The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing Family Fun in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing Family Fun in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Master the art of survival as a member of the notorious Slaughter Family in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre horror game Unleash your inner horror fan and discover essential tips to level up, stay alert, secure escape routes, manage stamina, and harness special abilities Unleash terror in style!

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre offers a fresh interpretation of the iconic horror story, allowing players to assume the roles of either a Victim or a member of the Slaughter Family. Each side has specific objectives to accomplish, with the Family being responsible for guarding the exits and hunting down the Victims utilizing their unique abilities and tools.

In The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Family members have the opportunity to confront four Victims alongside three other relatives. Despite being outnumbered, the Slaughter Family possesses several advantages that can be strategically utilized to gain the upper hand. This guide provides helpful tips and tricks to assist players in taking down the Victims and successfully completing the massacre.

Level Up Grandpa

The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing Family Fun in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The most valuable ally for Family members is Grandpa, an immobile character who sleeps on the upper floor at the beginning of a match. When Grandpa awakens, he emits a loud scream, revealing the locations of all moving players. Grandpa can be aroused by excessive noise from the Victims, anyone escaping from the basement, or a Family member leveling him up.

To increase Grandpa's level, players can feed him blood. Once he reaches level five, his scream will illuminate the Victims, regardless of whether they are moving or stationary. In addition, Family members who appear on the upper floor are unable to enter the Basement until Grandpa is awake. Players can gather blood in vials either by using blood buckets found upstairs or by attacking and killing Victims. It is important not to neglect feeding Grandpa, as he uses his scream every time he is fed.

Watch For Visual Noise Alarms

The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing Family Fun in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Grandpa serves as one method for Family members to locate Victims. Alternatively, they can search for visual cues such as hanging bones, slamming doors, and caged chickens that indicate the presence of Victims. Whenever these cues occur, Family members like Sissy and the Hitchhiker can seize the opportunity to stealthily approach the Victims.

Moreover, when a Victim engages in actions such as picking a lock, opening a Toolbox, or collecting bone scraps, they may produce noise. These Victims will be visually highlighted in red, accompanied by vibrating sound waves. Though there are numerous hiding spots available to Victims, Family members can swiftly locate them by remaining vigilant. It is advisable to check around corners and behind doors while navigating through different areas as Victims may be concealed there.

Always Lock Exit Doors

The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing Family Fun in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Family members must always ensure that exit doors are locked, as it is a grave mistake to leave them unlocked. Unlike the victims, who rely on picking locks, family members have the privilege of freely entering and exiting rooms. With this freedom comes the responsibility of closing and locking doors behind them.

Special attention must be given to securing the basement exit doors, as it is easier for the victims to be tracked within the confined space. Additionally, family members can also lock regular doors to restrict the movement of the victims. It is crucial to secure the two outdoor exits by either starting the generator or fixing the car battery.

Pay Attention to Stamina

The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing Family Fun in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

All Family members possess a stamina meter that depletes as they engage in activities such as sprinting or attacking Victims. The level of stamina is determined by their Endurance skill, with certain Family members being more adept at pursuing targets than others. While players may feel an adrenaline rush upon spotting a Victim, it is advisable to adopt an opportunistic approach and strike when they are in close proximity, instead of engaging in prolonged chases.

Once the stamina of Family members is fully depleted, they are compelled to halt, granting ample time for Victims to flee. Among the characters in Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Leatherface boasts the highest level of Endurance and is the sole Family member capable of breaking through barricades.

Use Special Abilities

The Ultimate Guide: Unleashing Family Fun in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Family members, like Victims, possess unique abilities that enable them to track, overcome obstacles, and ensnare prey. Leatherface can ignite his chainsaw, unveiling the whereabouts of nearby Victims. Additionally, he has the power to obliterate crates, hidden areas, and doors. Cook possesses exceptional auditory prowess that aids in tracking Victims, while Johnny excels in tracing their footprints.

Sissy and the Hitchhiker excel in trapping methods, albeit employing distinct approaches. The Hitchhiker strategically places traps across the maps, ensnaring unsuspecting Victims. He is immediately alerted whenever someone encounters one of his lethal snares. On the other hand, Sissy's abilities center around poison. She has the capability to poison objects such as health items and Toolboxes, enticing Victims to procure them. Moreover, Sissy can release a toxic gas that hinders Victims' movement when traversed.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
