The Ultimate Marvel Lineup: All You Need to Know About Wolverine's Epic X-Men Companions

The Ultimate Marvel Lineup: All You Need to Know About Wolverine's Epic X-Men Companions

Marvel's Wolverine game by Insomniac is highly anticipated, but relying heavily on X-Men characters can be a risky move Balancing the allure of expanding the universe with Wolverine's loner persona is crucial

Insomniac has had a busy five years, with ambitious plans for the future. Alongside two successful Spider-Man games and an upcoming third installment, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart received praise from both critics and consumers. Since being acquired by Sony in November 2019, Insomniac has consistently delivered high-quality games in a short timeframe. Their success with the web-slinger has positioned them as capable of tackling Marvel's Wolverine, which was announced during the 2021 PlayStation Showcase.

While Spider-Man's gaming journey has been relatively fortunate, Wolverine has not had the same exposure in the medium. This upcoming game is highly anticipated, as it represents his biggest gaming venture to date. It is crucial for the game to make a good impression. Marvel has a wide range of characters to draw from, which may tempt them to include exciting cameos or companions for Wolverine. Given his association with the X-Men, having Wolverine accompany another member of Professor Xavier's group in the story could have both advantages and disadvantages.

More X-Men Means More Hype

The Ultimate Marvel Lineup: All You Need to Know About Wolverine's Epic X-Men Companions

The X-Men hold an undeniable appeal that extends beyond comics and fiction. Insomniac, known for referencing various Marvel characters, would likely find it difficult to resist including the X-Men in their work, much like they did with Miles Morales in Spider-Man. The addition of X-Men characters, even if only briefly, would be an iconic move, especially if kept a secret for a surprising impact in the years to come.

Moreover, incorporating at least one X-Man in Marvel's Wolverine could establish a deeper lore and imply the existence or future presence of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in the game's world. Imagine the possibilities and enjoyment that could arise from Wolverine rediscovering his relationship with Jean Grey and incorporating her abilities into the game. Delving into the X-Men universe would certainly come with its advantages.

Wolverine Works as a Loner

The Ultimate Marvel Lineup: All You Need to Know About Wolverine's Epic X-Men Companions

However, this potential trade-off may impact the storytelling aspect. Wolverine excels as a solo character, making it challenging for a companion to not feel like they are obstructing the beloved Wolverine experience. His enigmatic nature and distrust towards others contribute greatly to his appeal, akin to Kratos in God of War. Witnessing his vulnerability and guardedness being unveiled is both gratifying and a significant plot point in its own right. Therefore, introducing a companion who requires their share of screen time could undermine the narrative, as Wolverine is captivating enough to stand on his own without a sidekick or warm-up act.

Additionally, this decision has the potential to defy expectations raised by the announcement trailer, but in a negative way. The limited promotional material available to gamers has offered a glimpse into the game's tone and overall atmosphere, which deviates greatly from the typical superhero clichés popularized by the Marvel Cinematic Universe beyond the comic books. The game appears to embrace a more mature and human approach, possibly reminiscent of the atmospheric vibes found in The Last of Us or Red Dead Redemption rather than Marvel's Avengers or Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.

Marvel's Wolverine is currently in development.