The Tragic Fate of Disney Plus Originals

The Tragic Fate of Disney Plus Originals

Fans left disappointed as Disney Plus pulls the plug on beloved series, Willow Viewers left without closure as yet another streaming service removes original content without warning

In today's age of streaming entertainment, it appears that no story is immune to a tragic demise. Not the typical bittersweet ending, but an abrupt termination by the hands of its creators. It's challenging to become invested in a series knowing that a production company can pull the plug at any moment. However, the consequences of canceling a show may pale in comparison to Disney Plus's recent decision to remove several of its original series, making them virtually inaccessible by legal means.

While Netflix is notorious for ending shows prematurely, the streaming giant's cancellation policy has sparked outrage among thousands of fans and ignited social media uproars. The frequency of these occurrences has become so commonplace that many viewers are no longer surprised. However, Disney Plus's latest move has left its fanbase stunned and outraged.

Disney Plus Plans to Delete Multiple Original Series

On May 26th, over 60 titles will be removed from Disney Plus and Hulu's catalogs worldwide. While some of these works will be available on other platforms or physical media, others will disappear without any alternative. FX series such as Little Demon and Y: The Last Man will be dropped from Hulu. Disney will say goodbye to Artemis Fowl and their Cheaper by the Dozen remake. But the biggest loss will be some of the services' original content. The Mighty Ducks: Game Changer's both seasons and Willow's only season will be gone. Although both shows can be found on DVD or Blu-ray, they will lose their first home. These are sequels to well-known IPs that were heavily promoted before their initial release, but now they are being taken away with minimal fanfare.

The original Willow movie wasn't a critical darling when it first hit theaters in 1988. Although it turned a profit, many critics didn't like it. The 2022 series release was sudden, and despite Disney's considerable marketing efforts, it didn't perform particularly well. Critics were divided, with some being more generous than with the original film. Legacy sequels have become a common concept, but some names are more enticing than others. Willow received praise for its progressive approach to a young adult fantasy series with a queer relationship. Unfortunately, it's becoming more common for shows with good LGBTQ+ representation to get canceled. Willow didn't attract the audience Disney hoped for, and although it would usually be canceled, the show's creators' hard work would still be recognized, and fans could still enjoy it. However, removing the entire series and pretending it never existed is a different level of disregard.

The financial benefits of removing a title from a streaming service are clear. If a show is licensed from another production company, the streaming service must pay fees to keep it available. Additionally, original streaming series must pay residuals to performers based on the popularity of the project. Both of these costs are seen as net losses for the streaming service, as the appeal of creating an original series is to attract new subscribers and retain current ones. If a show doesn't perform as well as expected, then it becomes a drain on the service's resources. Removing ostensibly profitable material may seem counterintuitive, but it actually lowers the on-paper value of a service. Essentially, it's a way to avoid paying actors, other IP holders, and taxes while still maintaining profitability.


The streaming industry is facing a major challenge as companies such as Netflix are starting to abandon their extensive libraries. This move towards investing more money in fewer, safer projects is a mistake that is affecting the appeal of streaming entertainment. Fans of shows are now left wondering whether their favorite programs are safe from being cut. Even published shows are not immune to the trend, as evidenced by Willow's recent cancellation. With this new reality, subscribers of major streamers like Disney Plus, HBO Max, Hulu, and Netflix must question whether they are there solely for the most profitable projects. The current state of the industry is causing concern for viewers and is highlighting the weaknesses of the streaming era.