The Rising Star of French Media: HugoDecrypte, the 26-year-old YouTube Sensation

The Rising Star of French Media: HugoDecrypte, the 26-year-old YouTube Sensation

Discover the dynamic world of French journalism through HugoDecrypte, a pioneering media outlet tucked away in Paris' vibrant 11th arrondissement. This innovative platform is capturing the attention of young French audiences with its engaging news coverage and fresh approach to storytelling.

Hugo Travers may not consider himself a journalist, but he is possibly the most well-known one in France.

At just 26 years old, Travers is the creator and public figure of HugoDecrypte, a French media company that provides news specifically targeted towards young people. What started as a YouTube channel by a university student eight years ago has now grown to have 14 million followers on social media, with 200 million views per month on TikTok and an additional 35 million on YouTube.

HugoDecrypte's Instagram account has a larger following than Le Monde, the renowned French daily newspaper, as well as BFMTV and France24, two of the most popular 24-hour news networks in France. Additionally, its daily news update is the most downloaded podcast in the country, according to media monitor ACPM.

In a recent interview with CNN, Travers shared, "What's unique is that I initially started as a YouTuber and still see myself primarily as a YouTuber."

Travers, or whatever name you may know him by, has definitely struck a chord with young audiences in France who are turning away from traditional media. In a country where distrust of the news industry is particularly high compared to other parts of Europe, Travers has managed to create something that appeals to these viewers.

Alice Antheaume, the vice-dean at the Sciences Po Journalism School, noted that Travers is widely regarded as a trustworthy source of news.

Given the popularity of YouTube among young people aged 15 to 34, many important French politicians, including President Emmanuel Macron, have appeared on Travers' channel to connect with a younger audience. Travers has interviewed almost all the candidates running for president in 2022.

Even though Macron won re-election, he has faced challenges in maintaining support from younger voters as his policies have shifted towards a more conservative direction. In January, Macron appointed 34-year-old Gabriel Attal as the youngest prime minister in the country's history, with the goal of revitalizing his government.

Travers, right, interviewed French President Emmanuel Macron last year.

Travers, right, interviewed French President Emmanuel Macron last year.

Travers, right, interviewed French President Emmanuel Macron last year.

HugoDecrypte’s 10-minute news digest is available on YouTube and audio platforms every weekday. The host, Franco-British Travers, presents the news in a casual manner from behind a desk, with animations or stock videos accompanying the summaries.

Francois Jost, a retired professor from Sorbonne Nouvelle University in Paris who specializes in French media, mentioned that the channel's "effective use of visuals" attracts a younger audience.

The HugoDecrypte team doesn't avoid covering major news stories, but they often seek input from their viewers when deciding on the main story. They tend to prioritize topics like mental health issues and conflicts that receive less attention in the mainstream media, such as those in Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Travers emphasized that from the very beginning, their focus has been on creating a news platform with a serious journalistic approach. He acknowledged that although the format may be different, the commitment to quality news remains the same.

Starting with just a Chromebook and an idea, the team has worked tirelessly to develop a platform that delivers reliable news content to its audience. The simplicity of their tools has not hindered their dedication to providing accurate and engaging journalism.

Eight years ago, when Travers started the channel, he only had a Chromebook without editing software. Despite this, he had gumption and experience. As a middle school student, he had already started a website with friends where they covered local sports and news in the suburb west of Paris where he grew up.

By 2015, Travers was studying at Sciences Po, a prestigious university in Paris. The idea for his YouTube channel came from two realizations.

Travers' daily news round-ups, usually delivered from behind a desk, are very popular among younger French audiences.

Travers' daily news round-ups, usually delivered from behind a desk, are very popular among younger French audiences.

Travers' daily news round-ups, usually delivered from behind a desk, are very popular among younger French audiences.

Joshua Berlinger/CNN

Travers had been interested in politics for years but found it difficult to understand political coverage in French media when watching debates on television with his friends.

He also realized that like many others in Gen Z, he spent a lot of time on YouTube. While he had favorite channels for history and science, he didn't have a preferred source for journalism in French.

The HugoDecrypte channel was created with the aim of providing quick and easy-to-understand news updates for young French viewers. Travers wanted to make informative videos that were both accessible and detailed, without talking down to his audience or assuming they already knew too much. These videos were then shared directly on social media platforms.

HugoDecrypte boasts 14 million followers across social media platforms.

HugoDecrypte boasts 14 million followers across social media platforms.

HugoDecrypte boasts 14 million followers across social media platforms.

Joshua Berlinger/CNN

"My generation is constantly on YouTube," he explained. "It's important to create content where people are spending their time. If I'm on YouTube or Instagram, why wouldn't I want to stay informed on those platforms?"

In order to grow, Travers made the decision to hire more staff. Benjamin Aleberteau, a recent graduate, joined HugoDecrypte as the first employee in January 2019 and now serves as the editor-in-chief. The team has since grown to about 25 employees, working from a modern office located at the end of a cobblestone alley in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. The newsroom is designed to resonate with their target audience, with a video game console in the kitchen, a friendly dog wandering the halls, and all team members appearing to be in their 20s.

Travers’ in-depth interviews go beyond politics and have become a sought-after platform for promoting films, books, and TV series to the Francophone audience. He recently hosted Christopher Nolan to discuss the then-Oscar frontrunner “Oppenheimer,” as well as Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya before the release of the “Dune” sequel. Other Francophone celebrities like Angele, Omar Sy, Tahar Rahim, and Virginie Efira have also graced his show.

HugoDecrypte’s success is particularly impressive given the challenges faced by the French news media industry. Similar to their English-language counterparts, French news outlets are dealing with declining advertising revenue, the proliferation of misinformation, and a growing distrust in the media.

Many English-language media companies have switched to subscription-based models to stay afloat. However, in France, only 11% of individuals surveyed are willing to pay for news, as reported by the Reuters Institute.

 HugoDecrypte went from a one-man operation eight years ago to a team of 25 people today.

HugoDecrypte went from a one-man operation eight years ago to a team of 25 people today.

HugoDecrypte went from a one-man operation eight years ago to a team of 25 people today.

Joshua Berlinger/CNN

Jost at Sorbonne Nouvelle University and Antheaume at the Sciences Po Journalism School mentioned that HugoDecrypte tends to focus on explanatory journalism, which is more cost-effective and quicker to produce compared to original reporting.

Travers believes that the two types of journalism can work together, with HugoDecrypte exploring potential partnerships with traditional news organizations or investigative outlets. In terms of revenue, HugoDecrypte generates income through advertising, partnerships, and sponsored content.

Travers believes that the brand's success can be attributed to its original mission of creating content that is easily accessible. This includes not having a paywall and actively engaging with younger audiences on social media.

Establishing trust with the audience is a key priority for the brand.

HugoDecrypte decided to join TikTok earlier than other French media in order to connect with Gen Z.

Many people in France viewed TikTok as a platform mainly for teenagers, focused on dancing and challenges. However, Travers believed that there were still millions of young people on the platform who were interested in news and politics.

Trust is important. The French public is becoming more doubtful of newspapers and TV channels owned by billionaires such as Xavier Niel or Vincent Bollore. Their conservative media empire is often likened to Rupert Murdoch's.

Travers informed CNN that he made a deliberate choice not to raise capital early on. He thinks this decision has helped the business to expand steadily.

Personification is another strategy that has been used. By associating the brand with Travers' name and image, it is believed that he has been able to build trust among young audiences who may not trust traditional media. Experts suggest that people are more inclined to trust individuals over media brands, especially on social media. Antheaume mentioned that HugoDecrypte aligns well with this preference for personal connection.

Travers has made a conscious effort to remain neutral and objective, in contrast to other well-known English-speaking news figures.

HugoDecrypte has found success by leveraging various trends in the French news sector. Although the brand is expanding into English and Spanish content, it remains uncertain if this approach will be as effective.

Travers and editor-in-chief Aleberteau understand the difficulties of creating a cross-cultural brand. However, they are confident that their model can succeed wherever social media is present.

Aleberteau pointed out that there is always a demand for information in every country. He also mentioned that there are always young individuals eager to stay informed.

Editor's P/S:

Hugo Travers's HugoDecrypte has revolutionized news media in France by catering specifically to the needs of young audiences. Its success highlights the growing distrust in traditional media and the importance of accessibility, engagement, and trust in reaching Gen Z. Travers's commitment to providing quality journalism without a paywall has resonated with young viewers, establishing HugoDecrypte as the most popular news source among them.

The article also emphasizes the power of personification and the trend towards explanatory journalism. By associating the brand with Travers's name and image, HugoDecrypte has built a strong connection with its target audience. Explanatory journalism, which focuses on providing clear and concise explanations of complex issues, has proven to be more cost-effective and engaging for younger viewers. As HugoDecrypte expands into new markets, it remains to be seen whether its unique approach will translate effectively, but its success in France serves as a testament to the changing landscape of news media and the importance of understanding the evolving needs and preferences of younger generations.