Initially, Yami Yugi was a menacing presence in Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Marik, the anime's top antagonist, exemplifies what Yami Yugi could have evolved into if his evil tendencies were never subdued. Those who are fans of the anime might not be aware of this comparison, as the show mellowed out Yami Yugi's malevolence. However, followers of the manga are well aware of the striking contrast, considering Yami Yugi's almost wicked behavior at the beginning of the series.
In the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, Yami Yugi was originally portrayed as a true monstrosity, utilizing shadow games as a means to inflict punishment upon the wicked. However, as the card game gained popularity, the manga redirected its focus to highlight this aspect of the narrative. Consequently, Yami Yugi's unpleasant nature was significantly diminished. When the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, which introduced many fans to the franchise, aired, it further toned down this facet of his persona. Apart from a couple of instances where Yami Yugi banished Kaiba's dark traits to the Shadow Realm in the initial episode and later released them when Pegasus intervened, the Pharaoh never again invoked his Shadow Realm powers. To witness the outcome if Yami Yugi had never been toned down, fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! need not look any further than its most formidable adversary, Marik.
Marik Shows Fans What Could Have Been If Yu-Gi-Oh! Never Toned Down Yami Yugi
Yami Marik, the main antagonist of the Battle City Tournament arc, is widely regarded as the best villain in the series. He displays ruthless behavior towards his foes, taking sadistic pleasure in diminishing their life points with devastating attacks. Additionally, he takes pleasure in banishing his defeated adversaries to the Shadow Realm, as exemplified by his treatment of Mai. While Yami Marik initially appears unrelated to Yami Yugi, his striking resemblance to the Pharaoh suggests a deliberate comparison between the two. Furthermore, Yami Marik represents a dark aspect of Marik's personality, mirroring the dynamic established between Yami Yugi and Yugi.
Naturally, there are notable differences between the two characters. Yami Marik is not a reincarnated spirit from the past and does not employ his powers with a (distorted) perception of justice, as Yami Yugi did originally. Nonetheless, if Yami Yugi were to have continued unchecked in utilizing his Shadow Realm abilities, he might have succumbed to his darker inclinations and become a warped reflection of himself akin to Yami Marik. It is this aspect that renders Yami Marik such a captivating villain and Yugi's triumph over him so gratifying.
Throughout the series, Yami Yugi's character development is evident as he transitions into a more compassionate and less ruthless individual, in stark contrast to his dark alter ego, Yami Marik. Yami Yugi's triumph over Marik not only grants him the Egyptian God cards necessary to explore his own past, but also serves as validation that he has become a superior version of himself compared to his previous existence in the Dawn of the Duel arc. Therefore, while Yami Marik may not be the ultimate villain in Yu-Gi-Oh!, he holds immense significance as he showcases Yami Yugi's complete capacity for darkness.