The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

Unleash ultimate zombie devastation with these extraordinary Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies Experience the power of 10 Elemental Staffs, the explosive Monkey Bomb, the teleporting Gersh Device, and more! Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled battle against the undead with these macabre and magical armaments


Call of Duty Zombies mode offers fantastical and mystical elements, attracting a unique fan base.

Strategic advantages are offered by Wonder Weapons like the Elemental Staffs and the Monkey Bomb. The Ray Gun, an iconic and highly coveted original Wonder Weapon in Call of Duty Zombies, holds immense appeal.

While some view Call of Duty primarily as a realistic war shooter, a significant number of fans are drawn to the series for the extraordinary and mystical elements offered in the Zombies mode. Initially introduced as a hidden surprise after completing the game in Call of Duty: World at War in 2008, this mode has since become one of the central components in almost every subsequent release.

For those unfamiliar with this mode, Wonder Weapons are special weapons that are often exclusive to specific maps and, in recent years, require players to craft them during gameplay in order to utilize their power. With nearly ten games and over 50 Wonder Weapons available, there are countless strategies to effortlessly eliminate swarms of the undead.

10 Elemental Staffs

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

Initiating a new trend, the Elemental Staffs from the final downloadable content (DLC) map "Origins" in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 introduced the concept of having four constructible Wonder Weapons with distinct energy types. These Staffs formed a crucial foundation for Zombie enthusiasts, who would often prioritize their selection at the beginning of each match, choosing between the Lightning, Fire, Ice, or Wind variants. Given the limitation of players being able to possess only one Staff at a time, this decision held significant importance.

What elevates the significance of this Wonder Weapon is that upon completing the main quest's easter egg on the map, a cutscene would showcase the playable characters being transported back in time, each equipped with these mystical Staffs in hand.

9 Monkey Bomb

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

While some fans may argue that Monkey Bombs shouldn't be classified as Wonder Weapons because they are equipment, not guns, their significance in the game's lore ultimately validates their inclusion. These comically violent explosives successfully capture the distinctiveness of Call of Duty Zombies.

When deployed, the Monkey Bomb, a grenade-like Wonder Weapon, emits a catchy tune and remains stationary, effectively luring nearby zombies towards its location. This functionality makes it an invaluable tool for escaping tight spots or buying time to revive a fallen teammate. As one of the rare Wonder Weapons to be featured in every Treyarch Zombies release, Monkey Bombs leave a lasting impact both in terms of power and memorability.

8 Gersh Device

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

The first DLC map for Call of Duty: Black Ops became an instant classic with its release. Set in an abandoned Soviet Cosmodrome, Ascension served as the perfect sequel to the original map, Kino der Toten. While this new map didn't introduce any additional Wonder Weapon firearms, it did introduce two new pieces of Wonder Weapon equipment: the Matryoshka Dolls and the Gersh Device.

Although the dolls didn't quite live up to expectations, the Gersh Device was a game-changer. Acting as a literal black hole that players could wield, it surpassed the Monkey Bombs by pulling zombies into its gravitational pull, effectively wiping out entire hordes. Despite only appearing in two maps, fans have been eagerly awaiting its return for close to a decade.

7 Wunderwaffe DG-2

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

The Wunderwaffe DG-2, which translates to "wonder weapon" in German, earned its name by becoming the second-ever Wonder Weapon in the world of Call of Duty Zombies. With its ability to shoot electricity that can chain between multiple zombies, this extraordinary weapon set a new standard for the sheer power that these guns should possess. In fact, it had the capability to eliminate an entire map's worth of undead with just one ammunition clip.

Initially introduced in the map Shi No Numa of Call of Duty: World at War, this exceptional firearm later became a coveted prize for gamers who managed to defeat the legendary film director, George Romero, in the Call of Duty: Black Ops' map known as Call of the Dead. After a period of laying dormant, players were recently delighted to witness the resurgence of this remarkable weapon in the 2021 installment of Call of Duty: Vanguard.

6 Wave Gun

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

The Wave Gun, the first spiritual successor to the legendary Ray Gun, made its exclusive appearance in the Moon map of Call of Duty: Black Ops. This powerful Wonder Weapon has two forms: the combined mode known as the Wave Gun, and when split into two, the formidable Zap Gun Dual Wield. Its explosive blast radius causes zombies to rapidly expand and explode, resulting in instant death, regardless of the round.

This extraordinary ability has earned the Wave Gun a reputation as one of the deadliest weapons in all of Call of Duty Zombies. Remarkably, it has the potential to eliminate up to 432 zombies without the need for a Max Ammo. While skilled players can exhibit precision with every shot in Wave Gun mode, the true excitement lies in the dual wield mode, where players can unleash maximum destruction on hordes of zombies. The Wave Gun was last seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3's Zombies Chronicles map pack, which reintroduced beloved maps from previous Call of Duty games.

5 Sliquifier

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

While newer players might be unfamiliar with the classic Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 weapon known as the Sliquifier, its remarkable dual function as both a weapon and a means of mobility earns it a place of honor in the Wonder Weapon hall of fame. In line with the trend of buildable Wonder Weapons that started with the Jet Gun in Tranzit, players must gather various components - a mannequin foot, a gas canister, a handbrake, and some wires - in order to create this unique firearm that shoots goo.

It's worth noting that this weapon's distinct capabilities have resulted in some hilariously memorable moments in the Zombies mode. When fired on the ground, it instantly turns the floor into a slippery surface, causing zombies to stumble and even leading to team members accidentally sliding off the map. Since this weapon is exclusive to the Die Rise map, which takes place on towering skyscrapers, falling off the building's edge spells instantaneous death.

4 Wrath Of The Ancients Bows

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

The upgraded bows in this game have names that are difficult to pronounce, so the zombies community has given them simpler names: Storm, Fire, Void, and Wolf Bow. These bows serve as spiritual successors to the Elemental Staffs from a previous game, taking the concept to the next level. Each bow has a unique ability, with three of them drawing inspiration from previous Wonder Weapons. The Storm bow acts like a mini-Wunderwaffe, the Void bow functions similarly to a Gersh Device, and the Wolf Bow unleashes Thundergun-like blasts. The Fire bow, on the other hand, stands out as the most original, as it creates volcanic mounds that trap zombies. Although players have their personal preferences, all of the Wrath of the Ancients bows are incredibly enjoyable to use, making them the best set of elemental Wonder Weapons in the history of Zombies.

3 Thundergun

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

The Thundergun is the ultimate solution for players who find themselves in a tight spot, allowing them to escape any tricky situation. Unlike other equipment such as the Monkey Bomb and Gersh Device, which require time to prepare and execute, the Thundergun can instantly eliminate a wave of zombies with just one shot.

Its effectiveness is especially evident in maps like Kino der Toten, where narrow corners are abundant. It was initially introduced in this theater-themed map precisely because of the challenging layout. When upgraded, this remarkable weapon earns the impressive name of the Zeus Cannon, making it a force to be reckoned with in the game Call of Duty.

2 RAI K-84

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

Introducing the RAI K-84, a cutting-edge Wonder Weapon that combines the prowess of the Ray Gun and AK47. Making its grand entrance in the highly anticipated Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's Firebase Z map in 2020, this remarkable creation offers the remarkable power of the Ray Gun coupled with the rapid automatic firing capabilities of an assault rifle. And as an added bonus, the RAI K-84 showcases an underbarrel launcher that unleashes a fiery burst engulfing the surroundings, effectively obliterating any undead creatures that dare to cross its path.

1 Ray Gun

The Ultimate Guide to the Top Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty Zombies

The Ray Gun is the iconic Wonder Weapon that has been shaping the tone of Call of Duty Zombies for years to come. It made its debut in the original Zombies map, Nacht der Untoten, and quickly became the most sought-after gun in the mystery box.

Although its power has varied in different games of the Call of Duty series, sometimes being overpowered and other times underpowered, nothing can match the distinctive sound and visual impact of the classic Ray Gun in Call of Duty Zombies.