The Unconventional Story of Rick and Morty's New Stars

A detailed account of the unusual experiences and challenges faced by the new stars of Rick and Morty, Harry Belden and Ian Cardoni, as they took over the lead roles in season 7.

The Unlikely Meeting of Co-Stars

Rick and Morty actor Harry Belden recounts the unusual experience of meeting his co-star over halfway through the recording process. Belden plays Morty Smith in Rick and Morty season 7 opposite Ian Cardoni’s Rick Sanchez. The two took over for voice actor Justin Roiland, who originally played both main characters and was fired after allegations of misconduct and sexual assault.

Morty and Rick in Rick and Morty season 7

Morty and Rick in Rick and Morty season 7

In an exclusive interview with Screen Rant, Belden details the first time he met Cardoni. Despite the two being scene partners, Belden and Cardoni actually did not meet until they "were maybe 60-80% of the way through the first season." The two met up at an LA Dodgers game, and drove home together "doing a whole Rick and Morty car ride."

Rick, Summer, Beth, Morty and Jerry in Rick and Morty season 7

Rick, Summer, Beth, Morty and Jerry in Rick and Morty season 7

"Well, first, I met Ian at a Dodgers game in LA when we were maybe 60-80% of the way through the season, I think. At that point, I'd heard so much about him and whatnot that I just walked right up to him, and we saw each other, like, "Hey!!" It was really, very cool. And, we unfortunately did not get to record anything together. But obviously, that didn't stop us, he gave me a ride home that night, just doing a whole Rick and Morty car ride. It got us talking that we should absolutely be hounding Steve and Scott to let us do an episode together with both of us in the booth. I don't know how feasible that is, but I'm going to keep asking until we can get something, because we have a pretty good rapport, and I think we would riff very well off of each other.

Challenges of Filling Big Shoes

Following the sexual assault allegations, Roiland was fired from Adult Swim in January 2023. This left the network in a tricky position, as they decided that they wanted to get soundalikes for the lead roles of Rick and Morty season 7. Creator Dan Harmon has mentioned that doing an impression like this is "trying to strike a crazy balance," making the casting process grueling. In all, the casting team heard thousands of auditions in a process that took them six months.

Rick in Rick and Morty season 7

Rick in Rick and Morty season 7

Overall, Belden and Cardoni have done a respectable job in their efforts to impersonate Roiland’s performances. Nonetheless, long-time viewers have noticed some differences in the new Rick and Morty voice actors’ ability to replicate Roiland. A common criticism has stemmed from Rick’s lack of burping in season 7, a vocal tick that Roiland employed previously. Furthermore, the season feels much less improvised as a whole, which can likely be attributed to the fact that Belden and Cardoni are still acclimating to their roles.

Morty, Summer and Beth in Rick and Morty season 7

Morty, Summer and Beth in Rick and Morty season 7

Spontaneity is a beloved aspect of Rick and Morty that might feel especially lost to some viewers in the new episodes. A joint recording session between Belden and Cardoni could be one of the best ways to bring out more improv, as their interplay could heighten the dynamic between the two characters with the actors’ "good rapport." As Rick and Morty continues into season 8, perhaps Belden and Cardoni will finally get their wish of taking on the recording booth in tandem.

Morty and Rick Rick and Morty season 7

Morty and Rick Rick and Morty season 7

The Future of Rick and Morty's New Stars

Belden and Cardoni have sparked the curiosity of fans and critics alike with their portrayal of Morty and Rick in the new season. The unconventional circumstances of their meeting and the challenges they faced in filling the shoes of the original voice actor have added an intriguing layer to the show’s narrative.

Rick Sanchez in Rick and Morty season 7

Rick Sanchez in Rick and Morty season 7

As the season progresses, it will be interesting to see how Belden and Cardoni continue to evolve in their roles and whether they will be able to capture the essence of the characters in a way that resonates with long-time fans. The prospect of a joint recording session between the new stars presents an exciting opportunity for the show to regain some of its spontaneity and for the actors to showcase their chemistry in the booth.

Rick, Morty and Ben Franklin in Rick and Morty season 7

Rick, Morty and Ben Franklin in Rick and Morty season 7