The Shocking and Controversial Truths About Fear The Walking Dead, Revealed by Reddit Users
Discover the controversial opinions that divided fans of Fear The Walking Dead's first season From underrated characters to unexpected deaths, find out what Reddit users really think about the show's key moments and character developments
The first season of Fear The Walking Dead was intense and underrated, with a unique portrayal of the zombie apocalypse.
The lack of chemistry and one-sidedness of John and June's relationship disappointed some fans. The Vultures, although a great group of antagonists, had an untapped storyline potential due to subpar writing.
Since its launch, opinions about Fear The Walking Dead from fans have been divided, revealing that not everyone shares the majority's desires. AMC intentionally marketed the spinoff to appear distinct from the original series, depicting the world's collapse as the apocalypse unfolded, and introducing a family dynamic that was absent in the main show. However, this aspect was short-lived, lasting only two seasons. Due to lower viewership compared to its parent series, changes were implemented, but not all fans were pleased with them.
Fear The Walking Dead became even more distinctive as doomsday cults emerged alongside the zombies, and nuclear bombs wreaked havoc on parts of the country. The prequel series continued to portray the unforgiving nature of the zombie apocalypse, with none of the Fear the Walking Dead characters truly safe from constant danger. While the walkers within the show are relentless, the audience's response can be equally harsh. Many viewers expressed their frustrations on Reddit, highlighting their dissatisfaction with the shocking deaths and heart-wrenching moments. Although some of these critiques gained popularity, not all were well-received.
12 The First Season Is Underrated
When Fear the Walking Dead premiered its first season, fans were left disappointed. It lacked the compelling characters of the main show and failed to establish a strong foundation. Many viewers found it so underwhelming that a reboot was necessary, resulting in the demise of most characters from that initial season, with the exception of Alicia and Strand. However, Toxic64 expressed a different viewpoint, calling it "intense" and praising scenes such as the outbreak and the finale, claiming to never have been bored with season 1. They even went as far as to dub it one of the best seasons within the entire Walking Dead universe.
Although some agreed with Toxic64, it's important to note that this perspective is based on a retrospective evaluation, rather than the general sentiment at the time of release. Commenters pointed out specific issues with the first season, emphasizing that the time jump undermined the show's unique setup and that the depiction of society crumbling under the outbreak was fleeting due to the fast-paced nature of the episodes.
11 John & June Had No Chemistry
Fear the Walking Dead aimed to create a compelling relationship between John Dorie and June that would eventually result in the heartbreaking experiences fans expect from the franchise. John rescued June when she washed ashore, and their bond grew into love. Tragically, their relationship took a devastating turn when Dakota, a villain, shot and killed John. Despite the emotional impact on fans, a user from Acadia-Emergency expressed the unpopular opinion that John and June lacked chemistry. This viewpoint was supported by other Redditors who noted that the show's attempt to replicate the beloved Glenn and Maggie relationship fell short and felt unbalanced in John's favor.
10 Chris Is Extremely Realistic
Being a teenager during an apocalypse is no easy task, and this holds true for Chris in Fear The Walking Dead. According to a Reddit user named HizzOVizzA, it is understandable why Chris struggled with his father being in a new relationship and having step-siblings, considering he had already lost his mother at the end of season one. This loss left him feeling isolated.
Given these circumstances, it is not surprising that Chris took the path he did. While his actions may have been dark and led to his demise, it reflects the realistic struggles of a teenage boy dealing with both the zombie apocalypse and the challenges of adjusting to a world he didn't comprehend. However, some fans viewed Chris as someone who added unnecessary problems to an already dire situation.
9 Travis' Death Was Perfect
Critics have pointed out that deaths in The Walking Dead are often predictable and tied to character development or heroics. However, Fear The Walking Dead took a different approach with Travis.
"Travis' death was handled flawlessly. Unlike TWD, where deaths are easily anticipated, Fear surprises viewers with unconventional and unfair character demises," comments EyesOnly41. "I truly appreciated Erickson's decision to strip away plot armor, adding a sense of realism." Although Travis' death had elements of heroism, as he saved his friends from his own infected state, it came as a sudden shock to fans. This unexpected twist is a perfect fit for a zombie-themed show.
8 Alicia Is Overrated
Alicia, a character in Fear The Walking Dead, is often well-liked by fans, but some find her irritating. Redditor Alone_Lemon criticizes her for swinging between being boring and following clichés. They believe she is the least interesting of the original characters and should have been the first to die out of the three Clarks.
While it may not be entirely fair to label Alicia as trope-y, as many characters in the show can be described the same way, it is true that her character relied heavily on her relationships with the Clarks. Once those relationships could no longer be explored, she struggled to find a purpose in a show with a talented cast. This could be why some fans feel she is overrated. Thankfully, her story arc improved towards the end of her time on the show, allowing her to prove her worth.
7 The Vultures Were Great
The Vultures, often regarded as a pointless and directionless group that derailed Season 4, have sparked some interest among fans. Despite acknowledging imperfect execution, the group's potential remains a subject of debate.
According to Reddit user bythepoole, "The Vultures were formidable antagonists and posed a genuine threat. However, their potential was squandered due to subpar writing." If portrayed in a more menacing manner, the Vultures could have been truly terrifying, but this applies to any disappointing villains. Regrettably, the wider fan base generally viewed the Vultures negatively, as evident by their complete annihilation, leaving only Charlie and June.
6 Chris Deserved To Die
While some fans sympathize with Chris' pain and inner conflict, others are disappointed by his choices. "Chris is the most foolish character," says Redditor Dezoufinous. His decisions caused him to become isolated from his group and brought him closer to his demise.
However, fans should also acknowledge that Chris had valid beliefs. In Fear The Walking Dead, survival often depends on kill-or-be-killed instincts, and Chris understood this well. Nevertheless, it is understandable if fans cannot forgive him for killing James and making other cruel choices. By the time Chris met his tragic end, he had become a complex character, but it is debatable whether he deserved death more than anyone else, regardless of individual opinions on Fear The Walking Dead.
5 Great Worldbuilding
The shows within The Walking Dead universe often highlight the grim and brutal reality of the world. With numerous deserving characters dying and others deserving to meet their demise, the heroes' encounters reflect the unpredictable nature of survival. This exceptional world-building leaves fans with a constant sense of uncertainty, as it instills the belief that no one is truly safe.
This is precisely why fans argue that Fear The Walking Dead has excelled in terms of world-building. However, some feel that it has been slightly underwhelming following the reboot, as pointed out by JordanRob1nson on Reddit. Nevertheless, the inclusion of the Bazaar alone adds depth to the world, illustrating how a post-apocalyptic society would inevitably shape itself. In a world where criminality no longer poses a significant issue, the show skillfully showcases this aspect.
4 Should Have Ended With Season 5
Many fans of Daredevil and Game of Thrones believe that both series should have had longer runs, however, there are differing opinions when it comes to Fear The Walking Dead. According to Reddit user Ravadge_, Season 5 should have taken a different direction and served as the conclusion of the series. Rather than focusing on helping people, the season could have been about the Fear group's journey across America, culminating in a meeting with Rick Grimes in the finale. While this crossover never occurred, it allowed Fear the Walking Dead to maintain its identity and conclude on its own terms.
3 Bringing In The Walking Dead Characters Ruined The Show
Fear The Walking Dead was originally pitched as a series that would illustrate the decline of the world into the dystopian setting featured in The Walking Dead. It was intended to serve as a link between the real world and that fictional universe. However, the convergence of the two ends was always a foreseeable outcome, although this was not well-received by some fans.
According to a Reddit user named NewIndependence6819, "Seasons 4 and 5 deviated from what initially captivated the original fanbase. The introduction of characters from the main show was believed to improve ratings, but it had the opposite effect." This can be understood considering that many viewers appreciated the show for its own strengths, rather than its connections to unexpected events in The Walking Dead. Nevertheless, it is important for fans to recall the show's original concept.
2 Morgan Needed His Own Show
Fear The Walking Dead's character Morgan may not have received the treatment he deserved, according to some fans. Redditor PucaFilms suggests that if Morgan had ventured into his own unique show, it could have been much more successful. The format could consist of shorter seasons, around 6 to 8 episodes, where Morgan would explore new areas of the state and encounter new allies, enemies, or challenges.
While the concept runs the risk of becoming repetitive, it remains an intriguing opinion within the Fear The Walking Dead community. Morgan's determination and loyalty, along with his other qualities, would make him a compelling protagonist. Such a series could also provide ample opportunities for captivating character development. With Morgan's departure from Fear The Walking Dead, it remains to be seen where his story will lead next.
1 Madison Was the Worst
Madison, the mother of the Clark family, played a central role in the show until her presumed death. However, while some fans eagerly anticipate her return, others approach it with apprehension. A prevalent viewpoint among Fear The Walking Dead enthusiasts is that she had a negative impact on the show.
According to Redditor xgeezitskimx, "The other characters in the show have much more compelling character arcs. Nick and Alicia have become far more captivating." They argue that Madison would not have survived the actual apocalypse, as she repeatedly put everyone in danger and likely would have perished as a consequence. While this criticism is common for maternal characters in post-apocalyptic settings, it fails to acknowledge the necessity of someone taking charge and making mistakes to protect the group. Madison's return highlights her continued significance to the story.