The Ultimate Guide to Unraveling Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Epic Finale

Discover the thrilling twists, character fates, and hidden messages behind Brooklyn 99's epic finale Unveil the truth about promotions, happy endings, and the cast's thoughts Uncover why some felt let down, while others believe it was a perfect ending to this beloved series
The conclusion of the beloved sitcom Brooklyn 99 was fitting for the series. Set in Brooklyn's 99th precinct, the show follows the detectives Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Captain Raymond Holt, Lieutenant Terry Jeffords, Rosa Diaz, and Charles Boyle. Over eight seasons, they solved cases and got into hijinks, with other characters like Gina Linetti, Norm Scully, and Michael Hitchcock also becoming significant.
In season 8, Holt and Amy introduce a police reform program that is implemented city-wide. Holt is promoted to deputy commissioner, with Amy as his second-in-command. The series finale, "The Last Day," promises to be the most elaborate and hilarious heist yet. In these heist episodes, betrayals run rampant as personal and professional relationships are put aside for a comically intense desire to win. The finale takes this to the extreme, with the ultimate winner being crowned the Grand Champion of the Nine-Nine. The characters' duplicity reaches new heights in this epic conclusion.
The Double-Crosses In Brooklyn 99's Finale Explained
The heist double-crosses have been a recurring comedic element in Brooklyn 99, so it only makes sense that it played a part in the show's ending. Each intricate deception was originally executed with the sole purpose of achieving victory, but in the final episode, the betrayals had various underlying motivations. The initial deception was to trick Holt and Amy into thinking it was a farewell heist, when in reality, Jake had orchestrated it to create his own perfect farewell. Even Amy, who knew that being a detective had always been Jake's dream, was surprised by this revelation. However, while she appeared to be supporting his scheme, she was actually planning something of her own.
The next major double-cross happened when Amy drugged and tricked Jake, similar to a scene from Mission: Impossible. Believing that the Brooklyn Bridge was the chosen goodbye location, Jake was unaware that Amy had planned a farewell party at their favorite bar. Even their relationship goals and romantic feelings for each other couldn't override their competitive nature during the heist. Amy enlisted the help of her ex-boyfriend, Teddy, and used Jake's insecurities to convince him that he had been in a coma for the past seven years in order to uncover the heist's location. This particular betrayal highlighted Amy's skills in meticulous planning, both for the party and the elaborate scheme.
Who Gets A Promotion?
: In the finale of Brooklyn 99, Holt pulls off the ultimate betrayal by leading the team to the location of their initial arrest under his command. This action allows Bill to betray the entire team, locking them all in a storage container. Surprisingly, this leads to Hitchcock, of all people, emerging as the Grand Champion of the Nine-Nine. His victory, achieved by purchasing the prize for a mere $40, is a hilariously unexpected conclusion after all the double-crosses. However, since Hitchcock's win is the result of unlikely circumstances and he is considered the least deserving, there still isn't a true two-time heist winner in Brooklyn 99. The dissatisfaction sets the stage for the characters to reunite annually for yet another heist.Holt and Amy's promotions in the Brooklyn 99 finale are evident, while the progress of other characters is more subtle. Firstly, Terry achieves the position of Captain of the Nine-Nine, despite being tricked twice with a fake job interview. Moreover, Charles experiences a promotion through his new partner and the dynamics they share. In the final scene of the episode, Boyle calmly declines a series of cringe-worthy nicknames suggested by his partner.
Where Every Character Ends Up (& If They Get A Happy Ending)
Charles has attained the esteemed position of "Jake" within the partnership, a role he previously admired. Similarly, Jake Peralta from Brooklyn 99 experiences a personal promotion of his own, as he embarks on his new cherished vocation as an exceptional father. This progress holds exceptional significance for Jake, given his continuous challenges pertaining to the absence and unfaithfulness of his own father.
In the Brooklyn 99 ending, the fates of the characters take a different turn, making it challenging to keep up with their whereabouts and who ultimately finds happiness. Deputy Commissioner Holt fulfills his long-held ambition of joining the NYPD upper administration, marking the pinnacle of his career. His endeavor to reform the police department and promote equality and justice reaches its zenith. On the other hand, Jake departs from his previous dream job as a detective to embark on his new aspiration of becoming an exceptional father. With the reassurance and validation he receives from Holt, his foremost paternal figure, he finds solace in his decision, certain that he has chosen the right path.
Amy continues to progress in her career at the NYPD, working directly under her mentor and climbing the ladder. Rosa finds her perfect ending as she confidently declares that she does not need a romantic partner or any attachments to find happiness. As a private investigator, she gains the independence she has always sought. Charles also achieves a happy ending, remaining at the Nine-Nine and growing into a more confident and cool detective. Terry, with his proven leadership skills, is named captain of the Brooklyn 99, earning the respect of his team. Even Hitchcock and Scully, despite their lazy ways, find satisfaction in reuniting and continuing their employment at the Nine-Nine. Each character finds their own version of a happy ending, based on their unique strengths and aspirations.
The Real Meaning Of Brooklyn 99's Ending
The family theme is consistently present throughout Brooklyn 99, and the show's ending brilliantly brings it all together. The entire episode serves as a cherished family tradition for the Nine-Nine, while also emphasizing key aspects of the familial theme. The conclusion of Brooklyn 99 underscores the significance of embracing and accepting one's family members for their individuality and their choices. This is exemplified in the final exchange between Amy and Rosa, where Amy initially struggles to comprehend Rosa's preference for solitude.
However, as the conversation progresses, they both come to embrace their differences, leading to an uncharacteristic display of affection from Rosa towards Amy. Similarly, the final interaction between Jake and Boyle adds to this theme, as Boyle ultimately understands that Jake's focus on being a father does not mean an end to their friendship. The entire Brooklyn 99 team reaches a point of acceptance for each other's true selves and the paths they choose in life. The final "Nine-Nine!" exclamation further solidifies the importance of family values.
What The Brooklyn 99 Cast Have Said About The Ending
The beloved cast of Brooklyn 99 was a major reason for the show's popularity. They not only brought laughter, but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among the characters. Reflecting on the show's conclusion, many cast members shared their thoughts on the impact of the show on both the ensemble and the fans, along with their favorite moments from Brooklyn 99.
As the finale aired, some cast members shared their heartfelt goodbyes to the series. Fumero expressed, "This finale was created with love, joy, laughter, and even tears. We hope you love it as much as we do." Meanwhile, Crews acknowledged the significance of the show in his life and for the audience, saying, "This show has meant so much to me over the years and I know it means a lot to all of you." During an interview for the final season, the cast also discussed the emotions of bidding farewell to the show after such a long time. While it was undoubtedly bittersweet, Crews emphasized the familial bond within the entire crew that worked on the show. He also highlighted how the fans were an integral part of that family, recounting that no matter where he went, if he shouted Terry's Brooklyn 99 catchphrase, he would hear it echoed back to him.
Why Brooklyn 99's Finale Let The Show Down
The ending of Brooklyn 99 presented several challenges in addressing various storylines and determining the appropriate conclusion for the beloved characters. However, fans expressed criticism towards the overall final season, which diluted the impact of the finale. Real-life events, particularly cases of police brutality like the murder of George Floyd and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement, compelled Brooklyn 99 to confront the role of law enforcement in today's society.
While it was commendable for the show to tackle these issues instead of disregarding them and continuing its light-hearted police adventures, Brooklyn 99 proved to be ill-equipped for such a task. It could no longer maintain its original tone as a sitcom, nor effectively delve into these nuanced matters. Consequently, the season felt disjointed and dissatisfying for many of its viewers. Therefore, the ending of Brooklyn 99 appeared as an afterthought rather than a culmination the show carefully crafted.
Some fans felt that
Why The Brooklyn 99 Ending Was Perfect The Series
for the finale didn't sit well with them as well. The decision to have Jake give up his job in order to care for their child seemed sudden and contradictory to the nature of both Jake and Amy. Not only did Jake clearly enjoy being a cop, but Amy's organized persona didn't align with her being unprepared for the challenges of balancing a career and parenthood. It appeared to certain fans that this was a contrived happy ending rather than a logical choice for the characters.While some fans were disappointed with the conclusion of Brooklyn 99, many others viewed it as the perfect finale for the series. These fans believed that Jake's decision was heartwarming and showcased his tremendous growth throughout the show. In addition to providing satisfying moments for viewers, the episode also featured an intriguing twist involving Rosa. After disclosing her thoughts of reconciling with Pimento to Amy, Rosa unveils that it was all a ruse. She then highlights to Amy that "You all think for someone to be happy their story has to end with marriage and kids."
The reason why most fans are satisfied with the finale is because of the heartwarming note it concludes with. Throughout its run, the show has provided laughter and entertaining storylines, but it is the Brooklyn 99 characters that have truly made the sitcom special. Many finales tend to show beloved characters going their separate ways and ending their time together. For example, Friends depicted Monica and Chandler moving away, while Ted Lasso ended with the titular coach returning to the United States. While it is true that several characters in Brooklyn 99 are moving on to new chapters in their lives, the final scene of the series assures the audience that they will always reunite in a sweet and comforting promise.