The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

The anticipated return of beloved characters in Rick and Morty Season 7! Brace yourself for the epic comebacks of Rick Prime, Noelle Goldenfold, Mr Poopybutthole, Evil Morty, Birdperson, Dr Wong, Squanchy, The Time Cops, Rhett Caan, and the enigmatic Jessica

Rick and Morty season 7 will bring back the Smith family and the title characters, but there are also several supporting stars that the animated sitcom should revisit. In season 7, new voices will be given to Rick and Morty, as series co-creator Justin Roiland, who previously voiced both characters, was fired in January 2023 due to allegations of domestic abuse. However, production for season 7 of Rick and Morty continued, with the network ensuring that the popular series will continue in the future.

Meanwhile, in Solar Opposites season 4, Dan Stevens has replaced Roiland. However, due to Rick and Morty's slower production process compared to the Hulu show, it will likely be some time before viewers hear the new voices for Rick and Morty. Fortunately, this gives fans an opportunity to revisit earlier seasons of the show and recognize which beloved supporting characters should make a comeback. The world of Rick and Morty is filled with numerous comedic one-off characters and compelling supporting stars that have been largely forgotten.

10 Rick Prime

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

9 Noelle Goldenfold

Rick Prime, the most formidable antagonist in Rick and Morty's rich history, must make a triumphant return in the highly anticipated seventh season. Fans were captivated by his riveting introduction in the season six premiere, "Solaricks," which not only shed light on crucial aspects of Rick's past but also provided a deeper understanding of the show's overarching narrative. Regrettably, the subsequent episodes of season six failed to explore this captivating storyline, a misstep that should not be repeated in Rick and Morty season seven. To keep the audience engaged, the ongoing conflict between Rick Prime and Rick needs to evolve dynamically, offering a refreshing perspective after a season of stagnation.

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

In the world of the Rick and Morty comics, Morty's continuous string of romantic misfortunes is transformed by his connection with Noelle Goldenfold. Noelle, the principal's daughter, is a secondary character in the comics who shares a surprisingly heartfelt romance with Morty, surpassing any of his failed attempts at love in the TV series. It would be a welcomed sight in Rick and Morty season 7 to witness Morty cultivate a happier, more enduring romantic bond. Fortunately, the show's tie-in comics have already introduced the ideal candidate for such a storyline.

8 Mr. Poopybutthole

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

Introduced in season 2 of Rick and Morty, Mr. Poopybutthole has been a consistently comedic supporting character. However, he has only made brief appearances in the post-credits scenes of each season's finale in recent years. While his speech in the stinger of the season 5 finale was unexpectedly moving, the crushing defeat he experienced in the dark season 6 stinger was too heartbreaking for the series to simply abandon his storyline.

7 Evil Morty

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

Despite Rick Prime being the main antagonist in Rick and Morty, the survival of Evil Morty in the season 5 finale suggests that he still has a significant role to play in the show's storyline. Throughout the years, Rick and Morty have been building up Evil Morty as a potential major villain, even cleverly diverting viewers' attention by addressing this concept in a meta-joke during season 4, episode 6, "Never Ricking Morty." Now that Evil Morty has successfully executed his plan and lived to recount his tale, the show must address the aftermath and reveal what the future holds for this prominent antagonist.

6 Birdperson

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

Rick’s relationship with his best friend Birdperson came to a bitter end, despite Rick technically saving Birdperson's life. However, their past partnership as a dynamic duo holds great significance for Rick, even if he refuses to acknowledge it. After countless adventures together, it would be incredibly disappointing if their final interaction, which took place in Rick's driveway during season 5, episode 8 titled "Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort," turned out to be a heated conversation.

5 Dr. Wong

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

Following her comeback in the eighth episode of season 6 titled "Analyze Piss," the viewers were greatly disappointed by the character of Dr. Wong portrayed by Susan Sarandon. It is crucial for Dr. Wong to make a comeback in season 7 of Rick and Morty. In her initial appearance on the show, Dr. Wong delivered a powerful speech that unveiled certain vulnerabilities in Rick's seemingly invincible façade. Unfortunately, her second appearance failed to capitalize on this potential, resulting in a missed opportunity. Consequently, her return in season 7 has become more significant than ever before.

4 Squanchy

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

Despite the conclusive end at Birdperson and Tammy's wedding, there are lingering questions surrounding the mysterious Squanchy. Even if he perished, it is highly probable that Rick would be inclined to revive him, just as he had saved Birdperson's life. Resolving these unresolved matters in season 7 of Rick and Morty is crucial. Squanchy has been absent from the scene for years, except for occasional flashbacks. Additionally, "Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort" was one of the most emotionally impactful episodes of the show. If Squanchy's comeback could deliver a similarly profound experience, it is only fair for viewers to witness the return of Tom Kenny's wild-eyed alien character to the series.

3 The Time Cops

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

Although considered minor antagonists in Rick and Morty, the Time Cops always provide a comedic touch to an episode and have been absent for quite some time. The duo last made an appearance in season 4, but it's been a while since they were portrayed by the renowned comedy duo Key and Peele, who initially appeared in season 2. Serving as Rick and Morty's subtle homage to Stephen King, it would be great to see these two characters receive more screen time when the show returns.

2 Rhett Caan

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

Introduced in the seventh episode of Rick and Morty season 6, titled "Full Meta Jackrick," Rhett Caan emerged as a supervillain with reality-altering abilities. With the ability to manifest anything he proclaimed as true, Rhett Caan played with the concept of retroactive continuity or "retcons." However, Rick and Morty have not fully embraced the potential of this formidable antagonist. Rhett Caan possesses the capability to effortlessly conceal any replacement of Justin Roiland's voice by asserting that Rick and Morty's current voices have always existed in this way. Such a clever inside joke would not only smoothen the transition but also deliver a remarkable comeback for the character.

1 Jessica

The Top 10 Mind-Blowing Rick & Morty Characters Set to Make a Comeback in Season 7!

When it comes to reality warpers, the season 5 premiere of Rick and Morty featured Jessica being transformed into a time god and left her character hanging. It's about time for her to make a comeback, especially considering that she and Morty realized their relationship wasn't in sync. If season 7 introduces a more significant love interest for Morty (such as the previously mentioned Noelle Goldenfold), Jessica's return could showcase her unique abilities without relying on their previous overused dynamic.