In the game Sons of the Forest, players find themselves stranded on a mysterious remote island after a crash landing. With only a GPS, lighter, and axe in their possession, they must navigate through the forest, avoiding mutants and cannibals, in search of a way to escape. Compared to its predecessor, The Forest, Sons of the Forest offers a much larger map, making traveling across the island a day-long endeavor.
To obtain all the essential items, players are required to embark on an expedition to the opposite side of the mountain. Facilitating this journey is the option to utilize the ridable E.U.C. Knight V, which provides faster transportation. This guide provides information on the location of the Knight V and instructions on how to activate it in Sons of the Forest.
Where to Find the E.U.C. Knight V
The E.U.C. Knight V is an electric unicycle that allows players to travel much faster than on foot in Sons of the Forest. Similar to Hang Gliders, Knight Vs can be found at specific locations on the island and cannot be added to the player's inventory. When players first arrive on the island, they will begin their journey at one of three crash sites or spawn points: the snowy mountain top, the north beach, or near a river in the northwest part of the forest.
Knight Vs can be found at various abandoned campsites or cannibal camps on the east and west sides of the island. There are more than ten Knight Vs scattered throughout the island, with a few located near the beach and river spawn points indicated on the map below:
The E.U.C. Knight V bears a resemblance to a wheel upon initial discovery. Generally, there exists a solitary instance of the vehicle at each designated spawn location; however, they have the capability to respawn and accumulate when players reenter the game.
How to Use the E.U.C. Knight V in Sons of the Forest
To operate the E.U.C. Knight V, simply left-click the mouse to pick it up and place it on the ground. Once placed, players will automatically ride the Knight V and can move forward in the usual manner. It is important to note that the Knight V is relatively fast, so caution should be taken to avoid losing control while maneuvering. There is also a possibility of the wheel getting caught on obstacles such as rocks or sticks, which may result in players being thrown off. However, there are numerous pre-established paths and trails on the island that have minimal debris.
Please note that the Knight V cannot be stored and will remain in the same location where players dismount. While a temporary tracking device will appear on the GPS, it will disappear if players venture too far away and will only reappear once the Knight V is picked up again. Additionally, it is important to be mindful that the E.U.C. Knight V operates on battery power, so there is a limit to its travel distance. However, the battery recharges quickly.
While the Knight V is versatile for above-ground use, it cannot be utilized in caves or deep bodies of water. Nevertheless, once players become adept at riding it, the Knight V, in addition to the Hang Glider and zip lines, greatly enhances the ease of traversing the island in Sons of the Forest.
Sons of the Forest is out in early access on PC.