The Ultimate Borderlands 4 Arsenal: Unveiling the Must-Have Weapons!
Unforgettable weapons and groundbreaking buildcrafting tools from Borderlands 3 that absolutely need to make a comeback in Borderlands 4
The weaponry in Borderlands 3 possesses a diverse selection of familiar arms, which retain their potency thanks to the game's effective adjustments in balancing. This makes them phenomenal options for players, and a multitude of these weapons certainly merit their comeback in the forthcoming Borderlands 4.
The Blade Fury is an exceptional assault rifle that delivers long-ranged melee damage, making it highly coveted for melee-focused builds and endgame challenges.
The DNA SMG fires distinctive projectiles that inflict unpredictable elemental damage, rendering it highly versatile and a potential inclusion in forthcoming Borderlands installments.
The Borderlands franchise consistently exceeds expectations with its distinct weapons in each sequel. With a wide array of formidable weapons across multiple tiers of endgame loot, the franchise continues to impress. While the upcoming release is anticipated to introduce even more groundbreaking weaponry, several gear pieces from Borderlands 3 certainly merit a future appearance in subsequent Borderlands games. In addition to these familiar weapons from previous installments, Borderlands 3 showcases a selection of truly exceptional firearms that have the potential to revolutionize gameplay on their own.
Unique Borderlands 3 Weapons that Deserve to Return in Future Borderlands Games
Blade Fury is not just any melee weapon; it is an assault rifle with impressive range and the potential for fully automatic fire. This sets it apart from the Face-puncher Legendary shotgun, which also deals melee damage. Alongside its melee capabilities, the Blade Fury also inflicts standard damage, making it a versatile weapon that greatly enhances melee builds. It is particularly valuable in Borderlands' endgame content, offering a viable option for players.
DNA is an SMG that features unique projectiles, which can make it challenging to hit moving targets. However, each projectile carries a random elemental damage type from Borderlands 3 as splash damage. Since this weapon inherently possesses every elemental type, there is no need to hunt for a specific version. Additionally, it requires minimal investment to be effective, making it a universally useful weapon. Originally found in the Bounty of Blood Borderlands 3 expansion, reintroducing DNA in Borderlands 4 would provide a fantastic opportunity to revisit this beloved expansion.
Hunter-Seeker: Functioning as a grenade mod, the Hunter-Seeker is deceptively a firearm. It hovers in the air, methodically shooting at enemies directly ahead. Possessing considerable damage potential, its true value lies in the fact that its bullets can activate specific skills of some of Borderlands 3's Vault Hunters, simultaneously bolstering the player while dealing its own damage. Undoubtedly, this versatile grenade mod greatly enhances the process of building, a feature that future Borderlands games could immensely benefit from.
Infinity: A familiar sight from Borderlands 2, the Infinity pistol is a welcome addition across the broader Borderlands franchise. Despite featuring a singular bullet in its magazine, as indicated by its name, it can be tirelessly fired with no limits and may acquire various elemental damage types. With commendable statistics and an unlimited ammo supply, this pistol serves as an exceptional tool for building character loadouts for all Vault Hunters, regardless of their progress in the game. Whether deployed as a primary or secondary weapon, the Infinity is a dependable armament to wield.
The OPQ System, obtainable during the Revenge of the Cartels Seasonal Event, is a powerful assault rifle with high DPS. While it excels in the hands of any Vault Hunter, its true value lies in its secondary fire. Once activated, the weapon transforms into a drone that trails the player, targeting and attacking enemies in their line of sight. Originally not a legendary-grade weapon, the OPQ System gained legendary status due to its immense popularity. With the Seasonal Events now permanently accessible, players have the opportunity to acquire this exceptional weapon at any time. The OPQ System serves as a prime example of the transformative impact that weapons with alternate firing modes can have in Borderlands 3.
Borderlands 3 is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.