Released on October 19, 2023, episode 13 of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 emerged as a highly thrilling and visually stunning installment. It notably spotlighted the intense battle between Yuji and Choso, featuring some of the most impressive animation work seen throughout the entire series. This particular episode showcased the exceptional talent of MAPPA, suggesting that Jujutsu Kaisen may hold a special place among their projects.
With clear nods to the renowned action film franchise, The Raid, the fight sequence boasted superb choreography. While the plot did not progress significantly in this episode, it subtly hinted at a potential brotherly bond between Choso and Yuji through a cryptic memory sequence towards the episode's conclusion.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen season 2.
Jujutsu Kaisen season 2: Yuji and Choso's relationship
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The thrilling confrontation between Yuji Itadori and Choso in episode 13 of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 enthralled viewers, making it the standout moment of this story arc. With impressive animation and intricate combat sequences, the battle unfolded, revealing a significant turning point that sparked speculation about the true nature of their connection.
At the peak of their confrontation, an enlightening vision manifested for Choso, illustrating him together with his brothers, prominently featuring Yuji among them. This prompts a captivating inquiry: Is it plausible for Choso and Yuji to establish a genuine fraternal connection, despite their contrasting backgrounds?
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Yuji and Choso are characters in the story, but they are fundamentally different. Yuji is a human, while Choso is a reincarnated Cursed Womb Death Painting, clearly establishing their separate identities. The origins of Choso are shrouded in the ancient sorcery practiced by Noritoshi Kamo, while Kenjaku, a manipulative individual, orchestrated the combination of his blood with Choso's mother. This brought about the emergence of Death Paintings and Choso himself. On the other hand, Yuji's parentage is intertwined with Kenjaku's possession of Kaori Itadori, leading to Yuji's mysterious birth.
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Choso and Yuji, despite lacking biological ties, have a deep bond forged through their shared parent, Kenjaku. Kenjaku's role in the creation of Choso and the birth of Yuji has cemented their status as brothers. This profound connection has prompted fans to view them as half-brothers, not in a biological sense, but in terms of the powerful emotional connection they share.
Choso's initial drive originates from a thirst for retaliation against Yuji, holding him accountable for the demise of his brethren, Eso and Kechizu. Nevertheless, his outlook was distorted by a fabricated recollection, establishing a warped perception of their bond.
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This fabricated memory emphasized the connection between them, ultimately causing Choso to defend Yuji. With this realization, Choso switched sides and stood beside Yuji as the only surviving sibling.
Noritoshi Kamo, now referred to as Kenjaku, produced a total of nine Death Painting Wombs. This intricate network of Cursed Spirit siblings consists of Choso, as well as his deceased brothers Eso and Kechizu. In subsequent chapters of the manga, Yuji Itadori confesses to consuming the remaining six death-painting wombs during a discussion with Choso.
Final thoughts
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Viewers of Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 were given subtle hints about the relationship between Choso and Yuji in the latest episode, indicating a deeper bond to come. However, fans will need to wait for future episodes to fully explore their connection.
In the next episode, an intense battle featuring Maki, Nanami, and Naobito Zen'in against Dagon will take place. The episode promises an exciting cliffhanger, with Toji making a dramatic entrance. As the story unfolds, anime fans can brace themselves for the impending tragedies in the Shibuya Incident arc.