Fear The Walking Dead Season 8's Infamous Plot Hole Intensifies
Fear The Walking Dead Season 8's Most Frustrating Plot Hole Intensifies The Georgia Setting and a Trip to the Sanctuary Expose the Glaring Issue Can the Main Show's Cast Aid in Overcoming Troy?
Warning: Spoilers for Fear the Walking Dead season 8, episode 9
Article Overview
In Fear the Walking Dead season 8, episode 9, it is revealed that a group of survivors seek refuge in the Sanctuary, utilizing it as a covert location. Furthermore, this episode establishes a connection between Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead as it revisits Georgia, where the franchise originally began.
The close proximity between Alexandria and the Sanctuary, as depicted in the episode, suggests that the main cast of the show could potentially offer assistance in defeating Troy. This notable plot hole in Fear the Walking Dead became even more apparent after Dwight and Sherry returned to the Sanctuary. In episode 9 of Fear the Walking Dead season 8, titled "Sanctuary," the remaining crossover characters from FTWD unexpectedly paid a visit to the Sanctuary, a significant location in the main show and a crucial part of Dwight and Sherry's history. The events of this episode provided insight into who currently occupies the Sanctuary in The Walking Dead timeline.
This isn’t the first time The Walking Dead has returned to Negan’s original headquarters in the franchise. It appeared multiple times after the Saviors’ defeat in the All-Out War. However, it has significantly changed from the villain base it once was in seasons 7 and 8. Nevertheless, due to the factory's size and defensibility, it still serves its purpose on occasion. Fear the Walking Dead season 8 confirms that a group of survivors eventually sought refuge in the Sanctuary and began using it as a hideout. Through utilizing the Sanctuary, FTWD successfully brings another entry saturated with nostalgia into the franchise. However, in doing so, it revives a question that has haunted previous episodes.
Fear The Walking Dead Season 8's Georgia Setting Has Created A Plot Hole
After spending extensive time in Texas, Fear the Walking Dead shifted its focus further east, returning to the starting point of the franchise in Georgia. Morgan even revisited the house where he and Rick confronted the zombies in The Walking Dead pilot episode. By exploring this location, FTWD strengthened the connection between itself and the main series, bringing its original characters to a place that held significant importance in the original show. Although The Walking Dead had not been set in Georgia recently, it is worth noting that Rick's group never ventured too far from the franchise.
Most members of Rick’s group are based in Alexandria, a well-known location in Virginia. This proximity to the main characters of FTWD presents a compelling reason for their worlds to finally intersect, even after existing in separate corners of The Walking Dead universe for years. Additionally, Madison’s group is not ignorant of Alexandria’s existence, as both Morgan and Dwight have previously visited. In fact, Morgan has openly discussed Alexandria and its location in Virginia. Given the threats faced from PADRE in part 1 and now Troy Otto in Fear the Walking Dead season 8 part 2, Alexandria naturally becomes the most evident choice for an ally.
Visiting The Sanctuary Makes FTWD's Plot Hole Even More Obvious
The events in "Sanctuary" demonstrate how easily the show could utilize Alexandria. The arrivals of Sherry, Dove, and June at the Sanctuary to retrieve Dwight showcase the manageable distance between Alexandria and PADRE. If characters from the main show can travel between Alexandria and the Sanctuary within a single episode, it is evident that the two locations are not significantly far apart. With the revelations presented in "Sanctuary," it is now evident that Alexandria can be visited at any point in Fear the Walking Dead season 8.
The Walking Dead's Main Show Cast Can Still Help Defeat Troy
In order to ensure the safety of PADRE's children, the characters' primary objective was to seek assistance from Alexandria, a logical course of action. Morgan had suggested this plan as early as season 4, despite the considerable risks involved due to their location in Texas at the time. The considerable geographical distance between the two shows has traditionally created a significant divide among their respective casts, but "Sanctuary" effectively diminishes this divide.
Although Alexandria may not have received the attention it deserves, it still holds the potential to play a significant role in the future. Given that Morgan is actively searching for Rick, it's very possible that he has already made his way to Alexandria. In such a scenario, there is a chance for an unexpected appearance by Rick in the finale of Fear the Walking Dead. This could lead him to join forces with Madison's group and the Alexandrians in a final epic showdown against Troy. Supporting this theory, Dwight could prove to be the crucial link between these events.
Daryl's warning to Dwight in The Walking Dead season 8 finale was clear - if he tried to come back to Alexandria, he'd be killed.
Although Dwight is not accepted there, the dangerous circumstances might compel him to brave the odds and guide his friends straight to Alexandria. This decision could set the stage for an exciting face-off and a conclusion that brings both groups together in the last episode. By leveraging the conflict with Troy, Madison and the others could forge an alliance with the Alexandrians, potentially securing a lasting shelter for the children of PADRE.
Fear the Walking Dead releases new episodes on Sundays on AMC.
Editor's P/S
As an enthusiastic fan of Fear The Walking Dead, I have mixed feelings about the show's latest plot hole. On the one hand, I am excited about the possibility of seeing the main cast of The Walking Dead come to the aid of the survivors in the Sanctuary. On the other hand, I am concerned that this plot hole will further damage the credibility of Fear The Walking Dead.
I have always been a fan of Fear The Walking Dead, but I have to admit that the show has been struggling in recent seasons. The writing has been inconsistent, and the characters have been underdeveloped. The plot hole in "Sanctuary" is just one example of the show's recent problems.
However, I am still hopeful that Fear The Walking Dead can turn things around. The show has a lot of potential, and I believe that the writers can still find a way to make it work. I am excited to see what happens in the rest of season 8, and I am hopeful that the show will return to its former glory.