Now Streaming: Catch All the Epic Yu-Gi-Oh Episodes in One Place!

The complete collection of original Yu-Gi-Oh! episodes can now be enjoyed on the streaming platform Rewardedtv, offering fans an immersive and nostalgic experience
The popular anime series Yu-Gi-Oh! will be finally accessible for streaming. Fans can now enjoy every episode of the original series on Rewarded.tv, a free streaming service associated with Replay. This platform is dedicated to Web3 applications, which provide users with decentralized internet access and is built on blockchain technology.
According to Deadline, the news reveals that all five seasons of the show will be available for streaming on Rewarded.tv. This exciting development is made possible through a partnership with Konami Cross Media NY. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters first aired in 2000, based on a manga series of the same name that was serialized from 1996 to 2004. Spanning across five seasons, the show consists of a total of 224 episodes.
Yu-Gi-Oh! is Now Streaming on Rewarded.tv
"Yu-Gi-Oh! gained immense popularity when its original anime series was released. Its success can be attributed to its ability to seamlessly expand into multiple forms of media. Starting as a manga, it has since given rise to various anime spin-offs and remains the foundation for the widely enjoyed trading card game of the same name. Unlike Pokémon, which originated as a video game and later introduced a card game based on elements from the game and show, Yu-Gi-Oh! centers its story and show around the card game itself. Thanks to Rewarded.tv, both longtime fans and newcomers will now have the chance to relive the classic beginnings of Yu-Gi-Oh!, featuring iconic characters like Yugi Mutou, Maximillian Pegasus, the Shadow Games, and the Millennium Items."
- Mark Kirk, Senior Vice President of Distribution, Konami Cross Media NY, Inc.
We are pleased to have Yu-Gi-Oh!, the king of games, available on the gamified Rewarded.tv experience.
The CEO of Replay, Krish Arvapally adds:
Yu-Gi-Oh! is an exciting addition to the Rewarded.tv audience, as it perfectly aligns with the platform's goal of gamifying the streaming experience. As the parent company of Rewarded.tv, Replay has introduced a unique streaming model that allows users to earn rewards, badges, and digital collectibles while enjoying their favorite movies and shows on various smart TV devices, including Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku, as well as web and mobile platforms. It's interesting to note the irony of Yu-Gi-Oh! being available on a gamified service, considering its gaming-focused storyline and its significant impact on the gaming industry. While there is no confirmation yet, it remains to be seen if the sequel series will also be made available for streaming in the future.
Yu-Gi-Oh! has various spin-off series that continue the gaming element while introducing new lead characters and their own set of goals and challenges. These spin-off series include Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! FiveDs, Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens, and the most recent addition, Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush. It is worth noting that the last two series mentioned did not receive English dubs. Nevertheless, fans now have the opportunity to revisit the series that started it all, as all five seasons of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime can be streamed on Rewarded.tv.