The Ultimate Guide to Obtaining the Best Fishing Rod in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

Unlock the tranquil and lucrative world of fishing in Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life by obtaining a Fishing Rod Dive into the serene waters and learn the art of angling to reel in bountiful rewards
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How to Get a Fishing Rod in A Wonderful LifeHow to Fish in A Wonderful Life
In Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, players can engage in various farming activities and also explore activities beyond the farm using different tools. Apart from the initial tools, players also have access to a Brush, Clippers, and a Fishing Rod. The Fishing Rod holds significance as it enables players to sell fish and create specific recipes.
Within the Forgotten Valley, there are numerous ponds, a flowing river, and an ocean teeming with a diverse fish population. While Takakura's notes provide some information on fishing, there is no specific guidance on how to obtain a Fishing Rod, other than the possibility of acquiring one from a friend. Therefore, here is a step-by-step guide on obtaining and utilizing a Fishing Rod in A Wonderful Life.
How to Get a Fishing Rod in A Wonderful Life
Upon arriving in Forgotten Valley, players should prioritize collecting all available tools in order to maximize the utilization of their farm and the resources within the valley. Majority of the tools can be obtained for free, but acquiring a Fishing Rod requires a purchase. Unfortunately, there is no permanent shop outside of Vespa's Farm in Forgotten Valley, and the only items available for sale there are crop-related such as seeds and fertilizers.
To obtain a Fishing Rod, players must purchase it from a traveling salesman named Van, who visits the small village on the third and eighth day of each month. Though his inventory changes monthly, players can acquire a Fishing Rod during their initial meeting for a price of 500G.
After buying the standard Fishing Rod, players can get an upgraded version of the tool from Van when it's added to his inventory that doesn't use as much stamina.
In case of inability to afford it, Van will purchase items from the village, including flowers, produce, and items obtained through mining activities. Players can also strategize and accumulate money from the farm's Shipping Bin.
Notably, Sheep Wool holds a significant value, fetching thousands of dollars per fluff, making it an excellent method to earn quick money by using the Clippers. Additionally, Cows offer daily sellable Milk as long as they have access to Fodder for consumption and are content.
How to Fish in A Wonderful Life
In Forgotten Valley, players have the opportunity to fish in any natural body of water. These include ponds, rivers, and the ocean, each housing different species of fish of varying sizes. The value of a fish increases with its size, so catching as many as possible is the most effective means of earning quick money.
In addition to fishing, players can keep an eye out for distinctive animals near the water. For instance, a lizard with a bandaged leg or a tortoise adorned with a red ribbon tied into a bow around its neck signifies a stroke of luck, indicating the presence of large fish nearby.
To begin fishing, make sure you have the Fishing Rod equipped and approach a water source. When you are close enough, the "Fish" option will become available. Press the appropriate input to cast your line into the water, and then patiently wait for a fish shadow to appear beneath the bobber. Once a fish grabs onto the bobber and pulls it underwater, you will see an exclamation point above it, indicating that it's time to reel it in.
In order to reveal the species and size, players should press the same button they used initially to throw the line. This action will automatically retract the line. Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life can now be enjoyed on PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S.