Laugh Riot: The 15 Hilarious Episodes of Friends You Can't Miss!

Experience the comedic brilliance of Friends with these 15 hilarious episodes! From unforgettable moments like 'The One With The Prom Video' to 'The One Where Ross Got High,' get ready to laugh out loud as the beloved characters navigate through outrageous situations and deliver endless laughter
With 234 episodes spanning across 10 years, picking the funniest episode of Friends can be quite a challenge. This beloved sitcom followed the lives of six 20-somethings in New York City, as they navigated career changes, romances, and relatable life events. The cast included Ross and Monica Gellar, Phoebe Buffay, Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, and Rachel Green, each bringing their own unique charm to the show. While the cast members have achieved stardom since the series ended, their comedic roots in the funniest Friends episodes remain unforgettable. The ensemble's undeniable chemistry made even the most ordinary situations uproariously funny, solidifying the show as a classic sitcom. As Friends found a new audience on Netflix, it became evident that series creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane struck comedy gold. The difficulty in choosing the funniest episode further attests to the show's timeless humor.
"The One With The Prom Video" — Season 2, Episode 14
In the funniest episode of Friends, the concept of uncovering embarrassing and hilarious memories in home videos is explored. The focus is on Ross, Monica, and Rachel's prom video, which resurfaces and causes Ross to feel uneasy. This video captures a memorable moment in the Ross and Rachel relationship timeline, when Ross thought he would take Rachel to prom.
Although the episode touches on emotional aspects, audiences can't help but laugh at the characters' outdated hairstyles and outfits. One particularly hilarious moment involves Monica whispering to Rachel about her date accidentally grazing her chest while fixing her corsage. Additionally, Rachel's "original" nose and the adults' reaction to it elicit fits of laughter from viewers. This episode is a great comedic portrayal of the characters in their younger and less mature selves, making it one of the funniest moments in Friends.
"The One Where Everybody Finds Out" — Season 5, Episode 14
Monica and Chandler's friendship evolved into something more, but they decided to keep it a secret for as long as possible. Despite Joey discovering their relationship, he remained silent, showcasing his unwavering loyalty. Eventually, Rachel and Phoebe found out and amusingly attempted to coax a confession from them.
The situation becomes even more comical as both Chandler and Phoebe engage in a playful flirting competition. Phoebe fearlessly gets closer to Chandler in her pursuit of the truth, while Chandler, bound by his commitment to Monica, sets certain boundaries. Phoebe's entertaining and "seductive" dance moves in particular deserve special recognition for adding to the hilarity of one of Friends' funniest episodes.
"The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie" — Season 4, Episode 10
Monica's experience at Allesandro's left her feeling miserable and unwelcome, with the rest of the staff subjecting her to bullying. However, her decision to hire Joey as a waiter and stage a "fake firing" was meant to demonstrate her authority and assertiveness. This hilarious Friends episode takes a comedic turn as Monica's plan ultimately backfires. Despite her determined expression, she fails to fire Joey, resulting in no improvement for herself. The episode becomes even more amusing as Joey defies her expectations and even manages to make friends with Monica's enemies. Finally, the episode concludes with Phoebe entertaining everyone with her humorous Christmas song dedicated to her friends, as her songs in Friends always bring comedic delight to the viewers.
"The One In Vegas: Parts 1 & 2" — Season 5, Episodes 23 & 24
The core group of friends in the sitcom disregards the notion of "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," resulting in the most hilarious episode of Friends. In this two-part episode, the group embarks on a trip to Las Vegas to visit Joey who is filming a movie. Chaos ensues as Joey tries to convince a croupier that they are hand twins, Phoebe gets ejected from the casino, and Chandler and Monica come close to tying the knot.
However, it is Rachel and Ross' drunken marriage that truly tickles the viewers' funny bones. The couple roams through Vegas with marker scribbles on their faces and unexpectedly finds themselves married. The following morning, both Rachel and Ross have no memory of the previous night's events, which adds an extra layer of amusement to their shocking discovery. This incident ultimately leads to Ross getting divorced for the third time.
"The One With Ross' Tan" — Season 10, Episode 3
Ross often finds himself in absurd situations on Friends, and one of the most memorable is when he becomes jealous of Monica's spray tan. Determined to have one for himself, he ends up with an outrageously dark tan on one side, resulting in one of the funniest moments in Friends history.
Another storyline in this episode revolves around Phoebe and Monica's former roommate, much to their dismay. They can't stand her, and it's easy to see why, as she constantly tries to prove herself as exceptionally brilliant. While the writing of the episode is superb, Jennifer Coolidge's portrayal of Amanda truly elevates it to one of the best episodes.
"The One With Ross's Wedding: Parts 1 & 2" — Season 4, Episodes 23 & 24
The two-part episode "The One With Ross's Wedding" focused on the wedding and showcased the funniest moments in Friends. The first part follows Chandler's struggle to handle Joey's excessive enthusiasm in London, highlighting the comedic duo's contrasting personalities. The second part, on the actual wedding day, took a disastrous turn when Ross mistakenly said Rachel's name instead of Emily's during his vows. The episode was both shocking and humorous, with Emily's nonchalant father and quirky stepmother adding to the comedic atmosphere. Despite feeling sympathy for Ross and Emily, audiences considered it one of the most amusing two-part episodes in Friends' history.
"The One With The Cop" — Season 5, Episode 16
Phoebe's unique and unconventional thinking sets her apart from her friends, making her both captivating and hilarious to watch. Her most memorable moments on Friends often provide comedic highlights in the series. In one episode, Phoebe stumbles upon a police officer's badge and instead of turning it in, she uses it to her advantage - that is, until she encounters an actual cop.
However, what really makes this episode comedic gold is watching Ross, Rachel, and Chandler attempt to navigate a staircase with Ross' couch. Despite Chandler being a character that audiences would love to be friends with, his patience wears thin with Ross, who continuously shouts the word "pivot." Ross' repetitive and ineffective instructions add to the hilarity of the situation, leaving Rachel and Chandler struggling with the furniture. Chandler's reaction quickly shuts down Ross, but only serves to entertain the audience, leaving them in fits of laughter.
"The One Where Ross Got High" — Season 6, Episode 9
In the funniest episode of Friends, the main plot revolves around Jack and Judy Geller mistaking Chandler for smoking marijuana at their house in the past. Monica tries to fix the situation, but it turns into a chaotic exchange of secrets between Monica and Ross. The more absurd the revelations become, the more hilarious the situation becomes.
Adding to the humor, a perfect subplot involves Rachel messing up a dessert trifle. Due to pages sticking together in her cookbook, Rachel ends up making a trifle that includes meat. The others attempting to eat it is both heartwarming and comical, and Ross's famous line, "it tastes like feet," adds to the episode's iconic humor.
"The One Where No One's Ready" — Season 3, Episode 2
Ross had a simple request for his friends: to be punctual for a function they were attending in "The One Where No One's Ready." However, the five friends were determined to make him late, resulting in one of the most comical episodes of Friends. Each friend had their own amusing excuse for their slow preparations, but it was Joey's antics that truly made this episode a standout in the series.
In retaliation for Chandler hiding his underwear, Joey decided to wear every single item of clothing that belonged to Chandler. Although it was a childish and immature response, it brought immense joy and laughter to the audience. Watching Joey parading around in an absurd amount of clothing not only frustrated Chandler, but also intensified Ross' exasperation, creating an episode filled with non-stop hilarity.
"The One With The Football" — Season 3, Episode 9
Siblings often have a healthy rivalry, but Monica and Ross take it to another level, providing some of the most amusing episodes of Friends. Inspired by a televised football game, the group decides to head to the park for their own pick-up game. The battle between the girls and boys becomes a hilarious display of each team employing all tactics to prevent the other from winning.
To gain an advantage, the girls resort to tactics like jumping on Joey's back and even convincing Phoebe to distract Chandler by flashing him. This absurd distraction is particularly amusing because it perfectly embodies Phoebe's fearless and unconventional nature. The game concludes with Ross and Monica unwilling to relinquish the ball, showcasing their refusal to outgrow their competitive sibling dynamic, much to the amusement of everyone watching.
"The One With The Holiday Armadillo" — Season 7, Episode 10
Friends is famous for its fantastic holiday episodes, and "The One with the Holiday Armadillo" is no exception. In this hilarious episode, Ross discovers that he will be spending the holidays with his young son Ben. Determined to pass on the Gellar family's Jewish traditions, Ross decides to educate Ben about Hanukkah. However, Ben is more accustomed to celebrating Christmas, thanks to Susan's Santa Claus persona and the couple's promotion of the holiday.
Meanwhile, Phoebe worries that Rachel will no longer want to live with her once her apartment renovations are complete. In an attempt to drive Rachel away, Phoebe begins giving Joey increasingly irritating gifts.
Struggling to find a holiday costume so close to Christmas, Ross comes up with the idea of the "holiday armadillo" to teach Ben about Hanukkah. But just when Ross thinks his eccentric plan is coming together, Chandler shows up dressed as Santa Claus, stealing his thunder. To add to the chaos, Joey arrives dressed as Superman. Unfortunately for Phoebe, her scheme backfires as Rachel surprisingly enjoys all the gifts given to Joey.
This uproarious Friends episode concludes with Ross lighting the menorah, and Phoebe questioning the presence of a porcupine at the Easter Bunny's funeral, remarking, "I understand why Superman is here, but why is there a porcupine?"
"The One With The Embryos" — Season 4, Episode 12
"The One with the Embryos" is widely recognized as the quintessential "trivia" episode and is considered the funniest installment of Friends. The main storyline revolves around Phoebe's humorous attempts to conceive a child for Frank and Alice. However, the episode reaches its comedic peak when Chandler and Joey's pet chick transforms into a rooster and disrupts their mornings, prompting Rachel and Monica to reach their breaking point.
Amidst the chaos, Joey challenges Monica and Rachel to a friendly trivia competition, asserting that he and Chandler know more about the girls than vice versa. As the game progresses, the answers become increasingly hilarious. The stakes heighten when the girls propose that if they win, the boys must part ways with their beloved chick and duck, whereas if the boys win, they will claim ownership of the girls' apartment. In a hilariously memorable moment, Monica and Rachel suffer defeat as they fail to recall Chandler's occupation, a recurring theme in Friends. Audiences are left in fits of uncontrollable laughter.
"The One With All the Resolutions" — Season 5, Episode 11
"The One with Ross' Leather Pants" should have been titled one of the funniest Friends episodes. In this installment, each friend sets their New Year's Resolutions. Ross decides to try something new every day, Phoebe aspires to fly a commercial jet, Joey challenges Chandler to not make fun of anyone for a week, Rachel attempts to gossip less, and Monica aims to capture more group pictures.
Unfortunately, all of these resolutions end in spectacular failures, but Ross suffers the most. To his friends' amusement, Ross wears a pair of leather pants on his first date with a woman named Elizabeth. As the date progresses, Ross becomes increasingly uncomfortable in his pants and retreats to the bathroom to take them off. However, he struggles to put them back on and hilarity ensues as Ross attempts various unconventional "solutions". Eventually, the situation reaches its peak when Elizabeth discovers Ross covered in her cosmetic products.
"The One Where Eddie Won’t Go" — Season 2, Episode 19
In a brief arc on Friends, Joey and Chandler find themselves no longer roommates. Instead, Eddie takes over Joey's place in the apartment, leading Chandler to discover that Eddie is quite unpredictable. One of the most hilarious episodes of Friends involves Chandler's numerous attempts to get Eddie to move out so that Joey can return, only to be met with empty promises and Eddie staying put. Meanwhile, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe become completely engrossed in a self-help book called Be Your Own Windkeeper.
As the girls embrace the book's peculiar language, their devotion to its teachings eventually leads to a heated argument during a "Goddess-Circle" quiz. Meanwhile, Eddie's mental stability begins to crumble, prompting Chandler to give in to Eddie's delusions by changing the locks and pretending they never knew each other. With Eddie's unconventional behavior and the girls' newfound "religion," this episode of Friends stands out as the funniest, featuring unforgettable quotes and iconic moments in the friendship between Joey and Chandler.
"The One With The Jellyfish" — Season 4, Episode 1
The Friends gang occasionally ventures beyond the confines of New York City, and one of the most hilarious episodes showcases their beach vacation. This particular installment showcases another twist in Ross and Rachel's relationship, immediately following Ross's choice of Rachel over Bonnie (a cameo by Christine Taylor) while the group is in Montauk. Rachel writes a letter to Ross, but he is too tired to read it; however, in order to appease her, he claims to agree with its contents. Nonetheless, viewers are entertained when Ross finally reads the letter and becomes outraged by Rachel's demand that he take responsibility for all the problems in their relationship.
However, the funniest aspect of this episode revolves around Monica, Chandler, and Joey. While they are enjoying their time on the beach, Monica gets stung by a jellyfish. Joey recalls from a Discovery documentary that urinating on the wound can alleviate the pain. The trio returns to their friends, equally traumatized, and the rest of the group eventually coerces them into revealing what happened. By the time Chandler finishes telling the story, the audience is in stitches. To top it off, this hysterical Friends episode concludes with Ross exclaiming a line that becomes iconic for the series itself: "We were on a break!"