The Shocking Reason Meg Griffin Is the Most Hated Character in Family Guy

The Shocking Reason Meg Griffin Is the Most Hated Character in Family Guy

Unraveling the Mystery: The Meg Griffin Phenomenon - A closer look at the infamous Shut Up Meg catchphrase and its comedic appeal, shedding light on the true reasons behind Meg's polarizing character in Family Guy

Why is Meg universally disliked by the characters on Family Guy? From the very beginning, Meg faced rejection from her own parents, who attempted to abandon her at a fire station when she was just a baby. Throughout her school years, she endured relentless bullying from her peers, and this mistreatment continued within her own home. Her family consistently showed little interest in her life and would purposely avoid acknowledging her presence. Even inanimate objects like her stuffed animals would flee from her, with Sunshine Bear tragically even resorting to jumping in front of a truck to escape living with her.

Peter Griffin's treatment of his daughter is so abhorrent that he should likely face legal consequences, and unfortunately, the rest of the Griffin family's treatment of Meg is not much better. Peter frequently evicts her from the house, throws objects at her, and even subjects her to flatulence. At one point, he actually sold Meg to the Goldman family and prayed for her to cease existing. Meg also falls victim to Lois' bullying, as she even washes Meg's clothes with baby Stewie's soiled diapers and engages in a relationship with Meg's boyfriend. While the rest of the family does not mistreat Meg to the same extent as her parents, they still avoid her, ridicule her appearance, and subject her to verbal abuse. But why does everyone harbor such strong animosity towards Meg?

There's No Real Reason Everyone Hates Meg

The Shocking Reason Meg Griffin Is the Most Hated Character in Family Guy

Family Guy uses dark humor to portray Meg's abuse, which is meant to provide comic effect. The jokes directed towards Meg are excessively dark even for the show's standards. However, it is important to note that Meg does not deserve the intense hatred she receives. What adds to the humor is how exaggerated and undeserved the abuse becomes. Family Guy is known for its extreme sense of humor, as seen in Peter's ongoing feud with the human-sized chicken in Quahog. The disdain towards Meg fits into this pattern. The reason for the widespread hatred towards Meg is because it is deeply ingrained in the Family Guy universe. While it would be abhorrent in real life, the show's morality operates differently in the fictional town of Quahog.

Although the treatment of Meg as a running gag is extremely dark, it goes beyond the surface level in comparison to other recurring jokes in Family Guy. The consistent ridicule aimed at Meg makes her a relatable outsider within a dysfunctional family that lacks effective communication. All she desires is acceptance and affection, which are absent from her life. Her desperation even leads her to make inappropriate attempts at entering romantic relationships with criminals, corpses, Brian Griffin (the talking dog), police officer Joe Swanson, and the notorious creep Quagmire. The dark comedy surrounding Meg's presence in Family Guy continues to escalate as years of unwarranted abuse push her into becoming a deranged killer who eventually murders for pleasure.

Why "Shut Up Meg" Is So Funny Despite Being Hateful

The Shocking Reason Meg Griffin Is the Most Hated Character in Family Guy

Why is "Shut up Meg!" such a commonly heard phrase? The reason behind the widespread disdain for Meg remains unexplained, but the humor in the "hating Meg" joke stems from her relatability as a character throughout the series. Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane intentionally crafted Meg to be someone that many viewers can identify with, particularly those who have experienced being an outsider or facing unwarranted mistreatment. Furthermore, Meg's appearance is intentionally ordinary within the Family Guy universe, which heightens the absurdity of the abuse she endures.

As a teenage character initially portrayed as more conventional than her eccentric family, Meg struggles to fit in. The other characters, lacking common ground with Meg, tend to avoid engaging with her and treat her poorly. This is especially evident in Peter Griffin's case, as he shares few interests with his daughter and prefers the company of his son Chris. Additionally, there are hints that Peter's animosity towards Meg may be partially rooted in the fact that he is not her biological father. Various episodes suggest a Family Guy twist where Meg could potentially be the daughter of an unidentified character named Stan Thompson.

Why is Meg despised by everyone? While Family Guy may never reveal the reason, the widespread hatred towards Meg is evident. It comes as no surprise that the phrase "Shut up Meg" has become one of Family Guy's most iconic one-liners. Meg constantly faces the disintegration of her self-esteem, inflicted by her loved ones, which, in turn, leads to her engaging in unhealthy relationships and displaying homicidal tendencies. Alienated and misunderstood, Meg is essentially the outcast of the family. Her desperate teenage longing to fit in makes her relatable, and her experiences of trauma provoke viewer sympathy.

Mila Kunis Gets "Shut Up Meg" All The Time In Real Life

The Shocking Reason Meg Griffin Is the Most Hated Character in Family Guy

During an interview on The Graham Norton Show, Mila Kunis, the voice actor for Meg on Family Guy, admitted that she often hears the infamous "Shut up Meg!" catchphrase from random people passing by. Despite the seemingly harsh comments, Kunis takes it all in stride and actually finds it amusing. She understands that these fans, although a bit crude, are simply showing their love for the show and the character of Meg Griffin.

Indeed, in spite of the harsh treatment received by Meg, Kunis has effortlessly portrayed the character and remained committed to the show, despite the ongoing neglect from the Emmys towards Family Guy. Although the show has yet to receive any Emmy Awards, the widespread adoption of Family Guy catchphrases in everyday life demonstrates the significant impact that Mila Kunis and the rest of the cast have had on the audience.

Meg Is Slyly The Funniest Family Guy Character

The Shocking Reason Meg Griffin Is the Most Hated Character in Family Guy

When it comes to Meg from Family Guy, audiences will always remember the iconic phrase "Shut up Meg!" However, little do they know that she is actually the show's secret comedy gem. Meg stands out as one of the funniest characters in Family Guy for two specific reasons. Firstly, she represents the most relatable character in the series. If there is anyone in Family Guy who can resonate with viewers, it is undeniably Meg. Her storylines usually revolve around realistic situations, and apart from her brief stint as a deranged killer, she embodies the typical unpopular high school girl. Meg's ability to maintain balance amidst the chaotic antics of her family members, such as Stewie's time travel, is truly remarkable. Moreover, she often delivers hilarious remarks about her own family.


When Did The Everyone Hates Meg Joke Begin?

serves as the voice of reason within the Griffin family, stepping in when Brian fails to fulfill this role. Unlike her family members, Meg never willingly participates in their outrageous schemes and often expresses her thoughts on their foolishness. Despite being despised by everyone on Family Guy, Meg is secretly an essential character to the show and consistently delivers some of the best one-liners. Episodes like "Barely Legal" from season 5, in which Meg develops a crush on Brian, or "Dial Meg For Murder" from season 8, where she ends up in prison, stand out as some of the funniest and most memorable classic episodes of Family Guy.

The Shocking Reason Meg Griffin Is the Most Hated Character in Family Guy

Why is Meg universally despised? Although the disdain had existed since the show's inception, it was slightly less conspicuous during the earlier seasons. In those early days, the mistreatment was less severe, predominantly coming from Peter and Meg's peers who would mock her for being mundane. Unlike her eccentric and exaggerated family members, Meg exhibited a more ordinary demeanor. However, things took a turn for the worse in season 4 when the derisive comments targeting her physical appearance commenced.

Meg's abuse began in the very first episode of season 1, "Death Has a Shadow." Peter punished Meg for adjusting the thermostat and when she attempted to fix her deformed face after collagen lip injections, her mother refused to help. This pattern worsened over time. In the second episode, "I Never Met Mr. Daddy," Peter expressed disappointment in Meg's birth and she faced bullying at school. Season 4 only intensified her suffering. In "Don't Make Me Over," a boy rejected Meg due to her appearance, prompting Peter to reinforce this criticism. "Petarded" hinted at Meg's real father abandoning her. With 21 seasons, the running gag of Meg's mistreatment remains a dark but enduring joke in Family Guy history.
