Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, the renamed series, has faced challenges in establishing itself independently due to Naruto's influence. However, recent events have propelled the manga to new heights, flipping the world upside down. Boruto's character has taken on a darker and more aggressive tone, receiving praise from fans who credit Masashi Kishimoto for driving the manga's success. Kishimoto's return to the series a few years ago and the subsequent time skip have significantly enhanced the development of characters such as Boruto and Sarada.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Boruto.
Boruto's character design and attitude were what the series needed
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Masashi Kishimoto made a clever move in the series' time skip by shifting the focus onto Boruto as the protagonist. He also introduced a darker, more menacing look and attitude for Boruto's character. This decision was crucial in order for the series to distance itself from Naruto and establish its own unique identity.
Naruto's son was initially seen as spoiled and annoying in the early parts of the sequel. However, as the series progressed, he underwent a transformation, becoming more introspective and brooding. The pinnacle of this development was showcased in the Two Blue Vortex arc. This shift in his demeanor added a unique attitude and personality, setting him apart from his father. It is worth noting that their personalities were starkly contrasting during their respective time skips.
Moreover, his character design plays a crucial role in adding depth to the protagonist. Many people are curious about what led him to his current appearance, sparking speculation and discussion. This element is significant as it demonstrates Kishimoto's intention to infuse this sequel with distinctiveness and a somewhat darker ambiance, although the original Naruto series also had its share of somber moments.
Boruto's personality
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Additionally, the protagonist's potential role as the "Shadow Hokage" has been significantly enhanced, a topic frequently discussed by fans throughout the years. There is a prevalent belief that he will assume the role of the series' vigilante, similar to Sasuke Uchiha's role in this sequel, aiding Naruto.
This decision holds substantial logic, considering the protagonist being Sasuke's student during certain parts of the series, strengthening their relationship. This aspect is crucial as it provides the character with a darker persona, vital for the aforementioned stylistic change during the time skip. Moreover, it has garnered significant popularity among the fans thus far.
Final thoughts
This approach also relates to Sarada Uchiha's development in the series thus far. Though it is widely believed that Sarada will play a more significant role in the future, many fans have speculated that she will eventually become the Hokage, fulfilling her admiration for Naruto. However, this remains to be seen. Nevertheless, the notion of Sarada as Hokage and Boruto as the "Hokage in the shadows" appears to be a logical progression.
Over the past few months, Masashi Kishimoto has breathed new life into the series, with the time skip playing a crucial role in transforming the protagonist's appearance. This refreshing take on the character perfectly mirrors the series' recent resurgence and overall improvement.