The Ruthless Pursuit of Nezuko: Muzan's Ultimate Goal in Demon Slayer

The Ruthless Pursuit of Nezuko: Muzan's Ultimate Goal in Demon Slayer

Nezuko's newfound immunity to sunlight sparks curiosity while Muzan's sinister intentions make her a prime target Dive into the captivating world of Demon Slayer to unravel the mysteries behind this intriguing dynamic

In the Swordsmith Village Arc of Demon Slayer Season 3, significant revelations unfolded about the past life of Muzan Kibutsuji, the Demon King, and the events that led to his transformation into the first demon. Originally, Muzan was a delicate young man plagued with a terminal illness that threatened to end his life before he turned 20. This impending death instilled a deep fear in him, which he carried throughout his centuries as a demon.

Desperate for a cure, Muzan received treatment from a doctor using an experimental medicine derived from the Blue Spider Lily. Frustrated by his disfigurement, Muzan killed the doctor, but soon came to realize that he had been healed, except for his sensitivity to sunlight and insatiable hunger for human flesh.

Driven by the desire to eliminate the only remaining threats to his life, Muzan spent centuries searching for the same flower that had seemingly granted him his cure. However, the focus of Demon Slayer now shifts to Muzan's relentless pursuit of Nezuko Kamado. Despite being a demon, Nezuko possesses the ability to withstand sunlight. Muzan aims to absorb her in the hopes that she will assist him in his quest for true immortality and the transcendence of death itself.

How Is Nezuko Immune To Sunlight?

The Ruthless Pursuit of Nezuko: Muzan's Ultimate Goal in Demon Slayer

Nezuko's immunity to the sun sets her apart from all other demons. Throughout the centuries, no demon, not even Muzan, has been able to withstand sunlight without incinerating into ashes. In the intense battle against Upper Rank Four Hantengu, as the sun ascended above the village's surrounding mountains, Tanjiro faced a challenging decision.

Although Tanjiro had beheaded Upper Rank Four, he witnessed the headless body of Urami, one of Hantengu's manifestations designed to protect the main body, pursuing a group of defenseless swordsmiths. Balancing the task of shielding his sister from the impending daylight and rescuing her from certain death was a formidable task. However, Nezuko took matters into her own hands. She forcefully kicked Tanjiro aside, propelling him towards Hantengu's enlarged and headless form. After defeating the demon, Tanjiro surveyed his surroundings and realized that his sister was still alive. To his astonishment, Nezuko had partially regained her human traits, including the ability to speak. With freedom to walk beneath the sunlight, Nezuko approached her brother, and he embraced her with overwhelming joy at her unexpected survival.

Why Is Muzan Targeting Nezuko?

Nezuko's immunity to sunlight has been linked to various factors. One theory suggests that her rapid growth, fueled by the high concentration of Muzan's blood she ingested during the attack on her family, contributes to her invulnerability. This notion gains support from the Swordsmith Village Arc, where Tamayo revealed Nezuko's blood was evolving at an astonishing rate, capable of even curing a demon in Asakusa. Another speculation points to Nezuko's exceptional lineage, which includes ancestors who practiced Sun Breathing techniques and her mother's knowledge of the rare Blue Spider Lilies. Furthermore, Nezuko's refusal to feed on human flesh and her reliance on sleep for recovery may have played a crucial role in her unique development.

The Ruthless Pursuit of Nezuko: Muzan's Ultimate Goal in Demon Slayer

Muzan, throughout his life, has strived to eliminate his sole vulnerability. However, his desperation has intensified in recent arcs of Demon Slayer as three of the Twelve Kizuki's Upper Ranks have met their demise. The fact that these ranks had remained unaltered for centuries emphasizes that the tides of the Demon Slayer Corps' battle against Muzan's forces are finally turning against the Demon King.

For centuries, Muzan's attempts to obtain the rare Blue Spider Lily and complete his treatment have been in vain. This elusive flower only blooms during select instances in the daytime throughout the year. To locate it, Muzan has transformed people into demons, exploiting their loyalty and utilizing his own strength and charisma. Despite his efforts, Muzan's fear of death, particularly from the sun, still persists. However, when Muzan learns that Nezuko, through Hantengu's memories, has achieved what he could not, he becomes ecstatic. He sees an opportunity for Nezuko, the only demon who can help him, to absorb her power and free him from his sun-induced dread. With this development, an exhilarating finale awaits, as the Demon Slayer Corps must confront Muzan directly to prevent him from capturing Nezuko.

Demon Slayer is available to stream on Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu & Netflix.