The Ultimate Ranking: Unveiling the Most Powerful Gym Leaders in the Pokemon Franchise
Discover the ultimate Pokemon Gym Leader Tier List, ranking over 70 memorable leaders from nine generations of mainline titles Uncover the best of the best in S Tier, A Tier, B Tier, and C Tier Get ready to conquer the gyms like never before!
Pokemon gym leaders act as important benchmarks of the player's progress and help define the identity of each game.
The gym leaders that stand out the most, like Blue, Giovanni, and Ryme, distinguish themselves with their meaningful stories and striking appearances.
Although some gym leaders may have a lesser influence and be less remarkable than their counterparts, they still bring a delightful appeal to the Pokemon games.
Pokemon has proven itself to be one of Nintendo's most consistent franchises, with nine generations of successful releases over a span of 20 years. In each game, players embark on a journey to become the Pokemon champion of a specific region, training new companions and facing challenging gym trials to test their strength. The goal of collecting the eight gym badges of a region is widely recognized, and the gym leaders who guard these badges have become iconic figures in each game. However, amidst the numerous gym leaders introduced throughout the years, only a few have truly left a lasting impression on fans. Gym challenges have become significant milestones in the player's progress, but the role of gym leaders has evolved to play a larger part in the series. While most titles followed the traditional format of eight gym badges before challenging the Pokemon League, spin-off games took a different approach. For instance, in Pokemon Sun and Moon of the seventh generation, gym challenges were replaced by Alola's trial captains and island kahunas who performed the same function. Currently, there have been over 70 characters that have served as gym leaders, with only a handful retaining a memorable status among fans.
S Tier
The highest-rated gym leaders in Pokemon are revered by fans for epitomizing the best aspects of the franchise. Factors such as the significance of battles against formidable opponents like the original Pokemon rival Blue in the Gold and Silver versions, or the memorable and bold designs of gym leaders like Ryme and Crasher Wake, establish them as quintessential representatives of their role. Characters like Raihan, Jasmine, and Byron, who exhibit deep connections to their respective regions, are integral to the immersive experience of their games.
Blue's team in Pokemon Gold and Silver includes Pidgeot, Alakazam, Rhydon, Gyarados, Exeggutor, and Arcanine.
Giovanni (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Rhyhorn, Dugtrio, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Rhydon
Olivia (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Nosepass, Boldore, Lycanroc
Raihan (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Team: Gigalith, Flygon, Sandaconda, Duraludon
Jasmine (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Magnemite, Steelix
Crasher Wake (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Gyarados, Quagsire, Floatzel
Flannery (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Slugma, Numel, Torkoal
Ryme (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) Team: Banette, Mimikyu, Houndstone, Toxtricity
Roxie (Pokemon Black 2 and White 2) Team: Koffing, Whirlipede
Lt. Surge (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Voltorb, Pikachu/Magnemite, Raichu
Byron (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Bronzor, Steelix, Bastiodon
A Tier
Some of the best gym leaders in the Pokemon series are the ones who face significant challenges in their respective regions. Gym leaders like Bede and Marnie step into the role after the player has already acquired badges, but it was the rival Cheren in the Black and White sequels who truly raised the stakes in the storyline. Although they may not always be game-defining, leaders such as Opal and Norman provide a challenge that is integral to the player's journey. Memorable leaders like Valerie and Drayden stand out due to their unique and sometimes peculiar designs, while characters like Brock, Misty, and Clemont demonstrate their personalities beyond their appearances in the anime.
Larry is a gym leader in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. His team consists of Komala, Dudunsparce, and Staraptor.
Clair (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Gyarados, Dragonair, Kingdra
Cheren (Pokemon Black 2 and White 2) Team: Patrat, Lillipup
Brock (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Geodude, Onix
Sabrina (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Kadabra, Mr. Mime, Venomoth, Alakazam
Elesa (Pokemon Black and White) Team: Emolga, Flaaffy, Zebstrika
Clemont (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Emolga, Magneton, Heliolisk
Acerola (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Mimikyu
Nessa (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Team: Goldeen, Arrokuda, Drednaw
Hapu (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Golurk, Gastrodon, Flygon, Mudsdale
Skyla (Pokemon Black and White) Team: Swoobat, Skarmory, Swanna
Melony (Pokemon Shield) Team: Frosmoth, Darmanitan, Eiscue, Lapras
Piers (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Team: Scrafty, Malamar, Skuntank, Obstagoon
Allister (Pokemon Shield) Team: Yamask, Mimikyu, Cursola, Gengar
Valerie (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Mawile, Mr. Mime, Sylveon
Norman (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Spinda, Vigoroth, Linoone, Slaking
Misty (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Staryu/Psyduck, Starmie
Nanu (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Sableye, Krokorok, Alolan Persian
Drayden (Pokemon Black) Team: Druddigon, Flygon, Haxorus
Opal (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Team: Galarian Weezing, Mawile, Togekiss, Alcremie
Lenora (Pokemon Black and White) Team: Herdier, Watchog
Blaine (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Growlithe/Magmar, Ponyta/Ninetales, Rapidash, Arcanine
Gardenia (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Cherubi, Turtwig, Roserade
Hala (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Mankey, Makuhita, Crabrawler
Korrina (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Mienfoo, Machoke, Hawlucha
Iris (Pokemon White) Team: Fraxure, Druddigon, Haxorus
B Tier
Gym leaders who belong to the less impressive tier are characterized by their minimal impact in the grand scheme of things. Despite their initial appeal, characters like Wallace, Koga, or Volkner fail to stand out when compared to their more audacious and formidable counterparts in their respective regions. While individuals such as Roark or Viola add some enjoyment to early towns, their absence would not significantly impact the overall gameplay experience. Gym leaders like Fantina from Diamond and Pearl still possess a certain charm, but they also elicit mixed reactions, highlighting the divisive nature of these characters.
Janine (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Crobat, Weezing, Ariados, Venomoth
Erika (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Victreebel, Tangela, Vileplume
Koga (Pokemon Red and Blue) Team: Weezing, Muk, Koffing/Golbat, Venomoth
Wattson (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Voltorb, Magnemite/Electrike, Magneton, Manectric
Morty (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar
Winona (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Swellow/Swablu, Tropius, Pelipper, Skarmory, Altaria
Brassius (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) Team: Petilil, Smoliv, Sudowoodo
Kofu (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) Team: Veluza, Wugtrio, Crabominable
Juan (Pokemon Emerald) Team: Luvdisc, Whiscash, Sealeo, Crawdaunt, Kingdra
Whitney (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Clefairy, Miltank
Kabu (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Team: Ninetales, Arcanine, Centiskorch
Wallace (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Luvdisc, Whiscash, Sealeo, Seaking, Milotic
Bea (Pokemon Sword) Team: Hitmontop, Pangoro, Sirfetch'd, Machamp
Roark (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Geodude, Onix, Cranidos
Volkner (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Raichu, Ambipom/Jolteon, Octillery/Electivire, Luxray
Viola (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Surskit, Vivillon
Mallow (Pokemon Moon) Team: Phantump, Shiinotic, Steenee
Kiawe (Pokemon Sun) Team: Growlithe, Fletchinder, Alolan Marowak
Lana (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Chinchou, Shellder, Araquanid
Iono (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) Team: Wattrel, Bellibolt, Luxio, Mismagius
Fantina (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Drifblim/Duskull, Gengar/Haunter, Mismagius
Marlon (Pokemon Black 2 and White 2) Team: Carracosta, Wailord, Jellicent
Chuck (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Primeape, Poliwrath
Maylene (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Meditite, Machoke, Lucario
Klara (Pokemon Sword) Team: Galarian Slowking, Scolipede, Galarian Slowbro
Brawly (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Machop, Meditite, Makuhita
Tate and Liza (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Xatu
Grusha (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Team: Frosmoth, Beartic, Cetitan, Altaria
Grant (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Amaura, Tyrunt
C Tier
The gym leaders in the bottom tier range from controversial to forgettable. While some, like Milo and Mina, receive both criticism and appreciation, others like Wulfric and Ramos are easily forgotten. Characters such as Pryce from Gold and Silver and Brycen from Black and White can seem out of place towards the end of their respective regions, which explains why Brycen was eventually replaced. Though some fans still support gym leaders like Bugsy, it's hard to argue that any of them are on the same level as top tiers like Giovanni. Gimmicks such as Clay's cowboy persona or Katy's baking skills may be unique concepts in Pokemon, but they fail to blend harmoniously with their regions compared to the higher tiers.
Avery (Pokemon Shield) Team: Galarian Slowbro, Alakazam, Galarian Slowking
Roxanne (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire) Team: Geodude, Nosepass
Sophocles (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Togedemaru, Magnezone, Electivire, Vikavolt, Golem
Katy (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) Team: Nymble, Tarountula, Teddiursa
Candice (Pokemon Diamond and Pearl) Team: Snover/Piloswine, Sneasel, Medicham/Froslass, Abomasnow
Gordie (Pokemon Sword) Team: Barbaracle, Shuckle, Stonjourner, Coalossal
Burgh (Pokemon Black and White) Team: Whirlipede, Dwebble, Leavanny
Tulip (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) Team: Farigiraf, Gardevoir, Espathra, Florges
Bugsy (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Metapod, Kakuna, Scyther
Ilima (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Yungoos/Gumshoos, Smeargle
Milo (Pokemon Sword and Shield) Team: Gossifleur, Eldegoss
Pryce (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Seel, Dewgong, Piloswine
Mina (Pokemon Sun and Moon) Team: Klefki, Granbull, Shiinotic, Wigglytuff, Ribombee
Clay (Pokemon Black and White) Team: Krokorok, Palpitoad/Sandslash, Excadrill
Ramos (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Jumpluff, Weepinbell, Gogoat
Wulfric (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Abomasnow, Cryogonal, Avalugg
Olympia (Pokemon X and Y) Team: Sigilyph, Slowking, Meowstic
Brycen (Pokemon Black and White) Team: Vanillish, Cryogonal, Beartic
Cilan/Chili/Cress (Pokemon Black and White) Team: Lillipup, Pansage/Pansear/Panpour
Falkner (Pokemon Gold and Silver) Team: Pidgey, Pidgeotto