The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

Discover the untold tales of Superman's demise in DC Comics Uncover the shocking truth behind his countless near-death experiences and the few villains who actually succeeded in killing the Man of Steel Explore the iconic story arcs like The Death of Superman and Final Days of Superman that forever changed the superhero landscape

Comic characters don't stay dead for long, but Superman has been killed or nearly killed by numerous villains throughout the years. Death is temporary in the world of comics, as even characters who were thought to be permanently deceased, such as Bucky Barnes and Jason Todd, have made miraculous comebacks.

Superman's legacy changed that, however. The Death of Superman turned death into a significant story element, a monumental event that could be used to heighten tension. While characters had died before, few were as impactful as the Man of Steel.

The Death of Superman wasn't the first time he faced death, and it certainly wasn't the last either. The idea of "killing" Superman would continue to be a major dramatic development over the years. In truth, Superman has perhaps faced the threat of death more than any other character.

Every time Superman died in DC Comics & who killed him

Whether it’s fighting an alien warlord or trying to save the universe, here’s every time Superman was killed in DC Comics.

The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

DC ComicsSuperman’s implied death and survival in Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? may be Superman’s greatest fakeout.

Fakeout Deaths

The Golden Age and Silver Age of Superman stories are full of absolute nonsense. Superman possessed a wide range of powers, such as shooting tiny Supermen from his fingers or using Super-Ventroloquism. The stories also explore the concept of Superman's death, but it is often quickly explained away by the ending. Many of these instances are feigned deaths or plot twists, with Superman being promptly revived or revealed to be faking.

Perhaps one of the most well-known incidents is portrayed in the timeless classic "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?," where Lois Lane gives an interview detailing Superman's final days. According to Lois' account, Superman is devastated after being compelled to eliminate Mister Mxyzptlk. He then goes into a chamber of Gold Kryptonite to rid himself of his powers before vanishing into the Arctic. While it is assumed that Superman has perished, the surprise ending of the story reveals that he is actually married to Lois under a new secret identity, Jordan Elliot.

The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

DC ComicsDoomsday managed to defeat Superman, but whether he actually perished or was merely in a comatose state is a matter of debate.

The Death of Superman

The impact of The Death of Superman on the comic book industry was significant, whether it was positive or negative. At that time, it was unheard of for such a prominent character like Superman to be killed off, and it was even more unexpected for him to eventually return. The moment when Doomsday killed Superman was truly shocking for fans and readers alike.

The news of Superman's death became a global sensation, prompting fans to flock to stores for the historical issue. The excitement quickly turned to confusion and disappointment when Superman was resurrected just months later in Reign of the Supermen.

To this day, the story raises a significant question: did Superman truly perish? According to the narrative, it appears he was merely weakened to the point of entering a coma and subsequently revived in a Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix. Nonetheless, the story itself treats Superman's fate as a genuine death.

The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

DC ComicsExposure to multiple forms of cell-destroying radiation left the New 52 Superman turned to dust.

Final Days of Superman

During the DCYou era, the New 52 Superman faced a drastic decline in his powers, leaving him barely above superhuman due to his damaged cells being unable to process solar energy. In a last-ditch effort to save himself, Superman exposes himself to Kryponite, hoping it will act as chemotherapy and eliminate the dead cells. However, the plan fails and his cellular structure becomes unstable, pushing him to the brink of death. In the Final Days of Superman, he pushes his body to its limits as his cells break down and his body ultimately turns to dust.

The attempt of the returning pre-Flashpoint Superman to revive his New 52 counterpart was unsuccessful, as he never found the Regeneration Matrix in the new timeline. A subsequent story hinted at the resurrection of the New 52 Superman, but instead merged his timeline with that of the pre-Flashpoint Superman, smoothing out their history and effectively putting an end to the New 52 timeline for good.

The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

DC ComicsA powered down, pre-Crisis Superman dies saving the multiverse in Infinite Crisis.

Infinite Crisis

Following the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis brought back the Silver Age, pre-Crisis Superman. He had been observing Earth from a multiversal heaven for twenty years. When he witnessed the new Superman losing his faith, he crossed the barrier between worlds to intervene and save the world.

It turned out to be a deception, with Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime manipulating him. After the death of Lois, pre-Crisis Superman teams up with his post-Crisis counterpart to rescue the multiverse. The three are eventually stripped of their powers after passing through a planet made of Kryptonite. Weakened, pre-Crisis Superman is unable to defend himself and is mercilessly attacked by Superboy-Prime. His final act is to sacrifice himself to give the modern Superman a chance to defeat Superboy-Prime.

The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

DC ComicsThe maniacal Gog kills a different Superman every day in The Kingdom.

The Kingdom

July 10, 2031, marks the first of many deaths for Superman. His demise is repeated on September 19, 2038, March 1, 2033, December 24, 2022, and October 9, 2027, creating a room in the afterlife filled with deceased Supermen.

Gog, a religious zealot whose unwavering faith in Superman has been shattered, is granted powers by various DC gods. With this newfound strength, he relentlessly pursues the task of killing Superman repeatedly, not just once.

Gog believes he’s journeying through time, but unwittingly shatters Hypertime, the then-current DC explanation for the functioning of the multiverse, leading to the demise of the Supermen from various universes. This all changes when he arrives in the Kingdom Come universe, where its Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman team up with their past selves to thwart Gog, thus protecting their timeline.

The Ultimate Demise: Chronicling Superman's Deaths throughout DC Comics

DC ComicsAll-Star Superman showcases the Man of Steel transforming into a solar consciousness in an attempt to restore the sun.

All-Star Superman

During an exploration mission to the sun, Lex Luthor orchestrates a sabotage in an attempt to harm Superman. Aware that prolonged exposure to solar radiation will eventually kill Superman, Luthor's sinister plot is foiled as Superman comes to the rescue of the endangered scientists without hesitation. Despite his increased strength, Superman now faces a mortality he had never before experienced, with only one year left to live.

All-Star Superman is considered the ultimate modern Superman story. Instead of wallowing or worrying about his impending death, Superman takes the opportunity to fulfill all the things he never had the chance to do, working to make the world a better place.

The tale doesn't conclude with a certain death; instead, Superman transforms into a solar consciousness, giving up his life and earthly ties to save the sun. However, it ends with a sense of hope as the world is motivated by Superman's apparent sacrifice, and his friends cling onto the hope of his possible return.

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Editor's P/S

As a lifelong Superman fan, I have always been fascinated by the character's near-death experiences and the few instances where he actually met his demise. The iconic story arcs like "The Death of Superman" and "Final Days of Superman" left a profound impact on me, showcasing the vulnerability and mortality of even the most powerful superheroes. These stories not only heightened the tension and drama but also challenged the traditional notion of death in comics, making Superman's legacy even more significant.

While it's true that comic characters often make miraculous comebacks, Superman's deaths and near-deaths hold a special place in my heart. They remind me that even the seemingly invincible can face moments of weakness and despair. These stories also highlight the enduring spirit of hope and resilience that defines Superman's character. Despite the countless threats he faces, Superman always finds a way to rise above and continue fighting for truth, justice, and the American way.