The Surprising Truth Behind Russ in Friends: Unveiling the Real Actor Behind the Role!

Discover the hilarious inside joke in Friends where Russ is played by Snaro instead of David Schwimmer Explore the clever use of credits and unravel the captivating events in The One with Russ
In Friends season 2, episode 10 "The One with Russ," viewers are introduced to Rachel's new boyfriend, Russ, who is portrayed by David Schwimmer. Interestingly, the character is credited as "Snaro," which has sparked curiosity and speculation among fans for quite some time. While the central focus of Friends revolves around the romantic relationship between Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) and Ross (David Schwimmer), there were other individuals they dated before officially becoming a couple. Russ, in particular, bears a striking resemblance to Ross, causing confusion and consternation within their friend group. This comes at a time when Ross and Rachel's relationship is in a complicated phase, as Ross had made a pro and con list comparing Rachel and his girlfriend Julie (Lauren Tom) in a dilemma over whom to choose. Consequently, Rachel starts dating Russ, unaware of the uncanny resemblance to Ross. Eventually, she realizes the striking similarities between the two and breaks up with Russ. Contrary to popular belief, Russ is not portrayed by a Schwimmer lookalike, but by Schwimmer himself, albeit under the name "Snaro" in the credits.
Snaro Was An In-Joke Used To Confuse Friends Fans
Friends Used The Credits To Make Jokes More Than Once
With a touch of makeup and some television magic, Schwimmer effortlessly portrayed both Ross and Russ. Though Schwimmer's lookalike in the role of Russ raised some doubt among fans, looking back on the episode confirms that it was indeed Schwimmer playing both characters. No one could embody the essence of Ross better than the man who knew him inside out. Eventually, it was revealed that Snaro and David Schwimmer were one and the same. Schwimmer was credited as Snaro to pay homage to a friend and as an occasional alias he utilized.
Not only the Snaro incident, but Friends also used the credits to add humor on another occasion. In season 6, episode 1 titled "The One After Vegas," the opening credits of Friends featured a change where everyone's name was replaced with "Arquette." This alteration was made in honor of Courteney Cox, who played the character Monica. During the break in filming, Cox had married her co-star from the movie Scream, David Arquette. As a result, she had changed her name to Courteney Cox-Arquette. To commemorate the couple's marriage, the production team decided to modify all the actors' names in the opening credits to match Cox's new surname.
A Lot Happens In The One With Russ
It's an intriguing piece of Friends trivia, akin to the answer to the question "Who portrayed Russ on Friends?" that is exclusively known by die-hard fans. Friends, being an iconic sitcom overall, has continuously improved over time by incorporating a multitude of in-universe jokes, such as the revelation that Phoebe's twin, Ursula, also worked as a waitress in Mad About You.
Apart from the enigma surrounding Snaro, the episode titled "The One with Russ" holds significance with its noteworthy moments in the Friends series. Fans may have overlooked these landmark occurrences. Among them, it marks the first mention of Dr. Drake Ramoray from Days of Our Lives, a character whom Joey would later portray for several years. Additionally, this is when Phoebe introduces her now-famous catchphrase, "Oh no," expressing her frustration whenever things don't go her way. Though not as prominent as Joey's iconic "How you doin'?" line, Phoebe's catchphrase leaves a lasting impact on the show. Lastly, it serves as the final appearance of Ross' ex-girlfriend Julie, who coincidentally finds a new love interest in Russ.