The Ultimate Game-Changing Equipment Piece Every Call of Duty: Warzone Player Needs

The Ultimate Game-Changing Equipment Piece Every Call of Duty: Warzone Player Needs

Unleash the ultimate weapon in Call of Duty: Warzone! Discover the game-changing power of the classic CoD killstreak, the Guardian Dominate the battlefield with this unstoppable force


Call of Duty: Warzone has become a major focus for Activision, surpassing the mainline entries, as fans prefer the battle royale format.

The Guardian, a potent killstreak with a rich history in Call of Duty, has the potential to revolutionize the gameplay experience in Warzone. Its remarkable ability to obstruct areas and impede the progress of enemies can have a significant impact on battles. While there are tantalizing indications in Modern Warfare 3 suggesting the Guardian's arrival in Warzone, its actual incorporation into the game is still uncertain.

Call of Duty: Warzone has emerged as a leading battle royale game, rivalling popular titles like Fortnite and Apex Legends. It has surpassed the mainline Call of Duty games in popularity, as a significant number of fans now prefer the battle royale format over the traditional multiplayer gameplay. While interest in the campaigns remains, especially due to the captivating story of the Modern Warfare reboot, Warzone has undoubtedly become a primary focus for Activision and the Call of Duty developers in recent years.

In Call of Duty: Warzone, players have access to an extensive range of gadgets, including stimulants for health boosts and tactical heartbeat sensors. The game also includes various killstreaks, such as the UAV and precision airstrike, which can provide a crucial advantage. However, compared to the offerings in Call of Duty's traditional multiplayer, these features pale in comparison. This is where the Guardian, a killstreak introduced in Black Ops 2, could bring significant innovation and potentially revolutionize Warzone's gameplay if it were added.

Call of Duty's Guardian Explained

The Ultimate Game-Changing Equipment Piece Every Call of Duty: Warzone Player Needs

Call of Duty has introduced a wide variety of killstreaks throughout its history, providing players with numerous ways to gain an advantage in battle. Among these is the Guardian, a unique piece of equipment that was introduced in Black Ops 2 by developer Treyarch. In order to acquire the Guardian, players typically need to achieve a certain number of kills, as it can greatly influence the outcome of a match when utilized effectively.

The Guardian is designed as a tall base supporting a large dish, which emits a wave of microwave radiation. This radiation not only slows down enemy movement, but also inflicts gradual damage, making it particularly useful for controlling key areas and impeding the opposing team's progress. Following its introduction in Black Ops 2, the Guardian has made appearances in subsequent titles such as Black Ops 3 and Call of Duty: Mobile. Additionally, it is set to make a highly anticipated return in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, where it has undergone some modifications that may make it an invaluable asset in the Warzone game mode.

How The Guardian Could Affect Call of Duty: Warzone

The Ultimate Game-Changing Equipment Piece Every Call of Duty: Warzone Player Needs

The Guardian's primary function has always been to deny an area, allowing players the opportunity to eliminate enemies as their movement is hindered. This makes the Guardian an incredibly advantageous tool in Warzone, where quick and decisive movement is crucial, especially as the map becomes more confined. Even without specific ambush points, strategically placing the Guardian in the midst of a firefight to momentarily slow down enemies could prove sufficient to accomplish the task at hand. Consequently, acquiring the Guardian is expected to be highly challenging, but its potential to become the most invaluable equipment in Warzone cannot be disregarded.

Modern Warfare 3 is already laying the groundwork for the inclusion of the Guardian in Warzone, as the killstreak will no longer cause damage to enemies but will solely impede their movement. Given how overpowering it could be in Warzone if it caused damage to players as well, this adjustment makes sense. However, it remains to be seen whether the Guardian will ultimately be added. Whether it is included or not, Call of Duty is gearing up for a new era that is poised to provide both loyal and new fans with something to savor.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.