The Surprising Twist Behind Young Sheldon's Canon Conundrum That TBBT Fans Must Read!

The Surprising Twist Behind Young Sheldon's Canon Conundrum That TBBT Fans Must Read!

Unveiling the Big Bang Theory's Multiverse: How Young Sheldon's Hilarious Job Sheds Light on Canon Inconsistencies Explore the potential for Young Sheldon to confirm the multiverse theory and enhance the spinoff's plot


Young Sheldon's inconsistencies with The Big Bang Theory canon could be explained by the concept of a multiverse, as established by Sheldon's work in string theory.

Acknowledging the presence of a multiverse, Young Sheldon is able to justify its deviations from The Big Bang Theory's plotline while retaining a more lighthearted atmosphere. It accomplishes this by introducing the concept of a multiverse in a manner that doesn't rely on extensive science fiction elements, enabling future spinoffs to alter the show's universe without conflicting with the original.

Sheldon's job in The Big Bang Theory could actually provide an explanation for the inconsistencies in Young Sheldon breaking the show's canon. Similar to other sitcom spinoffs, Young Sheldon often strays from the established storyline of its predecessor. This can be problematic since Young Sheldon is a prequel to The Big Bang Theory. Consequently, it becomes challenging for Young Sheldon to rationalize Meemaw's different behavior, Sheldon's failure to mention Paige, or his negative portrayal of his father, who was actually a decent person.

However, all these inconsistencies between The Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon can be attributed to one surprising aspect of Sheldon's character. Not only does The Big Bang Theory's canon help justify the changes in Young Sheldon's storytelling, but this essential character trait, which elucidates the alteration of the backstory, was established long before the spinoff was even conceived. In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon, a physicist specializing in string theory, holds the key to Young Sheldon's ability to explain the divergences from The Big Bang Theory's canon. By introducing viewers to the concept of a multiverse through Sheldon's simplified explanation of string theory, Young Sheldon can provide a plausible justification for its deviations from the original show's storyline.

Young Sheldon Could Be Part of A Big Bang Theory Multiverse

The Surprising Twist Behind Young Sheldon's Canon Conundrum That TBBT Fans Must Read!

The narrator of Young Sheldon, who is the adult Sheldon, could mention that the show represents just one version of his life among many. Being a physicist, this concept would fit well with his profession, without requiring further exploration. Young Sheldon has already expanded on The Big Bang Theory’s world by delving into Sheldon’s family, hometown, and personal history, so there is no need to introduce countless other versions of the character or alternate universes. Instead, Sheldon could simply acknowledge that there could be numerous different versions of his life story occurring simultaneously, which would justify any inconsistencies in the Young Sheldon canon.

While most of Young Sheldon's differences from The Big Bang Theory are relatively minor, such as omitting instances of Sheldon being bullied and portraying George and Mary's marriage as more successful, things will inevitably become more complex as the seventh season of Young Sheldon explores Sheldon's teenage years. In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon's father, George Sr., dies and also has an extramarital affair that Sheldon witnesses, events that have a significant impact on Sheldon's character. However, these traumatic experiences do not necessarily have to occur in Young Sheldon's timeline if the show acknowledges the existence of a hypothetical multiverse. This would allow the series to maintain a lighter tone.

Young Sheldon Confirming The Multiverse Would Improve The Spinoff

The Surprising Twist Behind Young Sheldon's Canon Conundrum That TBBT Fans Must Read!

After introducing the concept of multiple versions of Sheldon's story, Young Sheldon would have the freedom to explore different narratives without relying heavily on science fiction elements. By incorporating Sheldon's familiarity with string theory, the show could subtly introduce the idea of the multiverse theory through his narration. This would establish the notion that Young Sheldon is merely one of countless versions of his life, allowing future spinoffs to alter the show's universe without conflicting with The Big Bang Theory's established storyline.