The Remaining Forsaken: Unveiling the 7 Survivors After Season 2

The Remaining Forsaken: Unveiling the 7 Survivors After Season 2

Discover the remaining Forsaken in Wheel of Time as the battle intensifies Unravel the mystery behind the missing villains and anticipate the thrilling conclusion in Season 2

Article Overview

The Wheel of Time TV series has dropped hints that there are only 8 Forsaken instead of the 13 from the books, indicated by the number of statues and broken seals.

After defeating Ishamael, Rand now faces the daunting task of defeating seven more Forsaken, a major obstacle in his quest to defeat the Dark One. Of the Forsaken introduced in the TV series, Ishamael and Lanfear have been vanquished, with mentions of Sammael and Graendal, leaving three unidentified individuals yet to be revealed. The identities of these remaining Forsaken still remain a mystery.

The Wheel of Time, a fantasy series on Amazon Prime Video, has introduced many mysteries in its first two seasons. Some of these mysteries cannot be answered by the books that the show is based on. One such mystery is the number of Forsaken remaining in the series and their identities. The Wheel of Time is adapted from a collection of fourteen novels written by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. It follows the story of the search for the Dragon Reborn, a powerful individual who has the potential to either save or destroy the world. The conflict between good and evil is a major theme in The Wheel of Time, and the Forsaken play a significant role on the side of evil. According to the books, the Forsaken are thirteen individuals who fought for the Shadow side during the War of Power. They are considered the Dark One's most loyal and powerful followers. Although they were believed to be imprisoned with the Dark One after the war, the Forsaken eventually manage to escape and wreak havoc in the world. Ishamael, one of the Forsaken, frequently appears in the television series and is crucial in determining how many Forsaken are still left for Rand, the protagonist, to confront.

Wheel Of Time Season 1's 8 Forsaken Theory Explained

The Remaining Forsaken: Unveiling the 7 Survivors After Season 2

In The Wheel of Time books, there were originally 13 Forsaken, but the television series suggests that there are only 8 in this adaptation. This is hinted at during season 1, episode 5 when Steppin and Lan discuss the Forsaken and their potential escape. Surrounding them are statues of each Forsaken, and noticeably, there are only 8 statues instead of 13. This is the first and most significant indication that the television series has omitted several major villains from the books. Additionally, the conclusion of season 1 further supports this theory as Rand does not encounter the Forsaken Balthamel and Aginor.

Another aspect of the television adaptation that bolsters the 8 Forsaken theory can be seen in the seals featured at the end of season 2. These seals denote the number of individuals who were imprisoned along with the Dark One after the war. However, in the season 2 finale, only 6 seals are apparent. Since Ishamael and Lanfear had already been released, adding their broken seals to the remaining 6 brings the total to 8. In summary, by piecing together these subtle clues, it is confirmed that The Wheel of Time television series features 8 Forsaken rather than the original 13.

Wheel of Time's 6 Seals Suggests Rand Only Has 7 Forsaken Left To Defeat

When it comes to the Forsaken villains in The Wheel of Time, the next puzzle to solve is determining how many of them are still left for Rand to conquer. In the television series, Rand has already encountered two Forsaken characters, Ishamael and Lanfear. By the conclusion of season 2, Ishamael has been defeated. If there are a total of 8 Forsaken and Rand has already triumphed over Ishamael, that means there are 7 remaining that he needs to vanquish. While not all of the Forsaken have been introduced, their names have been mentioned, and it is certain that they will make their appearance in future episodes.

In general, understanding the number of remaining Forsaken that Rand needs to overcome is crucial as they obstruct the Dark One’s path. From the outset, it becomes evident that defeating the Dark One serves as Rand's ultimate objective, necessitating that he first addresses the formidable challenge posed by the Forsaken. These adversaries are consistently persistent and exceptionally perilous. This is exemplified by Lanfear, who enticed Rand under the guise of Selene in The Wheel of Time season 2. Ultimately, Rand's vanquishing of Ishamael merely serves as the initiation of a substantially larger undertaking that culminates in conquering the Dark One.

Wheel Of Time Has Already Confirmed 2 Of The Missing Forsaken

The Remaining Forsaken: Unveiling the 7 Survivors After Season 2

There are 8 Forsaken characters in The Wheel of Time, but only two have been fully introduced thus far. The first is Ishamael, who makes his appearance right at the beginning of The Wheel of Time season 2. Once Rand is officially declared the Dragon Reborn, Ishamael closely observes him and devises a long-term scheme to assassinate Rand by manipulating those around him. Ishamael poses a significant threat not only because he is one of the Forsaken, but also because he served as the Dark One's trusted right-hand man. His immense power and cunning nature make it all the more satisfying when Rand ultimately slays him at the conclusion of season 2. However, Ishamael is not the sole danger to Rand's life.

The Wheel of Time's second introduction of Forsaken, dubbed Lanfear, is also a presence in season 2. Lanfear initially poses as Selene, an innkeeper, adding an air of mystery to her true identity. While she may not hold the esteemed position of the Dark One's right hand, Lanfear showcases her awe-inspiring powers by engaging in a romantic relationship with Rand. This clever maneuver makes it challenging for him to resist her, even upon discovering her connection to the Forsaken. By the conclusion of season 2 of The Wheel of Time, Lanfear remains alive and ready to cause further mischief. In addition, there are mentions of two more Forsaken, Sammael and Graendal.

The Wheel of Time Forsaken

Do They Appear In The Wheel of Time TV Show?

Are They Mentioned In The Wheel of Time TV Show?








































Who Are The Last 3 Forsaken?

The Remaining Forsaken: Unveiling the 7 Survivors After Season 2

The Wheel of Time has introduced Ishamael and Lanfear and mentioned Sammael and Graendel, meaning that there are 3 remaining Forsaken for the series to introduce. Since the television series only includes 8 Forsaken instead of 13, there are a few possibilities for who they could be. These include Asmodean, Balthamel, Aginor, Rahvin, Moghedien, Semirhage, Messana, Be'lal, and Demandred. It is unlikely that Asmodean will appear, as his role in the books seems to be taken by Logain. Balthamel and Aginor are also unlikely, as their encounters with Rand in the books did not occur in the series.

In addition, Moghedien does make an appearance at the end of The Wheel of Time season 2. Although it may not be clear to audiences who she is, she confronts Lanfear in the final moments of the finale and reveals that the other Forsaken have been released. This leaves two spots remaining for potential appearances in The Wheel of Time season 3. Rahvin, Semirhage, Messana, Be'lal, and Demandred are the last remaining options. The identity of the Forsaken will remain a mystery until the next season is released.

Editor's P/S

As a fan of The Wheel of Time, I am intrigued by the show's adaptation of the Forsaken storyline. The books depict 13 Forsaken, but the TV series appears to be limiting their number to 8. This change has generated speculation and excitement among fans, as we anticipate how the show will handle the remaining Forsaken and their impact on the overall narrative.

The revelation that there are only 8 Forsaken in the TV series raises questions about which characters will be omitted and how their absence will affect the story. Will the show introduce new Forsaken not present in the books? How will the remaining Forsaken be developed and portrayed? These uncertainties add an element of unpredictability and freshness to the adaptation, keeping fans engaged and eager for answers.
