The Shocking Truth Revealed: The Real Story Behind Glenn's Fate in The Walking Dead Season 7

The Shocking Truth Revealed: The Real Story Behind Glenn's Fate in The Walking Dead Season 7

Discover the profound impact of Glenn's death in The Walking Dead Season 7 Unveiling a riveting exploration into the controversial nature of this pivotal moment in the series


ER doctor Jordan Wagner examines Glenn's brutal death scene in The Walking Dead season 7, explaining the various stages of the attack and how survivable they are.

In the ER, Dr. Wagner discusses the management of eye protrusion and significant skull fractures.

The shocking and excessively graphic portrayal of Glenn's demise in The Walking Dead continues to stir controversy.

An emergency room physician, Dr. Jordan Wagner, analyzes the medical impact of the violent baseball bat attack on Glenn's death in season 7 of The Walking Dead. The popular zombie apocalypse series, based on Robert Kirkman's comic books, originally premiered on AMC in 2010. Although the show concluded last year after 11 seasons, Glenn's demise in season 7 still stands out as one of its most brutal moments. Dr. Wagner's reaction to Glenn's death scene from The Walking Dead was recently shared on YouTube by Doctor ER.

Dr. Wagner elucidates the distinct stages of Negan's savage assault on Glenn's skull with a baseball bat, shedding light on the intriguing healthcare procedures applicable to the initial phases of such trauma. Take a glance at his enlightening remarks below:

"Utilizing a formidable mallet and a solid wooden implement to mercilessly crush an individual's skull. Is it conceivably achievable through a sustained barrage of blunt force trauma? Absolutely."

It is quite impressive to witness the protrusion of the eyeball and the presence of blood flowing downwards. It is evident that the individual is still alive. The immediate focus should be on managing the person's airway, breathing, and circulation, potentially necessitating the use of a ventilator. Undoubtedly, there will be a traumatic brain injury, leading to the crucial question: "Will the person survive, and if so, will they have a meaningful quality of life?"

It is possible that the person may lose the ability to speak due to damage to the specific area of the brain responsible for speech, known as Broca's area.

"We make an effort to ensure the eye is safely shielded to prevent any harm. The concern here is a retrobulbar hematoma, which refers to a collection of blood behind the eye that can push the eyeball outward. In such cases, immediate medical attention is crucial as it is considered an emergency situation for the eye.

The impact of severe injury is evident through the fragmentation and dispersion of bodily components. Specifically, the brain matter appears as a grayish white substance. Although not all injuries require immediate attention at the emergency department, we have encountered cases where individuals have suffered skull fractures or had parts of their skulls removed, leading to the exposure of their brains."

Why Glenn's Death In The Walking Dead Was So Controversial

The Shocking Truth Revealed: The Real Story Behind Glenn's Fate in The Walking Dead Season 7

Audiences who had been following The Walking Dead were already familiar with the deaths of several main characters, such as Lori, Andrea, and Hershel. However, the show took it to a whole new level by displaying these character deaths in graphic detail.

In season 7, Glenn's death stood out from the rest and caused quite a controversy. Glenn, portrayed by Yeun, was a beloved character who had been there since the beginning of the series. He had transformed from a naive teenager to a skilled zombie-killer and a devoted husband to Maggie. While his death was bound to upset viewers to some extent, it was the manner in which he was killed that caused the most concern.

Glenn's death in The Walking Dead was perceived by some as particularly cruel and excessive compared to other character deaths. It was unexpected as it occurred right after Negan killed Abraham, shocking viewers. The scene depicted the brutal and graphic destruction of Glenn's head with a baseball bat, leaving little to the imagination. This event intensified the criticism that The Walking Dead relied too heavily on shocking viewers for entertainment, especially given the previous false death of Glenn in season 6.