The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Ada's Section in Resident Evil 2 (2019): Unlock the Rare Achievement with Our Exclusive EMF Visualizer Walkthrough!

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Ada's Section in Resident Evil 2 (2019): Unlock the Rare Achievement with Our Exclusive EMF Visualizer Walkthrough!

Unlock a rare achievement by completing Ada's challenging segment in Resident Evil 2 (2019) without any weapons Navigate through intense situations using only the EMF Visualizer in this ultimate test of stealth and cunning

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Using The Visualizer

One Slick Super-Spy

In the sewers section of Resident Evil 2 (2019), players will experience a temporary separation between Leon and Ada. Taking control of Ada, the renowned femme fatale of the Resident Evil series, players must navigate through a challenging segment. They will need to swiftly solve various electrical puzzles while facing relentless hordes of zombies and being relentlessly pursued by the formidable Mr. X.

Using The Visualizer

To unlock the rare achievement/trophy, One Slick Super-Spy, players can push themselves to the limit in this section of Resident Evil 2 (2019) by solely relying on the EMF Visualizer throughout the entire segment.

Players will obtain the visualizer early on in the segment, following a brief cutscene where Ada discovers a ladder leading to a pipe obstructed by a large fan. Equipped with the visualizer, players will utilize the aim button to focus on a hackable target and hold the fire button to initiate the hack. A small meter will appear around the target reticle, indicating the progress of the hack.

To practice this function, players will have the chance to apply it to the large fan. They should start by using the EMF Visualizer to trace the wires and locate the power switch, then utilize the hack function to activate it. Afterward, they should redirect their attention to the fan and hack it to overload it and create a pathway ahead. Once inside the pipe, players can use the Visualizer to overload the second fan.

One Slick Super-Spy

Prepare to act swiftly as the intensity of the segment escalates rapidly. Exit the pipe and find yourself in a chamber containing a locked door and a solitary zombie positioned at its center. Swiftly pivot and direct your attention towards the pipe you emerged from - a switch box awaits that can be hacked to reroute power and unlock the door. Skillfully maneuver past the zombie while minimizing any potential harm, and proceed into the subsequent room.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Ada's Section in Resident Evil 2 (2019): Unlock the Rare Achievement with Our Exclusive EMF Visualizer Walkthrough!

Upon exiting the pipe, make a quick turn and hack the reroute switch.

After passing through the door, proceed straight towards the stairs. Players have the option to search the barrels on the far left and acquire the handgun ammo. Descend the stairs and advance towards the main area of the room. Be cautious as there are numerous zombies scattered throughout; avoid getting trapped! Initially, most zombies can be evaded by running past them, as they will be preoccupied with standing up and won't give chase. Utilize the EMF Visualizer to trace the wires on the ground, keeping to the outer walls while navigating through the room. Towards the far back, there is a power switch that requires hacking, and a zombie will drop from the upper rails as players approach. Proceed past the switch to discover a large crate containing handgun ammo and a flash grenade. Alternatively, players may choose to leave these items behind. Hack the switch, and then quickly race back towards the stairs located at the starting point of the room.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Ada's Section in Resident Evil 2 (2019): Unlock the Rare Achievement with Our Exclusive EMF Visualizer Walkthrough!

To quickly locate the elevator's power source, follow the pathway outside of the room.

Most of the zombies will now be upright, heading towards Ada. However, players can entice the zombies away from narrow hallways to create more space for maneuvering. If players get caught, they should swiftly recover and resume running. Ada can withstand a few attacks before her health reaches a critical level, although even a single gunshot from a pistol will result in the players not earning the achievement. Upon returning to the bottom of the stairs, use the now illuminated green elevator on the right to ascend to the next area.

Follow the designated path towards the door, briefly glimpsing Annette Birkin through the adjacent windows. Pursue Annette through the doorway and proceed to the secured entrance. This time, it will be Mr. X who becomes visible through the windows, gradually advancing towards Ada. Direct your attention to the right side of the locked door where you will locate the power switch. Manipulate and override the switch, allowing access to the door. As soon as the door is unlocked, swiftly shift the power flow by utilizing the switch positioned above it, redirecting it towards the fan. In the event that Mr. X is in dangerously close proximity to Ada, swiftly retreat into the adjoining room and strategically utilize the crates placed in the center to lure Mr. X away from the power switch. Once the power has been successfully redirected to the fan, employ the EMF Visualizer to overload the mechanism, thus creating an escape route.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Ada's Section in Resident Evil 2 (2019): Unlock the Rare Achievement with Our Exclusive EMF Visualizer Walkthrough!

After leaping over the spinning blades, gamers will be granted a respite from the chase as well as a typewriter within reach for saving in the subsequent room. Ascend the stairs located on the right-hand side to discover a lever that, when switched, will supply electricity to the area. Simultaneously, a note placed on the table to the left can be perused.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Ada's Section in Resident Evil 2 (2019): Unlock the Rare Achievement with Our Exclusive EMF Visualizer Walkthrough!

Head into the incinerator and acquire the ID Wristband from the body situated at the rear. Once the wristband is obtained, a cutscene will initiate, during which Annette will secure Ada inside the incinerator. To prevent being charred to a crisp, players must rapidly redirect the power in the incinerator by utilizing the multiple switches.

Escaping the Incinerator

After Annette activates the incinerator, players should direct their attention to the rear right corner of the room where the wristband was obtained. Locate a power switch in that area and utilize the Visualizer to hack into it, thereby activating the power line. With power now flowing towards the far left door lock, proceed to hack the lock and overload it.

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Ada's Section in Resident Evil 2 (2019): Unlock the Rare Achievement with Our Exclusive EMF Visualizer Walkthrough!

Now, turn your attention to the initial power switch and locate the switch box. Manipulate it to redirect the power flow back to the far right door lock, causing an overload that will unlock the door. Trace the line from the right lock back a bit to find the second reroute box, and hack it to divert power to the middle lock. Proceed to hack the last lock, granting access to the door and deactivating the incinerator. Move towards the locked door on the right and utilize the ID Wristband to continue. Follow the hallway until you reach the Treatment Room, where a final cutscene featuring Ada and Annette will be triggered, concluding this section and rewarding players with the rare achievement, One Slick Super-Spy.

You can purchase Resident Evil 2 (2019) on Amazon Luna, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.