The Ultimate Game-Changer: Unveiling the Essential Assassin's Creed Mirage Quest

The Ultimate Game-Changer: Unveiling the Essential Assassin's Creed Mirage Quest

Discover the untold tales within Assassin's Creed Mirage, as one particular story holds immense significance for the future Brace yourself for an intriguing journey that hints at a promising future for Basim


Discovering a tantalizing vision, Assassin's Creed Mirage embarks players on an unforgettable quest, peering into the enigmatic destiny of Basim and the broader narrative of the Assassin's Creed universe. This immersive experience sets the stage for an enthralling future for this remarkable character.

The quest, titled "The Leap of the Faithful," introduces a young character named Hytham who holds great importance in the future of Basim and the Hidden Ones. This quest establishes the initial connection between Basim and Hytham, shedding light on their relationship and providing a glimpse into the unfolding storyline of the Assassin's Creed series.

Assassin's Creed Mirage, being a prequel to Valhalla, is filled with subtle nods and references to future events. One of these nods can be found in a short quest located in one of Baghdad's districts. While this quest may not be particularly engaging or interesting, its implications are significant for the future of Basim and the overall Assassin's Creed narrative.

Throughout Baghdad, players can come across Tales of Baghdad, small adventures that contribute to the stories of its inhabitants. Among these tales is The Leap of the Faithful, which hints at a promising future for Basim. Players familiar with Valhalla will immediately recognize characters like Hytham, while those unfamiliar with the game's story are in for a pleasant surprise.

AC Mirage Hints at an Interesting Future for Basim

The Ultimate Game-Changer: Unveiling the Essential Assassin's Creed Mirage Quest

When exploring the district of Karkh in Assassin's Creed Mirage, players will encounter a child sitting near a synchronization point. From the ground, the child's friends urge him to come down or jump into the haystack below. If players choose to, they can climb the tower and speak to the child, named Hytham, who expresses his desire to join the Hidden Ones but must first make the leap of faith. The player is then responsible for teaching him how to perform the leap of faith.

After showing Hytham how to do the leap of faith, he jumps into the haystack successfully, although not very gracefully. Upon exiting the haystack, Hytham rejoins his friends, and they discuss the event they just witnessed. Overhearing their conversation, players learn that the child's name is Hytham, unless they leave before the conversation begins. This particular moment holds significant importance for Basim's future, something that fans of Valhalla will immediately recognize.

In Valhalla, Basim and an older Hytham will join the Raven Clan on their journey to settle in England. Together, they will collaborate with the Clan to expand their presence in England and Hytham will delve into the history of the Hidden Ones. He will take up the responsibility of teaching Eivor the leap of faith and will serve as the primary contact for players, playing a vital role in the future of the Hidden Ones.

Following Basim's instruction on the leap of faith, Hytham was inspired to become a member of Assassin's Creed's Hidden Ones. By 867, he had joined their ranks and regularly accompanied Basim on their travels. Although the Hidden Ones had reservations about Basim's true intentions, it becomes apparent that Basim and Hytham develop a close bond during their journeys.

Mirage has presented players with the initial encounter between Basim and Hytham, a captivating sight. Although the quest itself is short, the implications it carries are remarkable. Devoted fans will undoubtedly appreciate this sequence, as it foreshadows an enthralling future, while newcomers may find themselves drawn to explore further. It is instances like these that make prequels an enriching experience. Furthermore, it paves the way for potential future narratives if Ubisoft chooses to delve into them.

Assassin's Creed Mirage can be enjoyed on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.