The Role of the Faith Militant in Game of Thrones

The Role of the Faith Militant in Game of Thrones

The Faith Militant, reinstated by Queen Cersei Lannister during King Tommen Baratheon's reign, becomes a catalyst for her downfall This article explores the origins, actions, and consequences of the religious faction known as the Faith Militant in Game of Thrones

Article Key Points

The Faith Militant in Game of Thrones is a militaristic faction that enforces their religious ideals forcefully and without exemptions, causing chaos in the Seven Kingdoms.

Cersei Lannister revives the Faith Militant, a group that punishes those who oppose their beliefs. This leads to the imprisonment of significant individuals, including Cersei, due to charges of adultery, incest, and regicide.

The downfall of the Faith Militant occurs when Cersei masterminds the destruction of the Great Sept. As a consequence, Margaery Tyrell dies, and Cersei loses her authority and alliances, ultimately resulting in her defeat at the hands of Daenerys Targaryen.

The separation of church and state has gained importance today due to the significant threats and violence that have occurred in history when religious groups shared equal ruling power with the government and imposed their beliefs on the populace. In Game of Thrones, this perilous scenario is vividly depicted through the revival of the Faith Militant.

The Faith Militant staunchly uphold the traditional Faith of the Seven and vigorously impose their principles, showing no mercy to those who dissent or oppose them. Although they have had numerous leaders throughout their existence, the High Sparrow assumed leadership during the events of Game of Thrones.

Who Are The Faith Militant?

If it weren't for the assistance of the Crown in some manner, the Faith Militant would not have any power in the Seven Kingdoms. However, those in power residing in King's Landing are unaware that the Faith Militant holds everyone accountable to obey their beliefs and face the consequences of their sins.

The Role of the Faith Militant in Game of Thrones

The Faith Militant, followers of the Faith of the Seven, exert their ideals through a militia-style force. This military order dates back to the early days of Westeros' conquest, when they collaborated with the Andal Invaders to conquer and convert captives, under the leadership of the High Septon. Known as Septons, these members of the Faith Militant were recognized by the carved seven-pointed star on their foreheads. However, when the Faith Militant's uprising grew increasingly uncontrollable during King Jaehaerys Targaryen's reign, the king disbanded the organization, putting an end to their activities for several years.

Queen Mother Cersei Lannister revived the Faith Militant, a religious order called the Sparrows, and their leader, the High Sparrow, to undermine House Tyrell. In a meeting with the High Sparrow in the impoverished neighborhoods of King's Landing, she declares the significance of the faith and the crown, emphasizing their mutual dependence and the need to safeguard each other.

With their reestablishment, the Faith Militant initiated raids within King's Landing, targeting individuals who were found guilty of transgressing against their religious doctrines, such as engaging in homosexuality, committing adultery, practicing incest, or perpetrating murder. Despite Cersei's explicit instruction for them to focus primarily on the Tyrell clan, given their track record of committing such offenses, she soon realized that their allegiance rested solely with the Faith of the Seven, rendering no one exempt from violating their religious laws.

The Faith Militant in Game of Thrones


High Sparrow/Faith Militant

First Appearance

"High Sparrow" (Season 5, Episode 3)

Last Appearance

"The Winds of Winter" (Season 6, Episode 10)

What Happens to the Faith Militant?

The Role of the Faith Militant in Game of Thrones

During the ordeal with the Faith Militant, Ser Loras Tyrell is apprehended for his homosexual relations, while his sister, Queen Margaery Tyrell, is arrested for giving false testimony regarding her brother's accusations. The situation takes a dramatic turn when Cersei is also detained, charged with adultery, incest, and regicide (the act of murdering or plotting to murder a king). Held captive in the dungeons of the Red Keep, Cersei remains there until she confesses to her crimes.

Eventually, Cersei confesses to the charge of adultery, while vehemently denying the other allegations. Remarkably, the High Sparrow accepts her confession and orders Cersei to serve her initial sentence by undergoing a humiliating "walk of atonement". This degrading punishment involves Cersei being publicly shamed as she walks through the streets of King's Landing, stripped naked and with her head shaved, derided by both the Faith Militant and the citizens.

Embarrassed and infuriated, Cersei opts out of attending her own trial, where Margaery, Loras Tyrell, and Lady Olenna Tyrell are also present. Initially, the attendees, including House Tyrell, the majority of the Faith Militant, and the High Sparrow, perceive Cersei's absence as a result of her arrogance and shame. However, they soon discover that she intentionally failed to appear because she had plotted to detonate the location with wildfire. Consequently, the Great Sept erupts in a catastrophic explosion, claiming the lives of everyone inside and ultimately putting an end to the new Faith Militant's dominion.

How Do the Faith Militant Cause Cersei's Downfall?

The Role of the Faith Militant in Game of Thrones

With the demise of Margaery Tyrell, King Tommen succumbs to despair and chooses to end his own life. This tragedy leaves Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion as the sole surviving members of House Lannister. Although Cersei is officially crowned queen following the death of her last child, her authority is already being questioned by her subjects. The people of King's Landing, having witnessed Cersei's vulnerability during her walk of atonement, no longer perceive her as a formidable force. Consequently, Cersei immediately experiences a significant decline in her control over the populace.

In addition, House Tyrell's alliance proved significant for the Lannister army due to their multiple alliances. However, when House Tyrell was murdered in the Great Sept, Cersei lost all their allegiances, compelling her to seek soldiers elsewhere, primarily through the hiring of mercenaries. Jaime Lannister urged his sister to explore alternatives or succumb to the might of Daenerys Targaryen, as he witnessed firsthand the strength of both the Dothraki army and the approaching dragons, poised to conquer King's Landing.

Disregarding her brother's pleas, Cersei obstinately disregarded Daenerys' warnings. This decision ultimately proved disastrous as her forces were overwhelmingly crushed by the opposing armies, completely unable to withstand the power and wrath of the dragons.

The Role of the Faith Militant in Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is an epic tale that draws its inspiration from George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire book series. It takes us on a journey through the tumultuous world of Westeros, where powerful families like the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, and Targaryens clash for dominance. Amidst the intricate web of human conflicts, Westeros faces the ominous return of dragons and the looming threat of an undead army beyond the Wall.

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Editor's P/S

The Faith Militant, a religious faction in Game of Thrones, plays a pivotal role in the downfall of Queen Cersei Lannister. Initially reinstated by Cersei to undermine her rivals, the Faith Militant's extremism and thirst for power ultimately consume her.

Their forceful imposition of religious ideals and disregard for exemptions create chaos in the Seven Kingdoms. The imprisonment of significant individuals, including Cersei herself, on charges of adultery, incest, and regicide, showcases their ruthless pursuit of righteousness. However, their demise comes when Cersei masterminds the destruction of the Great Sept, resulting in the death of Margaery Tyrell and the loss of Cersei's authority and alliances. This downfall highlights the perilous consequences of blurring the lines between church and state, as religious groups with ruling power can lead to violence and oppression.