The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

Discover the ultimate starting classes in the Convergence Mod for Elden Ring With 27 new options to choose from, these top 10 classes, including Dreadnought, Stormcaller, and Volcanist, offer unparalleled abilities and gameplay experiences Don't miss out on the thrilling adventure that awaits!

The Alpha stage of the Convergence Mod has recently been introduced, bringing a multitude of significant changes to the original Elden Ring game. Targeted towards seasoned players familiar with the Lands Between, selecting the optimal starting class in Elden Ring Convergence remains as challenging as ever.

Among the staggering selection of 27 fresh classes in Convergence, players may discover that these ten options deliver a more distinct and gratifying gameplay experience compared to the remaining 17. While the Convergence mod maintains an impressive level of overall balance, there are no classes that can be truly considered subpar. Nonetheless, these ten classes could be argued as the ones players should consider experimenting with first in the mod.

10 Prisoner

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

The Prisoner in Elden Ring is essentially an upgraded version of the Wretch character from the original game. It comes with the Prisoner set, which includes the comical iron mask. This set provides players with additional defense compared to the regular Wretch.

However, players who opt to play as the Prisoner are not choosing this new Convergence Mod class for its power alone. Those who follow the Prisoner's path will face a more challenging early-game experience. However, they will also be rewarded with a more fulfilling end-game experience as they have greater control over allocating their Stat Points starting from Rune Level 1.

9 Mystic

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

In the regular game, the Sleep status effect is not very common, but the Mystic class in the Convergence Mod capitalizes on its potential. With a Spirit Calling Bell at the start, Mystic characters can utilize Spirit Ashes right from the beginning. They also have access to a bow that induces Sleep, various Spells, and a solid Club as a weapon.

Although lacking in defenses initially, the Mystic class in the Convergence Mod for Elden Ring compensates for this limitation with an impressive selection of Ancestral Sorceries. By acquiring new armor and defensive Sorceries, the Mystic becomes one of the strongest hybrid Spellcaster-Melee classes in the mod.

8 Frenzied Zealot

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

In the Convergence Mod, the Frenzied Zealot is a powerful Incantation-wielder who specializes in Madness-inducing spells. With a plethora of new options available, they possess the Frenzied Flame Seal, enhancing the potency of their Frenzied Flame Incantations.

While somewhat fragile, the Frenzied Zealot has the ability to spread Madness to a greater number of enemies than in the vanilla Elden Ring. If you seek to pursue the Frenzied Flame ending and experience the array of new Frenzied Flame spells in the Convergence Mod, this class is the ideal choice.

7 Frost Witch

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

The Frost Witch in Elden Ring offers players the stylish Snow Witch set, which is considered one of the most fashionable armor sets in the game. Comparable to Ranni the Witch's armor set, it is highly regarded for several reasons, one of them being its aesthetic appeal. Furthermore, the Frost Witch excels in utilizing Cold magic to its full potential, with the Convergence Mod enhancing all Status Effects and spells. With this advantage, the Frost Witch becomes a formidable class capable of obliterating enemies, while also benefiting from the visually pleasing Snow Witch armor set, which offers solid defense.

6 Godskin Celebrant

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

In Dominula, the Windmill Village of the Altus Plateau, players encounter numerous Godskin Celebrants. These fervent worshippers of the Godskin Apostles and Nobles engage in spirited dances around their fires as they wield their Rune-generating melee weapons and unleash a cascade of Black Flame Incantations to dispatch their enemies.

The Godskin Celebrant class is widely regarded as the optimal choice for those beginning their journey in mastering Incantations. The devastating power of Black Flame spells not only inflict damage upon impact but also drain a percentage of the target's health over a brief duration. As a result, they are particularly effective when battling formidable bosses with substantial HP.

5 Vanguard

Additionally, in close proximity to their spawning location, there is a dungeon that houses a plethora of additional Black Flame Incantations. With the Convergence Mod, these spells are condensed into Faint Runes corresponding to their respective spell types. Notably, the next level of spells for the Godskin Celebrant's repertoire can be accessed with ease, being just a stone's throw away from their starting point.

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

While there are several other melee classes in the Convergence Mod that are worth exploring, such as the Rogue or Sellsword that rely on Dexterity, the Vanguard provides a balanced combination of offensive capabilities and defensive prowess, particularly when equipped with a Shield.

The class does not commence with a shield, but its initial weapon is ideal for Two-Handing, and while using the Vanguard armor set, one can easily deflect fatal blows. Master the art of dodging effectively, and players can focus their energy on maximizing damage output instead of relying on a shield for protection.

4 Starcaller

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

In Elden Ring's Convergence Mod, the Starcaller stands out as a fascinating spellcaster. What makes them truly remarkable is their mastery of Gravity Sorceries, a spell category known for its incredible power. Even with the overall enhancement of spells in the game, Gravity magic remains exceptionally formidable - and the Starcallers have the unique ability to harness its might right from the beginning.

The advantage of Gravity magic lies in its ability to inflict physical damage, bypassing magical resistances, causing bosses to stagger, and breaking through the tough exteriors of armored foes. Starcallers begin their journey just outside Castle Morne, where they can immediately put their Gravity-based abilities to the test against the formidable Onyx Lord, an open-world boss.

3 Volcanist

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

When it boils down to it, determining the superior Sorcery class in the Convergence Mod is a matter of personal taste. However, one undeniable aspect of the Volcanist is the sheer magnificence of being able to emit streams of molten lava wherever one goes right from the start of Elden Ring.

The Volcanist, a Sorcerer in Elden Ring, harnesses the power of Mt. Gelmir's Lava magic and expands upon it with the diverse options provided by the Convergence Mod. With their mastery over Fire-type damage, Volcanists prove highly effective against a wide range of enemy types. Additionally, their repertoire of visually stunning spells compensates for the intricacies involved in customizing their abilities.

2 Stormcaller

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

The Stormcaller class in the Convergence Mod is regarded as one of the top Sorcery-based classes, much like the Volcanist. Among the various classes available in Convergence, the Stormcaller stands out as a combination of familiarity and uniqueness. While the base game of Elden Ring has limited Storm-based spells, this starting class not only harnesses the power of the same winds that encompass Stormveil but also resembles one of its guardians.

The Stormcaller commands the power of the tempest, unleashing devastating Wind spells that deal Physical damage. In a similar vein to Gravity magic, these spells possess heightened effectiveness against heavily armored foes and those resistant to magic, surpassing the capabilities of conventional Sorceries. The unique aspect that sets the Stormcaller apart from the Starcaller lies in its distinctive capabilities; moreover, unlike the Volcanist who begins their journey alongside a formidable boss or within the perilous realm of Caelid, the Stormcaller does not face such daunting challenges.

1 Dreadnought

The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling Elden Ring’s Most Powerful Starting Classes in the Convergence Mod

Out of all the melee classes featured in the Convergence Mod, none surpass the Dreadnought in terms of sheer terror and ability to deal devastating damage. With rather lackluster Intelligence, Faith, and Mind stats, the Dreadnought is unequivocally built for close-quarters combat and excels as a formidable tank. By disregarding the arcane arts, this class can focus more on developing their Strength and Endurance, making them the ultimate medieval Terminator.

The Dreadnought class offers a strong defensive armor set, a mace with excellent Strength scaling, and a basic shield, all staying within the Medium weight range. If your preference is for a nimble and agile character, it would be wise to consider other options. However, if you prioritize starting the game with the highest Strength stat and desire the optimal setup to utilize that specialization, the Dreadnought outperforms the Vanguard, Berserker, and Retainer classes.

Please note that Elden Ring's Convergence Mod can only be accessed on PC.
