The Rise and Fall of a Polygamous Family

The Rise and Fall of a Polygamous Family

Exploring the tumultuous journey of a polygamous family and the events that led to its downfall.

The Unraveling of a Polygamous Family

In a world where unconventional family dynamics are put under the spotlight, the Brown family from 'Sister Wives' stood out with their polygamous lifestyle. What started as a unique concept of multiple wives and children slowly turned into a tale of discord and disintegration. Let's delve into the top 8 moments that marked the rise and fall of the Brown family.

1. The Power Struggles

From Christine's split to Janelle's departure, Kody's relationships with his wives were plagued by power struggles and resentment. The dynamic of a plural marriage led to independent decision-making and strained connections, ultimately sowing the seeds of discontent.

Polygamous marriages often involve a hierarchical structure, with one husband and multiple wives. In the Brown family, Kody's wives had varying levels of authority and influence, leading to resentment and conflict. Christine, Janelle, and Meri felt marginalized and undervalued compared to Robyn, who was perceived as Kody's favorite.

Sister Wives Christine Brown wearing pink t-shirt with Janelle Brown side-eyeing her

2. The Ill-Fated Coyote Pass

A move to Coyote Pass in Arizona was meant to bring the family closer but only fueled existing tensions. Dividing the land among the wives led to further divisions and disputes, highlighting the cracks in their unity.

Coyote Pass was a 430-acre property in Arizona that the Browns purchased in 2018. The plan was to divide the land into separate parcels for each wife and their children. However, disagreements over land allocation and construction plans caused further divisions within the family.

sister wives coyote pass map

3. Estrangement from Utah

Leaving behind their Utah home marked a pivotal moment in the Brown family's journey. The fear of legal repercussions and the subsequent separation of homes set the stage for a fractured family dynamic that would only worsen over time.

The Browns left Utah in 2011 due to legal concerns over polygamy. The move to Las Vegas and later to Arizona created a physical and emotional distance between the family members. The separation of homes made it difficult for the wives to maintain close relationships with each other and with Kody.

4. The Cul-De-Sac Conundrum

Living in close proximity in Las Vegas provided a sense of unity that was short-lived. Kody's paranoia and subsequent move to Arizona shattered the last semblance of togetherness, pushing the family further apart.

In Las Vegas, the Browns lived in a cul-de-sac with separate homes for each wife. This arrangement provided a sense of unity, but Kody's paranoia about the neighbors led him to move the family to Arizona. The move shattered the last semblance of togetherness and pushed the family further apart.

Kody Brown Sister Wives in suit looking concerned with Janelle, Christine, and Meri in background

5. Favoritism and Discord

The introduction of a new wife, Robyn, brought forth feelings of favoritism and neglect among the existing wives. Kody's actions and preferences created rifts that would prove difficult to mend, leading to a breakdown in trust and communication.

Robyn Brown joined the family in 2010 as Kody's fourth wife. Kody's preferential treatment of Robyn created feelings of jealousy and resentment among the other wives. The favoritism led to a breakdown in trust and communication within the family.

6. Neglecting the Foundations

Meri, Kody's first wife, bore the brunt of his neglect, signaling a decline in their relationship long before the family's unraveling. The lack of attention and care further eroded the family's unity and cohesion.

Meri Brown, Kody's first wife, felt neglected and unloved for years. Kody's lack of attention and care eroded their relationship and contributed to the family's decline. Meri's unhappiness and isolation became a catalyst for the family's eventual unraveling.

Montage of Sister Wives Meri Brown orange background

7. The Impact of COVID-19

The global pandemic exacerbated existing tensions within the family, with differing views on safety measures driving them further apart. Kody's strict rules and actions during this time deepened the divides, setting the stage for a fractured holiday season.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing tensions within the Brown family. Kody's strict rules and isolation measures during the pandemic drove the family further apart. The differing views on safety measures highlighted the deep divisions within the family.

8. The Monogamous Shift

As Kody and Robyn found themselves in a monogamous relationship, the dynamics of the family underwent a significant shift. The addition of a fourth wife highlighted the strains already present in the plural marriage, leading to unforeseen consequences.

In 2021, Kody and Robyn announced that they were entering into a monogamous relationship. This decision marked a significant shift in the family dynamics and highlighted the strains already present in the plural marriage. The addition of a fourth wife had put pressure on the family structure and ultimately led to its collapse.

Kody and Robyn Brown Sister Wives at wedding


In conclusion, the journey of the Brown family serves as a cautionary tale of the complexities and challenges that come with unconventional family structures. From power struggles to favoritism and neglect, each aspect played a role in the eventual disintegration of a once-united family.