The Ultimate Power-Up Awaits the Straw Hats on Elbaf!
Embark on a thrilling journey as the Straw Hats set sail for Elbaf, where ancient mysteries and hidden treasures await Uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Void Century and delve into the captivating tales of Ohara's salvaged library and Saul's connection to Elbaf Get ready for an epic adventure like no other!
The scholars' final efforts to safeguard their knowledge were unveiled as Dr. Vegapunk explored the devastated island of Ohara, subsequently rescued by a team of giants who transported it to the island of Elbaf.
The knowledge obtained from the Library of Ohara, including insights into the Void Century and the Great Kingdom, could play a crucial role in Luffy and his crew's quest to unravel the true history of the world and topple the World Government.
During their forthcoming trip to Elbaf, significant revelations may surface regarding the Void Century, such as the survival of Jaguar D. Saul, his connection with Nico Robin, and the potential formation of an alliance between the Straw Hat Pirates and the giants.
Dr. Vegapunk's introduction in the Egghead Arc has revealed significant information about the world of One Piece. It sheds light on the true nature of Devil Fruits, the tale of Sun God Nika, and the Great Kingdom from the Void Century. However, the most noteworthy revelation is the story behind Vegapunk's visit to the island of Ohara after its destruction. During his trip, Vegapunk discovered the scholars' last stand to preserve their knowledge despite the imminent demise they faced.
A group of giants, including a significant figure from Nico Robin's past, later salvaged this collection of knowledge and brought it to the island of Elbaf as observed by Vegapunk. With Elbaf likely to be the Straw Hat Pirates' next destination in the Final Saga of One Piece, it is expected that the upcoming arc will provide further crucial information about the Void Century. This knowledge may be crucial for Luffy and his crew to reach Laugh Tale, uncover the true history of the world, and ultimately put an end to the World Government's tyranny.
The Salvaged Library Of Ohara
The scholars of Ohara, in their pursuit of understanding the Void Century and deciphering the Poneglyph language, tragically faced a genocide through a malicious Buster Call twenty years before Luffy embarked on his journey. During this devastating event, the Marines not only annihilated the ancient Tree of Knowledge, which had stood for nearly 5,000 years, but also mercilessly slaughtered scholars and innocent civilians. However, amidst the chaos, the archaeologists on Ohara valiantly made a final effort to salvage the centuries-worth of knowledge they had accumulated.
In a desperate attempt, the researchers hurled the remaining books from the Library of Ohara into a nearby lake, filling the entire basin with their precious contents. A few months later, when Vegapunk arrived on the island, he was astounded to see the lake transformed into a repository of books. Giants, led by Jaguar D. Saul, had taken upon themselves the task of recovering the drowned knowledge. This sight moved Vegapunk to tears, as it revealed that the "Will of Ohara" persevered even after the demise of its inhabitants. Later, Vegapunk made a covert visit to Elbaf, seeking permission from the giants to read, memorize, and gather all the invaluable information contained within those books.
Unearthing The Secrets Of The Void Century
Vegapunk's mind and his information storage system, known as Punk Records, encompass the knowledge preserved from the Ohara Incident. There is evidence that Vegapunk was delving into the truth of the Void Century before the World Government ordered his execution, indicating potential progress in uncovering what occurred 800 years ago. If the Straw Hat Pirates successfully escape from Egghead with Vegapunk, it would be a significant advancement in their quest to unearth the World Government's secrets.
In addition, Professor Clover, the director of the Ohara Library, revealed crucial information during the Ohara Incident. He claimed to be aware of the Great Kingdom's name from the Void Century and the significance behind this knowledge. If the books taken to Elbaf hold records of the Great Kingdom's name and its conflict with the Twenty Kingdoms, Robin could have a plethora of resources to assist her in locating the Rio Poneglyph and discovering the true history.
Saul's Story And Elbaf's Role In The Void Century
Jaguar D. Saul's survival during the Ohara Incident is a significant revelation, especially considering his close friendship with Robin during her childhood. This revelation holds importance for the Straw Hat Pirates' upcoming visit to Elbaf. Although the crew already has strong ties to Elbaf through Shanks, as well as Dorry and Brogy, Saul may have an even more crucial role to play in their journey. Additionally, the unexplored relationship between Saul and Nico Olvia, Robin's mother, who continued her late husband's research into the Void Century before Ohara's destruction, may uncover more vital secrets.
A visit to Elbaf could also lead to a highly anticipated reunion between Luffy and Shanks. This reunion has the potential to reveal further insights into the world of One Piece, such as Roger's discoveries on Laugh Tale, the significance of the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika, and the reason behind Shanks' decision to delay his claim to the One Piece until now. Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates might cross paths with Loki, the enigmatic prince of Elbaf, and even establish an alliance with the giants.
The involvement of Elbaf in the Void Century is also worth considering, as it has been revealed that both Zou and Wano Country had connections to the Great Kingdom and the Poneglyphs. If Elbaf was allied with the Great Kingdom, despite not being mentioned as a member of the World Government, it is possible that significant revelations await at the giants' homeland. Stream One Piece on Crunchyroll.